General Page
The IBM POWER10 Functional Simulator is a simulation environment developed by IBM. It is designed to provide enough POWER10 processor complex functionality to allow the entire software stack to execute, including loading, booting and running a little endian Linux environment. The intent for this tool is to educate, enable new application development, and to facilitate porting of existing Linux applications to the POWER10 architecture. While the IBM POWER10 Functional Simulator serves as a full instruction set simulator for the POWER10 processor, it may not model all aspects of the IBM Power Systems POWER10 hardware and thus may not exactly reflect the behavior of the POWER10 hardware.
- POWER10 hardware reference model
- Full instruction set simulator for Power ISA as implemented in POWER10
- Models complex SMP effects
- Architectural modeled areas:
- Functional behavior of all units (Load/Store, FXU, FPU, DFP, VMX, VSX, etc.)
- Exceptions and Interrupt handling
- Address translation, both Paravirtualized HPT and two level Radix Tree
- Memory and basic translation cache modeling (SLBs, TLBs, ERATs)
- Instruction Prefix Support
- VSX Matrix-Multiply Assist (MMA) Instructions for AI
- Reduced-Precision instructions to accelerate matrix multiplication
- Copy-Paste Facility
- New AIL/HAIL programmability feature for Linux/Hybrid cloud
- Linux and Hypervisor development and debug platform
- TCL command-line interface provides:
- Custom user initialization scripts
- Processor state control for debug: Step, Run, Cycle run-to, Stop, etc.
- Register and Memory R/W interaction
Version information
Latest RPM release: v1.2-4
Latest DEB release: v1.2-4
Supported x86_64 host operating systems for running the IBM POWER10 Functional Simulator
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x
- Ubuntu 20.04
Supported 64-bit Little Endian Linux distributions for booting the IBM POWER10 Functional Simulator
- Debian 11 (bullseye)
- Other distributions may function, however, no testing has been performed
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Document Information
Modified date:
01 November 2022