IBM Support

Readme for 7.1.5-TIV-ITM_DB2-FP0000

Fix Readme


Readme file for 7.1.5-TIV-ITM_DB2-FP0000 release.


(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2023.
All rights reserved.
Component: IBM(R) Tivoli(R) Composite Application Manager for Applications V7.2.1.2: Tivoli(R) Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2

Component ID:5724B96DO
Publication Date: 04 October 2021 
Last modified Date: 15 December 2023


1.0 General description


This fix provides the enhancements that are listed in the "Problems Fixed" section. 
This fix also includes the superseded fixes listed in section 3.3.

2.0 Download Package

IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2 can be downloaded from IBM Passport Advantage website by using the part number, M036SML.
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Applications V7.2.1.2: IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2 v7.1.5, Multiplatform, Multilingual (M036SML).
When this image file is downloaded from the IBM Software Support website or from Passport Advantage, the following rules apply:
  • You can install the image file locally on a system that hosts a licensed copy of IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases.
  • You can install the image file locally on a system that does not host a licensed copy of IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases.
  • You can populate agents to the depot.
  • You can deploy agents remotely to the existing or new installations.
3.0 Problems fixed
3.1 Enhancements and Fixes:
3.1.1 Enhancements:
RFE CP4MCMENG-740: ITCAM DB2 agent is missing an overall Buffer Pool Hit Ratio value as per DB2 documented value.
In this ITCAM Agent for DB2 release, changed the Buffer Pool Hit Ratio computational formula according to Db2 documentation. The revised formula is:
Buffer pool hit ratio = (( pool_data_lbp_pages_found + pool_index_lbp_pages_found +
  pool_xda_lbp_pages_found + pool_col_lbp_pages_found - pool_async_data_lbp_pages_found -
  pool_async_index_lbp_pages_found - pool_async_xda_lbp_pages_found -
  pool_async_col_lbp_pages_found )  /  ( pool_data_l_reads + pool_index_l_reads +
  pool_xda_l_reads + pool_col_l_reads + pool_temp_data_l_reads +
  pool_temp_xda_l_reads + pool_temp_index_l_reads + pool_temp_col_l_reads )) × 100
This enhanced formula considers data pages, index pages, column organized pages, XML storage pages activity while  calculating buffer pool hit ratio, hence it provides more accurate value.
The computational formula for following attributes are updated:
  Attribute group               :   Attributes
  KUD_DB2_Database00            :   Pool Hit Ratio
  KUD_DB2_Database01            :   Pool Hit Ratio Percent for Interval
  KUD_DB2_Bufferpool            :   Pool Hit Ratio
  KUD_DB2_Tablespace            :   Pool Hit Percent, Pool Hit Ratio for Interval
All dependent attributes mentioned in the formula are collected by executing SQL query on the respective MON_GET table functions.
  Attribute group             :   Source of collection for dependent attributes
  KUD_DB2_Database00          :   SQL query on MON_GET_DATABASE
  KUD_DB2_Database01          :   SQL query on MON_GET_DATABASE
  KUD_DB2_Bufferpool          :   SQL query on MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL
  KUD_DB2_Tablespace          :   SQL query on MON_GET_TABLESPACE
To collect buffer pool hit ratio attribute, the user who starts the DB2 agent must have EXECUTE privilege on
  MON_GET_DATABASE, MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL, MON_GET_TABLESPACE and MON_GET_CONTAINER routines for all databases. The detailed steps to grant required permissions are documented in “DB2 Agent Installation and Configuration” guide.
Impact on KUD_DB2_Tablespace attribute group:
The default collection method for KUD_DB2_Tablespace attribute group is changed from snapshot to SQL query. By setting KUD_T1_BY_SQL parameter to N, the data collection method can be switched back to snapshot.  But if data collection method is set to snapshot then buffer pool hit ratio is calculated by using the older formula.
3.1.2 Currency support for new versions of OS platforms:
3.1.3 Defect Fixes:
- Defect 144973:
   Abstract: Removed the agent support for AIX 32 bit, Linux S390 32 bit on IBM z Systems and Linux ia64 64 bit platforms.
- Defect 144899:
   Abstract: Removed the agent support for DB2 server versions: V9.5+, V9.7+, V9.8+, V10.1+.
- Defect 144900:
   Abstract:  Removed the dependency from library for IBM z Systems platforms.
- Defect 144970:
   Abstract:  Removed the dependency from library for Linux on x86-32, Linux on POWER System - Big Endian platforms.
- Defect 145049:
   Abstract: Fixed the agent crash issue during the agent process termination.
- Defect 142538:
   Abstract: Fixed the remote agent installation issue of "tacmd addSystem" command on AIX platform.
- Defect 144405:
   Abstract: Corrected readme file contents for Db2 agent on Windows platform.
3.2 Superseded fixes:
3.3 APARs and defects included from superseded fixes:
For details of this release, follow the link:  

