IBM Support

Release of QRadar 7.4.3 SFS (743_QRadar_FixPack_2020.11.0.20210517144015)

Release Notes


This technical note contains installation instructions, and a list of new features and resolved issues for the IBM Security QRadar 7.4.3 (743_QRadar_FixPack_2020.11.0.20210517144015) SFS. These instructions are intended for administrators who are upgrading to QRadar 7.4.3 by using an SFS file.


Reconfiguring SAML authentication

If you use QRadar Local Certificate Authority (CA), you must reconfigure SAML authentication after you upgrade to QRadar 7.4.3. To identify which CA you are using, follow these steps:
Note: This issue does not apply to QRadar on Cloud (QRoC).
  1. On the Admin tab, click Authentication.
  2. On the Authentication Module Settings window, select SAML 2.0.
If QRadar_SAML appears in the Certificate for signing and encryption field, you are using local CA.
SAML authentication
If single sign on or single logout fails, ensure that the QRadar SAML metadata that you uploaded to the Identity Provider matches the latest deployed metadata at https://<yourqradarserverhostname>/console/SAMLMetadata.
Also, ensure that you uploaded the root CA, root CA CRL, intermediate CA, intermediate CA CRL files of your selected certificate to the right location of the IDP server's certificate stores. When the provided QRadar_SAML certificate is used, you can download these files at:
Important: If you are using the provided QRadar_SAML certificate, the above steps are required after you restore QRadar from a backup.

Known issues in QRadar 7.4.3


Authorized Service tokens cannot be used after configuration restore

If you use the QRadar Data Synchronization app to perform a configuration restore, Authorized Service tokens cannot be used. For more information, and possible workarounds, see IJ33228.

AQL searches are corrupted after a Content Management Tool import

If you use the Content Management Tool (CMT) to import an AQL saved search, the search might be corrupted. For more information, see IJ32889.

Saved searches fail when Content Management Tool import changes properties
If you use the Content Management Tool (CMT) to import an AQL saved search, the search might change a property to the wrong property type, and the search fails. For more information, see IJ32874.
Flush key error messages in log for managed hosts
Repeating 'ErrorStream' messages appear in var/log/qradar.log, and in managed hosts that attempt to connect to other managed hosts over port 22. For more information, see IJ33650.
Configured backup repository might be reset
If you do not use /store/backup as the default path for your backups, after you upgrade to QRadar 7.4.3, your backups might fail. For more information, see IJ34657.

Resolved issues

For a list of APAR links of resolved issues in QRadar 7.4.3, see Authorized Program Analysis Reports.

Some APAR links might take 24 hours to display properly after a software release is posted to IBM Fix Central.

What's new

For information on what's new in QRadar 7.4.3, see the following information:

Upgrade information


QRadar 7.4.3 resolves reported issues from users and administrators from previous QRadar versions. This cumulative software update fixes known software issues in your QRadar deployment. QRadar software updates are installed by using an SFS file, and update all appliances attached to the QRadar Console.

The 743_QRadar_FixPack_2020.11.0.20210517144015 SFS file can upgrade the following QRadar versions to QRadar 7.4.3:

  • QRadar 7.3.2 (Fix Pack 3 - Fix Pack 7)
  • QRadar 7.3.3 (GA - Fix Pack 8)
  • QRadar 7.4.0 (GA - Fix Pack 4)
  • QRadar 7.4.1 (GA - Fix Pack 2)
  • QRadar 7.4.2 (GA - Fix Pack 3)

However, this document does not cover all of the installation messages and requirements, such as changes to appliance memory requirements or browser requirements for QRadar. To review any additional requirements, see the QRadar Upgrade Guide.

See QRadar: Software update check list for administrators for a list of steps to review before you update your QRadar deployment.

During the software update, a message appears informing you that you must renew your certificates. For more information, see Certificate reset prompt during patch.

Before you begin

Ensure that you take the following precautions:

  • Back up your data before you begin any software upgrade. For more information about backup and recovery, see the QRadar Administration Guide.
  • To avoid access errors in your log file, close all open QRadar sessions.
  • The QRadar software update cannot be installed on a managed host that is at a different software version from the Console. All appliances in the deployment must be at the same software revision to update the entire deployment.
  • Verify that all changes are deployed on your appliances. The update cannot install on appliances that have changes that are not deployed.
  • If this is a new installation, review the instructions in the QRadar Installation Guide.

