IBM Support

Security Bulletin: Multiple Security Vulnerabilities Affect IBM WebSphere Application Server in IBM Cloud

Security Bulletin


There are multiple security vulnerabilities that affect the IBM WebSphere Application Server in the IBM Cloud. WebSphere Application Server Admin Console is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. WebSphere Application Server Liberty is vulnerable to a denial of service. WebSphere Application Server is vulnerable to an information exposure vulnerability. WebSphere Application Server is vulnerable to an information disclosure vulnerability. WebSphere Application Server is vulnerable to an information disclosure vulnerability. There is a vulnerability in the Hibernate Validator library used by WebSphere Application Server Liberty. Multiple Vulnerabilities in IBM® Java SDK affect WebSphere Application Server October 2020 CPU.

Vulnerability Details

CVEID:   CVE-2020-4643
DESCRIPTION:   IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0, 8.0, 8.5, and 9.0 is vulnerable to an XML External Entity Injection (XXE) attack when processing XML data. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to expose sensitive information. IBM X-Force ID: 185590.
CVSS Base score: 7.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)

CVEID:   CVE-2020-4578
DESCRIPTION:   IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0, 8.0, 8.5, and 9.0 is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. This vulnerability allows users to embed arbitrary JavaScript code in the Web UI thus altering the intended functionality potentially leading to credentials disclosure within a trusted session. IBM X-Force ID: 184433.
CVSS Base score: 5.4
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N)

CVEID:   CVE-2020-10693
DESCRIPTION:   Hibernate Hibernate Validator could allow a remote attacker to bypass security restrictions, caused by a flaw in the message interpolation processor. By sending a specially-crafted request, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to bypass input sanitation controls when handling user-controlled data in error messages.
CVSS Base score: 5.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N)

CVEID:   CVE-2020-4782
DESCRIPTION:   IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0, 8.0, 8.5, and 9.0 could allow a remote attacker to traverse directories on the system. An attacker could send a specially-crafted URL request containing "dot dot" sequences (/../) to view arbitrary files on the system.
CVSS Base score: 6.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)

CVEID:   CVE-2020-14782
DESCRIPTION:   An unspecified vulnerability in Java SE related to the Libraries component could allow an unauthenticated attacker to cause no confidentiality impact, low integrity impact, and no availability impact.
CVSS Base score: 3.7
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N)

CVEID:   CVE-2020-14797
DESCRIPTION:   An unspecified vulnerability in Java SE related to the Libraries component could allow an unauthenticated attacker to cause no confidentiality impact, low integrity impact, and no availability impact.
CVSS Base score: 3.7
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N)

CVEID:   CVE-2020-4629
DESCRIPTION:   IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0, 8.0, 8.5, and 9.0 could allow a local user with specialized access to obtain sensitive information from a detailed technical error message. This information could be used in further attacks against the system. IBM X-Force ID: 185370.
CVSS Base score: 2.9
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N)

CVEID:   CVE-2020-4576
DESCRIPTION:   IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, and 9.0 traditional could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information with a specially-crafted sequence of serialized objects. IBM X-Force ID: 184428.
CVSS Base score: 5.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N)

CVEID:   CVE-2020-4590
DESCRIPTION:   IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty through running oauth-2.0 or openidConnectServer-1.0 server features is vulnerable to a denial of service attack conducted by an authenticated client. IBM X-Force ID: 184650.
CVSS Base score: 5.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H)

Affected Products and Versions

These vulnerabilities affect the following versions and releases of IBM WebSphere Application Server in IBM Cloud:

  • Version 9.0
  • Version 8.5
  • Liberty

Workarounds and Mitigations


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Change History

14 December 2020: Initial Publication
26 January 2021: Removed information for CVE-2020-14781 which is deferred to later Java update

*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.


Review the IBM security bulletin disclaimer and definitions regarding your responsibilities for assessing potential impact of security vulnerabilities to your environment.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSKKCK","label":"IBM WebSphere Application Server in IBM Cloud"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB36","label":"IBM Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
26 January 2021