4.0 Architecture and prerequisites

The following link is the Tivoli operating system and application support matrix. Refer to this matrix for the latest certification information.|HP|IBM%20i|Linux|Solaris|Windows&duComponentIds=S001&mandatoryCapIds=62|5&optionalCapIds=30|71|45|16|69
4.1 Prerequisites for this fix

5.0 Image directory contents

Electronic Part Number: ITCAM Apps Agent for Db2 M036SML
This fix image contains the following files and directories:
  • [InstallITM] 
  • [REPORTS] 
  • [license]         
  • notices            
  • silent_install.txt   
  • [Deploy] 
  • [WINDOWS] 
  • kcirunas.cfg  
  • non_ibm_license  
  • silent_config.txt 
  • [unix]
If you are working in a UNIX environment, use file to install. 
If you are working in a Windows environment, you can choose setup.exe in the directory [WINDOWS].

6.0 Installation instructions

  When this image file is downloaded from the IBM Software Support website or from Passport Advantage, these rules apply:
  •  You can locally install on a system that already hosts a licensed copy of IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases.
  • You can locally install on a system that does not already host a licensed copy of IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases.
  • You can populate agents to the depot.
  • You can remotely deploy agents to existing or new installations.
 6.1 Before installing the fix
- The prerequisites listed under section 4.1 entitled "Prerequisites for this fix" must be installed.
- For this readme file, the symbol <CANDLEHOME> is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory.
The default value for CANDLEHOME is '/opt/IBM/ITM' on Unix or Linux systems.
The default value for CANDLEHOME is 'C:\IBM\ITM' on Windows systems.
- If you customized the Monitoring Agent for Db2 ud.ini file on Unix/Linux system, this file needs be backed up before the fix installation. After this fix is installed, edit the latest ud.ini file and merge your modifications into this ud.ini file.
6.2 Local agent installation and update (including silent installation)
1. Transfer the appropriate archive file (M036SML.tar.gz or .iso) to a temporary directory on the system that contains the agent code to be updated. For this readme, the symbol <TEMP> represents the fully qualified path to this directory.
    Note: On Windows, the path includes the drive letter.  
2. Expand the archive file by using the tar command on UNIX systems or an unzip utility on Windows systems. It creates a directory structure that contains fixes for all of the supported platforms.
3. Use the procedures in the "IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Installation and Setup Guide" to install the agent.
4. Use the procedures in the specific database monitoring agent user's guide to complete the installation and configuration.
5. The bit of agent binary after upgrade remains the same as pre-upgrade on x86 and 64bit Windows. It does not support 32bit upgrade to 64bit binary.
Note: Support for 32bit Db2 Agent on Windows is obsoleted.
The installer for current version can only be used to install / upgrade 64 bit Windows Db2 Agent.

6.3 Remote agent update
1. Transfer the appropriate archive file (M036SML.tar.gz or .iso ) to a temporary directory on the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server system. For the purpose of this readme file, the symbol <TEMP> represents the fully qualified path to this directory.
Note: On Windows, the path includes the drive letter. 
2. Expand the archive file by using the tar command on UNIX systems or an unzip utility on Windows systems. It creates a directory structure that contains fixes for all of the supported operating systems.
3. To add this bundles into the remote deploy depot, use the tacmd addBundles command found in $CANDLEHOME/bin on UNIX systems or in %CANDLE_HOME%\bin on Windows systems.
For more information on the tacmd addBundles command, see Appendix A. Commands reference of the "IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide."
On a UNIX system: the fix was expanded to <TEMP>/M036SML:
     > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd addBundles -i <TEMP>/M036SML/WINDOWS/Deploy -t ud -f
     > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd addBundles -i <TEMP>/M036SML/unix -t ud -f 

