IBM Support

Output Bin (Outbin) Selection for PCL 5-Type Printers



This document provides instructions for directing spooled files to an output bin, or finisher, on HP PCL 5 compatible printers by adding or changing how Host Print Transform (HPT) does output bin selection.

Resolving The Problem

These instructions are provided AS IS. Any assistance with editing the Workstation Customization Table must be done through a consulting agreement, such as IBM i Customized Services or Lab Services.

This document provides instructions for directing spooled files to an output bin, or finisher, on HP PCL 5 compatible printers by adding or changing how Host Print Transform (HPT) does output bin selection.

This is done by retrieving and modifying a Workstation Customization Table (WSCST) and changing the settings in the Output Bin Table (OUTBINTBL) and Output Bin Table Entry (OUTBINTBLE) tags. 
o Some printer models support output bin selection via the HP PCL 5 Output Bin Selection command, and some printer models support output bin selection by using the PJL SET OUTBIN command. However, some other printers models do not support output bin selection at all, even through the printer hardware settings. When in doubt, contact the manufacturer of that printer or review the User's Guide or manual for that model of printer to determine whether a particular printer model supports output bin selection.
Basic Steps for Creating and Using a Workstation Customization Object

Follow the steps in Basic Steps for Creating and Using a Workstation Customization Object for retrieving and editing the WSCST source, edit the source per the information in this document.  Return to the Basic Steps document to implement the WSCST object.

Output Bin (Outbin) Selection for PCL 5-Type Printers

When you are editing the workstation customizing object source, find the Output Bin Table (OUTBINTBL) and Output Bin Table Entry (OUTBINTBLE) tags. These tags are used to map the value specified in the Output bin (OUTBIN) parameter in the spooled file attributes to an HP PCL 5 Output Bin Selection command. If a spooled file has OUTBIN(1) specified, then the Host Print Transform (HPT) will use the OUTBINTBLE tag for NUMBER = 1 and will send the corresponding HP PCL 5 Output Bin Selection command specified in the DATA parameter to the printer.

The default OUTBINTBL and OUTBINTBLE tags for an HP LaserJet 5si (HP5SI) printer are:

     NUMBER= 0
     DATA ='1B266C3047'X.
     NUMBER=    1
     DATA ='1B266C3247'X.
     NUMBER=    2
     DATA ='1B266C3347'X.
     NUMBER=    3
     DATA ='1B266C3447'X.
     NUMBER=    4
     DATA ='1B266C3547'X.
     NUMBER=    5
     DATA ='1B266C3647'X.
     NUMBER=    6
     DATA ='1B266C3747'X.
     NUMBER=    7
     DATA ='1B266C3847'X.
     NUMBER=    8
     DATA ='1B266C3947'X.
     NUMBER=    9
     DATA ='1B266C313047'X.

      NUMBER=   10
     DATA ='1B266C313147'X.

Edit the appropriate data strings.

Return to Basic Steps for Creating and Using a Workstation Customization Object to create the WSCST object and implement it.

Note: The system-supplied printer files and the Create Printer File (CRTPRTF) command default the Output bin (OUTBIN) parameter to *DEVD. However, in this case *DEVD indicates that the destination of the output is the default output bin specified in the printer hardware, not the output bin specified in the printer device description. In fact, there is no Output bin (OUTBIN) parameter in the Create Device Description (Printer) (CRTDEVPRT) command. If a spooled file has OUTBIN(*DEVD) specified, then Host Print Transform (HPT) will use the OUTBINTBLE tag for NUMBER = 0, which is typically set up to send an Output Bin Selection command to select the default or current output bin.

Output Bin (Outbin) Selection by using PJL Commands

Some printer models do not support output bin selection by using the HP PCL 5 Output Bin Selection command; however, they do support output bin selection by using PJL commands instead. In this case, modifying the Output Bin Table Entry (OUTBINTBLE) tags will have no effect. However, sending the proper PJL commands through the Initialize Printer (INITPRT) tag may work to change the output bin selection.

o Just as some printer models do not support output bin selection by using the HP PCL 5 Output Bin Selection command, they do support output bin selection by using PJL commands; some other printers models do not support output bin selection by using the PJL command; however, they do support output bin selection by using the HP PCL 5 Output Bin Selection command. Some printer models do not support output bin selection at all, even through the printer hardware settings. When in doubt, contact the manufacturer of that printer or review the User's Guide or manual for that model of printer to determine whether a particular printer model supports output bin selection.
o Although there is a considerable amount of consistency with HP PCL commands, including the HP PCL 5 Output Bin Selection command, there is less consistency with PJL commands. In the case of the SET OUTBIN command, the values needed to select the different output bins on one model of printer may not work on another model of printer. If the examples in this document to not work on a particular printer model, contact the manufacturer of that printer or review a PJL Command Reference manual for that model of printer to determine the necessary values for the SET OUTBIN command.
o The Output bin (OUTBIN) parameter in the spooled file attributes can be set to *DEVD or to a number from 1 to 65535 which provides opportunity for a great deal of customization through the Output Bin Table Entry (OUTBINTBLE) tags. However, since there is only one DATA value that can be specified in the Initialize Printer (INITPRT) tag, sending spooled output to different output bins would require a different Workstation Customizing Object (WSCST) for each output bin, and therefore a different printer device description or RMTOUTQ for each different output bin.
o For a list of other supported values for the PJL OUTBIN variable on a specific printer, contact the manufacturer of your printer or review the User's Guide or manual for your specific model of printer

When you are editing the workstation customizing object source, find the Initialize Printer (INITPRT) tag. This tag is used to send an HP PCL 5 Initialize Printer command to the printer at the start of each spooled file. However, it can also be used to send HP PJL commands to the printer to initialize certain settings at the beginning of a spooled file, such as sending a PJL SET OUTBIN command to select the output bin for the spooled file.

