IBM Support

IBM Sterling Order Management, IBM Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy), and IBM Sterling Call Center 22.1 Release Notes

Release Notes


Resolved issues for IBM Sterling Order Management, IBM Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy), and IBM Sterling Call Center in Release 22.1 and the subsequent minor updates.


22.1 Minor update 2
Defect Case Number Description
IBM Sterling Order Management

Internal In Javadoc, the getChargeTransactionRequestList API output shows information of ChargeTransactionDetails. This information is not shown in the application.

Solution: Updated the Javadoc for getChargeTransactionRequestList API. Also, removed the ChargeTransactionDetails tag.

592540 TS007238796

The sql query fired on ‘Where is my Shipment’ screen, when the order line has no associated drop-ship order, is now optimized.

592553 TS006786340 The application is enhanced to bypass token validation such that the Application Manager opens successfully when SSO is enabled.
592666 Internal Incorrect capacity consumption is observed when the user performs the following steps:
  1. Creates a node STORE_1 with two capacity resource pools, one each for PICK and SHP deliveryMethod. Standard capacity is defined.
  2. Adjusts inventory for ITEM_1 at STORE_1.
  3. Creates reservation RSV_1 for two promise lines from ITEM_1 at STORE_1 with different DeliveryMethod - PICK and SHIP. Here, one capacity is consumed for both resource pools against inventory reservation.
  4. Calls the createOrder API with two order lines - node STORE_1 and ItemID ITEM_1, along with the reservation information. The delivery method on lines are SHP and PICK.
The inventory reservation is removed but capacity consumption is incorrectly consumed.
592675, 592676 Internal, Internal The getResourcePoolCapacity API is enhanced to read capacity availability from Capacity Cache.

For more information about the getResourcePoolCapacity API, see Javadoc.

592696 TS007478554
The RETURN_FULFILLMENT value that is hardcoded in the createInputforFindInventory method, by default returns RETURN_FULFILLMENT.
Solution: The fulfillmentType response is added to the getCompleteOrderDetails request template. Due to this, the fulfillmentType response is directly passed to the createInputforFindInventory method, which returns the updated value from the createInputforFindInventory method.
592928 Internal A new property, ycd.ui.wsc.angularJs.cacheburst is added. By default, the value is set to N, which means cache burst is disabled. If you set value to Y, it bursts cache by considering timestamp in milliseconds.

It is recommended that you set a string value for this property. For example, ycd.ui.wsc.angularJs.cacheburst=v1.0.

For more information about the property configuration, see Manage user interface cache busting.

592811 TS008197305 The inventory quantity is now adjusted correctly on shipping orders for time sensitive items, when there are multiple supply records in YFS_INVENTORY_SUPPLY table for the same inventory item.

Internal The manageCapacityReservation API is enhanced to support locking for capacity availability for Service resource pools (PS/DS). Locking happens depending on the parameters that are passed in A new attribute LockCapacity is introduced. To avoid locking for capacity availability, LockCapacity="N" can be passed in manageCapacityReservation input.

For more information about the manageCapacityReservation API, see Javadoc.

592822 Internal The application is enhanced to delete the YFS_RES_POOL_CAPACITY_LOCK record when the corresponding YFS_RES_POOL_CAPCTY_CONSMPTN record is deleted.

TS008336028 The application looped infinitely when an invoice amount was more than the booking amount.

Solution: The application is now enhanced such that the invoice processing does not run into an infinite loop.

592941 TS009045021 The programmatic configuration of log4j2 is fixed such that the log files now roll over.

TS008995680 A null point exception is observed when opening Process Types under Process Modeling in the Application Manager.

Solution: The jboss-deployment-structure.xml is updated to add the missing package and the Application Manager now works as expected.

592953 Internal The application is enhanced to consider LastInventoryItemKey passed in the getInventoryItemList API.

Internal An error is thrown when uploading Employee Discount in Master Data Upload in SBC. This was caused due to the behavior change in Apache commons fileuploader v1.4 library that was upgraded from earlier v1.3.3 in 22.1 as part of the Struts v2.5.26 upgrade. This issue is now resolved.
Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy)
592710 TS007536857 A new property, ycd.ui.wsc.angularJs.cacheburst is added. By default, the value is set to N, which means cache burst is disabled. If you set value to Y, it bursts cache by considering timestamp in milliseconds.

It is recommended that you set a string value for this property. For example, ycd.ui.wsc.angularJs.cacheburst=v1.0.

For more information about the property configuration, see Manage user interface cache busting.

22.1 Minor update 1
Defect Case Number Description
IBM Sterling Order Management
591941 Internal
The manageCapacityReservation API does not update capacity. When an update in capacity is needed, resource pool consumption is locked. The lock is released only with transaction commit, due to which the other processes that require capacity updates for the same resource pool are delayed.