        -i is the directory that contains the deployment bundles to be added to the depot.
        -t is the product code of the product to add, in this case ud represents the Monitoring Agent for DB2
        -f performs the actions without asking for confirmation
On a Windows system: the fix was expanded to <TEMP>/M036SML:
    > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd addBundles -i <TEMP>\M036SML\WINDOWS\Deploy -t ud -f
    > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd addBundles -i <TEMP>\M036SML\unix -t ud -f 

        -i is the directory that contains the deployment bundles to be added to the depot. 
        -t is the product code of the product to add, in this case ud represents the Monitoring Agent for DB2
        -f performs the actions without asking for confirmation
4. To log in to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, and deploy the fix to the appropriate nodes where the agent is running, use the following tacmd commands.
For more information on the tacmd login and updateAgent commands, see Appendix A. Command reference of the "IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide."
On a UNIX system: 
    > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd login -s <server>
                                  -u <itmuser> 
                                  -p <password>
    > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd listSystems

The output shows the managed system name for the OS agent on the remote system to be updated. Use this value as the target of the tacmd updateAgent command.                                    
    > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd updateAgent -t ud 
                                        -n <Managed system name>
                                        -v 07150000
On a Windows system:
    > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd login -s <server>
                                    -u <itmuser> 
                                    -p <password>
    > %CANDLE_HOME%/bin/tacmd listSystems
The output shows the managed system name for the OS agent on the remote system to be updated. Use this value as the target of the tacmd updateAgent command.   
    > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd updateAgent -t UD 
                                          -n <Managed system name>
                                          -v 07150000

If there are not prior version kud agent on remote system, then use the following tacmd addSystem command.
    > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd addSystem -t UD 
                        -n <Managed system name> 
                        -p INSTANCE="<DB2 instance name>"

- The <DB2 instance name> is the Db2 instance name to be monitored on remote system.
- The component (-t) for the updateAgent command is specified as two characters (ud), not three characters (kud).
- The node (-n) for the updateAgent command is the managed system name of the operating system (OS) agent to be updated. The target node for an updateAgent command is always an OS agent.
-The following error might occur when executing the updateAgent command on  Linux and UNIX endpoints; however, the agent is successfully updated. This error does not occur on Windows endpoints.
         KUICUA011I: Updating the UD agents.
         KUICUA015E: The updateAgent command did not complete because an error occurred.
         Refer to the following error returned from the server:
         The monitoring server encountered an error while updating the
         managed system type.
         The kuiras1.log file may provide more information about this error. 
         If you require further assistance resolving the error, contact IBM Software
         A timeout occurred while waiting for an agent task to complete on
         {node name}.
         The agent task did not complete within the configured time out period.
         Verify that the target system is online. Increase the time out value and try the operation again.

6.4 Agent support update
Use the following steps to update the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, or Tivoli Enterprise Portal
 1. Transfer the appropriate archive file (M036SML.tar.gz or .iso) to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Servers, IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Servers or Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktops. 
 2. Expand the archive file using the tar command on UNIX systems or an unzip utility on Windows systems. 
On Unix/Linux systems,
      > tar -xvf M036SML.tar.gz
This step creates a directory structure that contains fixes for all of the supported platforms.
4. Use the procedures in the specific database monitoring agent user's guide to complete the installation and configuration.
5. If the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server being updated is remote (not a Hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server) then restart the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.

7.0 Additional installation information

7.1 Verifying the update
1. To verify that the agent was updated correctly, use the "tacmd" command to view the current version of the agent after the agent is restarted. You are required to log in to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server before viewing the agent version. 
For example:
On Unix/Linux systems, where $CANDLEHOME is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory. The default location is /opt/IBM/ITM
      > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd login -s <server>
               -u <itmuser> 
               -p <password>

              <server> is the fully qualified hostname or IP address of the TEMS host
              <itmuser> is the user account on the TEMS host having sysadmin privileges
              <password> is the itmuser password .
      > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd listSystems -t ud
On Windows systems, where %CANDLE_HOME% is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory, the default location is C:\IBM\ITM
      > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd login -s <server>
               -u <itmuser> 
               -p <password>

