In this era of digital transformation and historic technology shifts with data management and mobility for hybrid cloud environments, enterprises often find themselves having to find a balance between adopting new capabilities and trying to ensure the ongoing resilience of their key systems. Starting in the first quarter of 2021, IBM is taking steps to make this easier for users of IBM Storage Virtualize and the IBM FlashSystem storage product offerings. IBM will continue to produce software packages regularly during the year. These software packages are referred to as Continuous Development (CD) packages and are aimed at providing new features and enhancements. They can also contain fixes.
This FAQ is applicable to IBM Storage Virtualize (formerly IBM Spectrum Virtualize) 8.4.0 and later releases.

Release versions and timeline shown for illustrative purposes only
There will be periodic CD releases each year. The CD releases deliver new capabilities and defect fixes to current storage products running IBM Storage Virtualize software on a regular cadence. A CD release might occasionally be designated as a Long Term Support (LTS) release while the other releases are regarded as Non-Long Term Support (non-LTS) releases. Program Temporary Fixes (PTFs) on the LTS level contain only security and defect fixes. This lets you stay fully up-to-date on fixes without needing to take on additional functions. The recommended software levels can be found in the IBM Storage Virtualize Family of Products Upgrade Planning and IBM Fix Central support pages.
Q. What do you mean by LTS and non-LTS releases?
A. LTS stands for Long Term Support within the continuous development release model. It corresponds with the way that we support and maintain IBM Storage Virtualize software releases. The LTS release/level is for systems that demand the highest levels of stability with updates during the support period containing fixes to identified problems and vulnerabilities. The non-LTS releases add or enable new functions on systems running IBM Storage Virtualize and are made available periodically throughout the year. These are intended for customers wanting to leverage the latest features and capabilities of IBM Storage Virtualize without waiting for the next long-term support release cycle.
Q. What is the frequency of LTS and non-LTS releases?
A. The exact duration between releases is not fixed but the expected frequency is non-LTS releases every few months and an LTS release approximately every 1 – 2 years.
Q. How are LTS releases numbered?
A. Using the V.R.M.F (Version. Release. Mod. Fix) format described here, a designated LTS release is in the format V.R.0.0, where either V or R has been increased since the previous LTS release and the modification number and fix level are zero. Subsequent PTFs will increase the fix level. For example, and would be deemed LTS releases, with corresponding PTFs such as, and
Q. How are non-LTS releases numbered?
A. Using the V.R.M.F (Version. Release. Mod. Fix) format described here, a non-LTS release is in the format V.R.M.F, where V and R match that of the preceding LTS release and a nonzero M value (the modification number) indicates the non-LTS release level. For example,, and would all be examples of non-LTS releases.
Q. Do I need a different license to install LTS or non-LTS releases?
A. No. They are covered by the same license. Note: An LTS release is a CD release designated as a Long Term Support release.
Q. When should we expect a new LTS level to become ‘Recommended'?
A. When the release has demonstrated field stability over an extended period of time. The recommended LTS level for use with systems can be found in the IBM Storage Virtualize Family of Products Upgrade Planning
Q. Where do I obtain an LTS or non-LTS software package?
A. There is no change to the software package delivery process. LTS and non-LTS software packages are available from IBM Fix Central.
Q. Is there a change to the support model for the continuous development (LTS and non-LTS) releases?
A. No. There is no change to the existing support model for IBM Storage Virtualize. Clients continue to receive the same support included in the standard software subscription, maintenance, and license charges for the eligible storage products.
Q. How do I raise a problem with an LTS or non-LTS release?
A. There is no change to how problems are raised for IBM Storage Virtualize in this continuous development model. Issues requiring IBM investigation can be reported by using the standard IBM Support site.
Q. How are fixes delivered for an LTS release?
A. While an LTS release is in support, IBM continues to ship identified fixes via PTFs for the level of LTS installed on your system.
Q. How are fixes delivered for a non-LTS release?
A. If a fix is required for a non-LTS release, we aim to deliver it in a subsequent non-LTS or LTS release. A new non-LTS release contains fixes identified since the previous non-LTS release. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not plan to have PTFs on non-LTS releases. With non-LTS releases, customers should expect to move to subsequent non-LTS releases regularly, if they want to keep on getting all the latest capabilities and fixes.
Q. What if there is a critical issue on a non-LTS release that requires an urgent fix before the availability of the next non-LTS release?
A. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis. IBM will actively work to provide an emergency fix and will determine the fix delivery vehicle.
Q. What features do you see in a non-LTS release?
A. New features are delivered in each non-LTS release. By the nature of the regular delivery, large features might be delivered across multiple non-LTS releases, increasing the capabilities of the feature each time.
Q. Will new features be the same from one non-LTS release to another?
A. Potentially not. Non-LTS releases provide new capabilities as rapidly as possible, which might mean that a feature delivered in one non-LTS release is improved in a subsequent non-LTS release, based on further development or user feedback.
Q. Where do I find documentation for the LTS and non-LTS releases?
A. Documentation for all LTS and non-LTS releases will still be found in the IBM Documentation product guides.
Q. Are all the new features in a non-LTS release supported?
A. Yes, if you choose to use any new feature, support is provided through the standard methods.
Q. What features do you see in an LTS release?
A. An LTS release contains new features along with features previously made available in prior non-LTS releases
Q. Can I roll back a non-LTS installation to an earlier non-LTS or LTS release?
A. The approach to downgrading remains the same with the move to non-LTS and LTS releases. Once an upgrade has completed, it is not possible to downgrade the software to an earlier level without deleting and manually rebuilding the system in its entirety, including restoring all volume data from an external backup.
Q. Can I upgrade to an LTS directly from a non-LTS release?
A. Yes, you can typically upgrade to any PTF based on the next LTS stream after the non-LTS release you are on.
Q. Can I upgrade from one non-LTS release to a second non-LTS release where the second non-LTS release is across an LTS release boundary?
A. No. In general, you will not be able to upgrade directly from one non-LTS release to a second non-LTS release level if you are going across an LTS release boundary. For example, you should not expect to upgrade directly from to You will likely have to first upgrade to the interim LTS release before upgrading to the non-LTS release. For example, if you are running the non-LTS release, you have to first upgrade to an 8.6.0.x LTS release and then upgrade to the non-LTS release. The details of supported upgrade paths continue to be documented on the IBM Support page.
Q. Is this Continuous Development release model for IBM Storage Virtualize software releases the same as the IBM Continuous Delivery Support policy?
A. No, they are not the same. This Continuous Development (CD) model is an optimized strategy for rolling out our software releases, that gives clients the flexibility to choose to either stay on a baseline release (LTS) with fix currency, or gain access sooner to new functions and capabilities with the non-LTS CD releases. There is no change to the support policy. The Continuous Delivery (CD) Support policy addresses the support lifecycle policy for eligible on-premises IBM software programs.
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Modified date:
20 November 2023