Default Settings for the INITPRT and RESETPRT Tags

The default settings for the Initialize Printer (INITPRT) and Reset Printer (RESETPRT) tags consist of an HP PCL 5 Initialize Printer command ('1B45'X or <Esc>E) to initialize the printer settings at the beginning and ending of each spooled file. For example:

     DATA ='1B45'X.
     DATA ='1B45'X.

Example of Selecting UPPER on an HP LaserJet printer

To select OPTIONALOUTBIN1 on an HP LaserJet printer that supports output bin selection via PJL commands, modify the Initialize Printer (INITPRT) tag to first send the HP PCL 5 Initialize Printer command ('1B45'X or <Esc>E) and then send a Universal Exit Language/Start of PJL command (also referred to as the UEL Command) or <Esc>%-12345X followed by the @PJL SET OUTBIN command to select the wanted output bin. In this case the wanted output bin is UPPER. For example:

   DATA ='1B45'X  
       /* EcE (PCL Initialize Printer command)                    */
       /* Ec% - 1 2 3 4 5 X @ P J L   S E T   O U T B I N =       */
       /* U P P E R CRLF                                          */

   DATA ='1B451B252D313233343558'X.
       /* EcE Ec% - 1 2 3 4 5 X                                   */

Example of Selecting LOWER on an HP LaserJet printer

To select OPTIONALOUTBIN1 on an HP LaserJet printer that supports output bin selection via PJL commands, modify the Initialize Printer (INITPRT) tag to first send the HP PCL 5 Initialize Printer command ('1B45'X or <Esc>E) and then send a Universal Exit Language/Start of PJL command (also referred to as the UEL Command) or <Esc>%-12345X followed by the @PJL SET OUTBIN command to select the wanted output bin. In this case, the wanted output bin is LOWER. For example:

   DATA ='1B45'X  
       /* EcE (PCL Initialize Printer command)                    */
       /* Ec% - 1 2 3 4 5 X @ P J L   S E T   O U T B I N =       */
       /* L O W E R CRLF                                          */

   DATA ='1B451B252D313233343558'X.
       /* EcE Ec% - 1 2 3 4 5 X                                   */

Example of Selecting OPTIONALOUTBIN1 on an HP LaserJet printer

To select OPTIONALOUTBIN1 on an HP LaserJet printer that supports output bin selection via PJL commands, modify the Initialize Printer (INITPRT) tag to first send the HP PCL 5 Initialize Printer command ('1B45'X or <Esc>E) and then send a Universal Exit Language/Start of PJL command (also referred to as the UEL Command) or <Esc>%-12345X followed by the @PJL SET OUTBIN command to select the wanted output bin. In this case, the wanted output bin is OPTIONALOUTBIN1. For example:

   DATA ='1B45'X  
       /* EcE (PCL Initialize Printer command)                    */
       /* Ec% - 1 2 3 4 5 X @ P J L   S E T   O U T B I N =       */
       /* O P T I O N A L O U T B I N 1 CRLF                      */

   DATA ='1B451B252D313233343558'X.
       /* EcE Ec% - 1 2 3 4 5 X                                   */

Note: According to the HP Printer Job Language Technical Reference Addendum manual, HP LaserJet printers that support output bin selection by using the PJL command can support OUTBIN variable values of UPPER, LOWER, and OPTIONALOUTBIN1 through OPTIONALOUTBIN16. This document has provided examples for UPPER, LOWER, and OPTIONALOUTBIN1. For OPTIONALOUTBIN2 through OPTIONALOUTBIN16, start with the example for OPTIONALOUTBIN1 and modify it to send the correct OUTBIN value instead.

Example of Selecting BIN11 on a Konica Minolta BizHub 1050 printer

Konica Minolta BizHub printers that support output bin selection via PJL commands require that the HP PCL Initialize Printer command and the PJL commands to be sent in a different order than HP LaserJet printers. To select BIN11 on a Konica Minolta BizHub printer that supports output bin selection by using PJL commands, modify the Initialize Printer (INITPRT) tag to first send a Universal Exit Language/Start of PJL command (also referred to as the UEL Command) or <Esc>%-12345X followed by the @PJL SET OUTBIN command to select the wanted output bin, the @PJL ENTER LANGUAGE = PCL command, and finally send the HP PCL 5 Initialize Printer command ('1B45'X or <Esc>E). In this case, the wanted output bin is BIN11. For example:

   DATA ='1B252D31323334355840504A4C0A40504A4C20534554204A4F42'X
       /* Ec% - 1 2 3 4 5 X @ P J L LF@ P J L   S E T   J O B     */
       /* N A M E   =   " A S / 4 0 0 " LF@ P J L   S E T   O     */
       /* U T B I N   =   B I N 1 1 LF@ P J L   E N T E R   L     */
       /* A N G U A G E   =   P C L LFEcE                         */
   DATA ='1B451B252D313233343558'X.
       /* EcE Ec% - 1 2 3 4 5 X                                   */

Note: For a list of other supported values for the PJL OUTBIN variable on Konica Minolta printers, or for supported values for the PJL OUTBIN variable on printers from another manufacturer, contact the manufacturer of your printer or review the User's Guide or manual for your specific model of printer.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.4.0"}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
01 October 2020