Solution: The manageCapacityReservation API is enhanced to update capacity during transaction commit similar to order and inventory reservation APIs. If yfs.yfs.persitCapacityAdjustments is set to true, you can pass PersistCapacityAdjustments="Y" in manageCapacityReservation API such that capacity is updated only when a transaction is committed.

For more information about the manageCapacityReservation API, see Javadoc.

592447 Internal A work order gets purged without considering the sales order purge.

Solution: The documentation is updated. For more information about the fix, see Work order purge.

592465 TS006947828
When Hot SKU is used with timeout locking, database deadlock error can lead to partial rollback of transaction in db2.
Solution: The Hot SKU feature is enhanced to handle deadlock error by rolling back the complete transaction.
592513 TS006850968 Any service that uses E-mail component can now configure the To field by providing the value directly or as an SMA property.
592534 Internal The findInventory API runs into loop when an unplanned supply is removed from YFSGetAvailabilityCorrectionsForItemListUE user exit.
592609 TS007495523 You can now access YCPTokenAuthenticationUE through App Manager. You can implement YCPTokenAuthenticationUE to provide custom logic for managing user authentication tokens.
592640 TS007513824 The APITester Pages (ibmapitester and yantrahttpapitester) are now UTF-8 encoded to avoid any garbling of values.
592652 Internal
You can now disable server auto-termination from server configuration by setting the following yfs property in 


Note: You can still terminate the server from Self Service tool for a clean shutdown.

592654 TS006701919 The importAvailabilityCache API is not updating already existing alert when only alert level and alert quantity is changed.
592681 TS007746721 A Sales Order product line that is scheduled against a Transfer Order and is associated with a work order, when processed by releaseOrder API, does not change its status, even though no inventory is available to release the line.

Solution: A new property yfs.workorder.backorderAfterApptEndDate is added. When it is set to Y, the releaseOrder API moves the product line to backordered status if work order appointment is expired. The default value of yfs.workorder.backorderAfterApptEndDate is N.

592762 TS007578764
For order lines with segment information, the YFSGetExternalInventoryForItemListUE user exit is not called.

Solution: The application is enhanced to invoke YFSGetExternalInventoryForItemListUE user exit when segment information is present on order lines. User exit is called once for each product item, if segment information is present.

592771 Case: TS008305646  Skill Case: TS008399219 Customer can now save and view order attribute filter information from SBC coupon and promotions screen.
592773 TS008252959
On drop ship procurement order line, total was not shown against a line having bundle item.

Solution: The ordered_quantity attribute is now updated correctly during the drop ship order, such that the total value is shown against a line having bundle item.

592780 TS008157229 If yfs.yfs.consolidateToShipment.checkBasedOnAddress is set to Y, the consolidateToShipment API consolidates shipments based on the actual address and not on order header's shipTo key.
592782 TS008142141 The password field did not accept special characters in SMA.

Solution: The special characters ($^*) are added to the regular expression such that the password now accepts special characters in SMA.

592787 Internal AllocationRuleID is added to the getTemplateForGetPossibleSchedules method in the output template.
592791 Internal When you apply this fix pack, the application by default uses log4j version 2 for logging. For more information about log4j version 2, see the following topics: 
592808 TS008054228 During dynamic distribution, charges are created for positive invoices even without any mapping to authorization records, which caused order processing to loop infinitely.

Solution: The payment collection logic is enhanced such that the order processing does not run into an infinite loop and performs efficiently.

592813 TS007407200
When the total value of order changes to negative value, the pricing becomes null. Thus, a NullPointerException is observed.
Solution: A void check is carried before using a pricing rule, so that the NullPointerException is resolved.
592829 TS008540897 A NullPointerException that was observed for an invoiced order when payment rule was changed to a target payment rule with Authorization disabled, is now resolved.
592831 Internal
After a struts upgrade, the filter classpath is changed from to org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.filter.StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter. Due to which, you can still see an old filter class in the final web.xml.
Solution: A validation is added for the filter class entry to avoid overwriting the web.xml when merging extended web.xml with the out of the box web.xml. The validation ensures that the correct filter classpath is reflected in the final web.xml.
592841 TS008517237 The start and end date of a pricing rule is now considered when evaluating pricing rules that are based on attributes.
592844 TS008579097
An error is thrown when there is a non-standard entity definition of Name and Value columns in YFS_STORE_BATCH_CONFIG entity.
Solution: Data extract is enhanced such that it checks whether a column exists for the fed input and the cases (uppercase, title case, and lowercase) of the input.

Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy)
592702 TS008098537
The French language translation literals are incorrect.

Solution: The incorrect characters for French language translation literals are updated.

592785 TS008403401
Incorrect status is displayed for product lines that are not shipped.
Solution: "Cannot be Returned" status is displayed for product lines that are not shipped.
592791 Internal
When you apply this fix pack, the application by default uses log4j version 2 for logging. For more information about migrating and customizing log4j version 2, see the following topics:
IBM Sterling Call Center
592791 Internal
When you apply this fix pack, the application by default uses log4j version 2 for logging. For more information about migrating and customizing log4j version 2, see the following topics:
Defect Case Number Description
IBM Sterling Order Management
592475 TS006351044 In IBM Sterling Order Management with IBM Inventory service integrated environment, the CreateOrder API that consumes reservation must remove capacity reservation that is created during the initial reservation API call.
592481 TS005518214

You can now log out of web store successfully using in the Chrome browser.

592516 TS006596629 The EAR build process is fixed to retain any web services files that are patched into the EAR file.
592548 Internal The Received message is not an instance of a text message exception is displayed when a synchronous or an asynchronous service that is configured to use JMS compression/decompression, is called, and the jmxproxy is enabled.
592549 Internal The YDB92_001 error is displayed while inserting a message of size more than 1 MB to the YFS_REPROCESS_ERROR table in the DB2 database.

Solution: The application is enhanced to perform an auto compression of data before inserting it into database. When database is Db2, data size is more than 1 MB, and the column supports data compression.
592550 Internal The SQL query to fetch records from YFS_ITEM in the createOrder/changeOrder API is optimized to improve performance when creating or changing large orders.
592576 TS007572787 Sourcing Audit Cache debug statements must be printed only with the scheduleOrder API and when the sourcing audit is enabled.
592593 Internal The SQL query to fetch records from YFS_REGION_DETAIL in the createOrder/changeOrder API is optimized to improve performance when creating or changing large orders.
592606 TS007271368
The YFSGetDeliveryLeadTime user exit is pushing ETS to ReqDeliveryDate that is passed in the createOrder API when user performs the following steps:
  1. Creates a Transfer Order by passing RecievingNode and ReqDeliveryDate attributes and keeping ShipNode as blank.
  2. Returns blank output for the YFSGetDeliveryLeadTime user exit when ShipNode is blank.
Solution: You must set the yfs.promising.doNotPushShipDate property to Y to stop pushing ETS to ReqDeliveryDate.
592651 TS007695665
A NullPointerException is observed when application purges an inventory reservation with tag information.
592663 TS006575015
Two clashing bundle keys with different values - Order and Sales Order, are incorrectly displayed in the Application Console.
Solution: The value of Sales Order in under key 0001_Order is modified.
592672 Internal
The TaxableFlag attribute is added inside the YPMOverrideGetOrderPriceUE input and output user exits. When promotions or coupons are applied, this UE is invoked and customer can override the TaxableFlag. The database table yfs_order_line.taxable_flag is updated as per the value in UE.
592679 TS007902223 A NullPointerException is observed if the following conditions are met when calling the scheduleOrder API:
  • The capacity is maintained externally.
  • The Consider Only those nodes that have a minimum available capacity of x % within y Days checkbox is selected in sourcing rule details.  
592688 TS008152292 Documentation is updated for inventory purge.
592695 TS008024564 Documentation is updated for Close manifest.
592698 Internal Struts is upgraded to version 2.5.26.
592713 Internal
While refunding a charge, link is not available to corresponding settlement charges in user exit for the same payment type.
Solution: For a payment type, the Link Payment Refund To Settlement Transactions configuration in IBM Sterling Business Center is added. When you configure this setting, a link that is corresponding to settlement transactions is provided during the refund.
Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy)
592677 TS007955387 In the Ship orders screen, the total number of ship packages count does not match with the actual total number of packages.
592693 TS008015636
In the Ship packages screen, after you add a parcel carrier to the store and confirm a shipment, the error message, "Orders cannot be shipped" is displayed.
Solution: During confirm shipment, the ScacIntegrationRequired flag is fetched from the most recent shipment that is created in the store.
592698 Internal Struts is upgraded to version 2.5.26.
592699 TS008020527
In the Pack products screen, the remaining quantity to pack for a product is not displayed.
Solution: In the Pack products screen, the Remaining quantity field is added to each product. You can now view the remaining quantity to pack for the corresponding product.
IBM Sterling Call Center
592698 Internal Struts is upgraded to version 2.5.26.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"Sterling Order Management"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CbuEAAS","label":"Archive (DO NOT USE)->Sterling Order Management System"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 April 2022