Installing the QRadar 7.4.3 Software Update

These instructions guide you through the process of upgrading an existing QRadar version to QRadar 7.4.3. To update appliances in parallel, see: QRadar: How to Update Appliances in Parallel.

Important: You can use the verify signature tool to validate the integrity of your downloads from IBM Fix Central. For more information, see How to verify downloads from IBM Fix Central are trusted and code signed.
  1. Download the software update to install QRadar 7.4.3 from the IBM Fix Central website:
  2. Use SSH to log in to your Console as the root user.
  3. To verify you have enough space (5GB) in /store/tmp for the QRadar Console, type the following command:
    df -h /tmp /storetmp /store/transient | tee diskchecks.txt
    • Best directory option: /storetmp

      It is available on all appliance types at all versions. In QRadar 7.4.0 versions /store/tmp is a symlink to the /storetmp partition.

If the disk check command fails, retype the quotation marks from your terminal, then re-run the command. This command returns the details to both the command window and to a file on the Console named diskchecks.txt. Review this file to ensure that all appliances have at minimum 5GB of space available in a directory to copy the SFS before attempting to move the file to a managed host. If required, free up disk space on any host that fails to have less that 5GB available.

Note: In QRadar 7.3.0 and later, an update to directory structure for STIG-compliant directories reduces the size of several partitions. This can impact moving large files to QRadar.

  1. To create the /media/updates directory, type the following command:
    mkdir -p /media/updates
  2. Use SCP to copy the files to the QRadar Console to the /storetmp directory or a location with 5GB of disk space.

    Important: If the SFS file is in the /storetmp directory and you do not upgrade, when the overnight utility runs, the SFS file is deleted. For more information, see Daily disk maintenance (
  3. Change to the directory where you copied the patch file. For example,
    cd /storetmp
  4. To mount the patch file to the /media/updates directory, type the following command:
    mount -o loop -t squashfs /storetmp/743_QRadar_FixPack_2020.11.0.20210517144015.sfs /media/updates
  5. To run the patch installer, type the following command:

    Note: The first time that you run the software update, there might be a delay before the software update installation menu is displayed.

  6. Using the patch installer, select all.
    • The all option updates the software on all appliances in the following order:
      1. Console
      2. No order required for remaining appliances. All remaining appliances can be updated in any order that you require.
    • If you do not select the all option, you must select your Console appliance.

      As of QRadar 7.2.6 Patch 4 and later, you are only provided the option to update all or update the Console appliance. Managed hosts are not displayed in the installation menu to ensure that the Console is patched first. After the Console is patched, a list of managed hosts that can be updated is displayed in the installation menu. This change was made starting with QRadar 7.2.6 Patch 4 to ensure that the Console appliance is always updated before managed hosts to prevent upgrade issues.

      If you want to patch systems in series, you can update the Console first, then copy the patch to all other appliances and run the patch installer individually on each managed host. The Console must be patched before you can run the installer on managed hosts. When updating in parallel, there is no order required in how you update appliances after the Console is updated.

      If your Secure Shell (SSH) session is disconnected while the upgrade is in progress, the upgrade continues. When you reopen your SSH session and rerun the installer, the patch installation resumes.

Installation wrap-up

  1. After the patch completes and you have exited the installer, type the following command:
    umount /media/updates
  2. Clear your browser cache before you log in to the Console.
  3. Delete the SFS file from all appliances.
  4. To ensure that all services are running, on the Admin tab, click Advanced > Deploy Full Configuration.


A summary of the software update installation advises you of any managed hosts that were not updated. If the software update fails to update a managed host, you can copy the software update to the host and run the installation locally.

After all hosts are updated, send an email to your team to inform them that they will need to clear their browser cache before they log in to the QRadar SIEM interface.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSBQAC","label":"IBM Security QRadar SIEM"},"Component":"Release Notes","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"7.4","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
04 January 2022