              <server> is the fully qualified hostname or IP address of the TEMS host
              <itmuser> is the user account on the TEMS host having sysadmin privileges
              <password> is the itmuser password .
      > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd listSystems -t ud
When the agent update is successful, the agent version will be
- The component (-t) for the tacmd listSystems command is specified as two characters (ud), not three characters (kud).
2. To verify that the agent support files were updated correctly, use the kincinfo command on Windows systems or the cinfo command on Linux or UNIX systems to dump the component versions on each of the following systems: Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, and Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop.  
Note: The kincinfo and cinfo command output examples in the sections that follow show all components that can be updated.  If you do not have all of these components installed, then components that are not installed are not displayed in the output of these commands.  
    Sample output for the cinfo command on a UNIX or Linux systems
    To validate that all components have been installed, run the following command:
    This command offers you four options on the CINFO menu shown in the example that follows.  Choose the option that meets your needs.
*********** Tue Sep 21 05:58:12 PDT 2021 ******************
User: root Groups: root
Host name : conjuror1    Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /opt/IBM/ITM
...Product inventory
ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
         ls3266  Version:
gs      IBM GSKit Security Interface
         ls3266  Version:
jr      Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
         ls3266  Version:
ud      IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2
         ls3266  Version:
ue      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions
         ls3266  Version:
ui      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
         ls3266  Version:

   Sample output of the kincinfo command on a Windows System
   To validate that all components have been installed, run the following command:
       For example:
       > %CANDLE_HOME%\InstallITM\kincinfo -i
       >kincinfo -i
   kincinfo output:
   Windows: Monitoring Agent for DB2:
    UD        KUD(64-bit) CMA/IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2
          WIX64 Version: Build: 12591

    UE        KUE(32-bit) CMA/Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions
          WINNT Version: Build: d6350a
    UI        KUI(32-bit) CLI/Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
          WINNT Version: Build: 202108021216

8.0 Known problems and workarounds

Problem: When adding bundles for all Unix/Linux platforms in DB2, prerequisite action fails for HP-UX platform (hpi116) platform.
Workaround: Use tacmd addBundles command with -n.
For example, all platforms use: tacmd addBundles -n -i <Installer>\unix -t ud
Problem: tacmd addBundles command fails for Solaris platform with command "./tacmd addBundles -i <installer_directory>/unix -t ud -p sol286"
Workaround: Use the command "./tacmd addBundles -i <installer_directory>/unix -t ud -p sol286 -n"
Problem: When the Db2 agent is stopped abruptly, the watchdog process fails to start the Db2 agent.
Workaround: Start the Db2 agent manually.
Problem: DB2 Agent configuration with instance owner fails in case of installation is secured by secureMain and agent configuration is done by root user for the first time.
The agent configuration fails with following error:
   KCIIN0524E Error attempting to build a merge file /opt/IBM/ITM/tmp/.ud.rc (Permission denied)

   KCIIN0230E Unable to prompt for input...   
Workaround: When installation is secured by secureMain, manually assign write permission to the owner and the Db2 admin group for file .ud.rc.
Problem: User may face "Permission denied" issue while starting the agent after install/upgrade locally or remotely on Linux/Unix platforms.
Workaround: Provide "chmod -R 775 JRE config logs tmp auditlogs" permissions from candlehome directory.

Problem: If Customized SQL query contains the “order by” clause, then the relevant workspace does not show data and the Db2 server logs the following error in log file:
   The statement or command failed because it requires functionality 
   that is not supported on a read-enabled HADR standby database. 
   Reason code = "5".

Workaround: DB2 v11.1.0.0 server, or below does not support order by clause on standby. Hence Db2 agent cannot collect data for customized SQL workspace. To overcome this problem, you need to upgrade to DB2 v11.1.2.2 server that provides support for “order by” clause on standby.
For more information, see
Problem: When DB2 agent is pointed to ITM setup having DB2 support, HADR details workspace shows no data on UI.
Workaround: Upgrade DB2 agent from to

9.0 Additional product information


10.0 Copyright and trademark information

  A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at "Copyright and trademark information" at

11.0 Notices

  This information was developed for products and services offered 
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Document change history

Version Date Description of change
1.0 04 October 2021 Initial Version
2.0 15 December 2023 Added the 'Download Package' section

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS3JRN","label":"Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Applications"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
19 December 2023

