IBM Support

Rational DOORS Next Generation Interim Fix 9 for 5.0.2



IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 5.0.2_iFix009 has been made generally available and contains fixes to version 5.0.2 including all predecessor fixes.

Download Description

Table of Contents
Sections Description

The Change history section provides an overview on what is new in this interim fix with a description of any new functions or enhancements when applicable.

The How critical is this fix section provides information related to the impact of this interim fix to allow you to assess how your environment may be affected.

The Prerequisites section provides important information to review prior to the installation of this interim fix.

The Download package section provides the direct link to obtain the download package for installation in your environment.

The Installation instructions section provides the installation instructions necessary to apply this interim fix into your environment.

Click to review a complete list of the defects (APARs) resolved in this interim fix.

The Known side effects section contains a link to the known problems (open defects) identified at the time of this interim fix.

Supporting Documentation
Document Description

Click to review the detailed system requirements information for a complete list of hardware requirements, supported operating systems, prerequisites and optional supported software, with component-level details and operating system restrictions.

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Prerequisites include:

IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 5.0.2 must be installed to apply this iFix.

Note: Before you install the server patch file, verify that no other test fixes are installed. If other fixes are installed, contact IBM Software Support.

Installation Instructions

Review the installation instructions to apply the iFix on the server:

Tab navigation

Note: Before you install this server patch file, verify that no other test fixes or hot fixes are installed. If other fixes are installed, contact IBM Software Support.

For a CLM deployment on a single server, complete the following steps once.

For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server.

Procedure to install the server patch:

  1. Stop the CLM server.

  2. Verify whether the following directory exists: server_installation_directory/server/patch.
    • If the directory exists, back up and remove its contents.
    • If the directory does not exist, create it.

  3. Copy the server patch file into the /server/patch directory.

  4. Start the server.

  5. Run "repotools-app -clean" for each application that is installed.

Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server.

Procedure to uninstall the server patch:

  1. Stop the CLM server.

  2. Back up and remove the contents of the following directory: server_installation_directory/server/patch

  3. Start the CLM server.

  4. Run "repotools-app -clean" for each application that is installed.

Note: For a distributed CLM deployment, complete the same steps on each server.

Procedure to install the Data Collection Component patch:

  1. Stop the DCC server.

  2. Verify whether the following directory exists: server_installation_directory/server/patch.

  3. If the directory exists, back up and remove its contents.

  4. If the directory does not exist, create it.

  5. Copy the server patch file into the /server/patch directory.

  6. Start the DCC server.

Procedure to uninstall the Data Collection Component patch:

  1. Stop the DCC server.

  2. Back up and remove the contents of the following directory: server_installation_directory/server/patch

  3. Start the DCC server.

Procedure to install the patch with JRS deployed on Apache Tomcat server:

  1. Stop the JRS Tomcat server

  2. Copy the following file to a backup directory in the event you need to revert the patch:
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\webapps\rs.war

  3. Delete the following file:
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\webapps\rs.war

  4. Delete the following directories:
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\webapps\rs
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rs

  5. Place the new rs.war file under JRS_Install\server\tomcat\webapps

  6. Start the server

Procedure to uninstall the patch with JRS deployed on Apache Tomcat server:

  1. Stop the JRS Tomcat server
  2. Restore the original rs.war that was backed up in step 2 of the install instructions to the following directory
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\webapps\
  3. Delete the following directories:
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\webapps\rs
    • JRS_Install\server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rs
  4. Start the server

Procedure to install the patch with JRS deployed on WebSphere Application Server:

  1. Unzip the reporting-war zip file somewhere either on your local machine or on the JRS server.

  2. In the WAS Admin Console, stop the JRS application: Go to Applications > Application Types > Websphere enterprise applications, select the checkbox next to rs_war and click on Stop.

  3. Update the rs_war file: Select the checkbox next to rs_war and click on Update.

  4. Select "Replace the entire application", then browse to the new rs.war file from the unzipped directory and click on Next. Browse locally if the file was saved on the local machine in step 1, or do a remote browse if the file was saved on the JRS server. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the defaults.

  5. Save the configuration changes when prompted after the update completes.

  6. Start the JRS application: select the checkbox next to rs_war and click on Start.

Procedure to uninstall the patch with JRS deployed on WebSphere Application Server:

  1. Locate the rs.war file in the original JRS installation.

  2. In the WAS Admin Console, stop the JRS application: Go to Applications > Application Types > Websphere enterprise applications, select the checkbox next to rs_war and click on Stop.

  3. Update the rs_war file: Select the checkbox next to rs_war and click on Update.

  4. Select "Replace the entire application", then browse to the rs.war file in the original JRS installation and click on Next. Browse locally if the file was saved on the local machine in step 1, or do a remote browse if the file was saved on the JRS server. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the defaults.

  5. Save the configuration changes when prompted after the update completes.

  6. Start the JRS application: select the checkbox next to rs_war and click on Start.

Download Package

The following sections provide detailed information related to this interim fix.

Click the FC link below to obtain the interim fix from Fix Central.

How critical is this fix?

Impact Assessment
Impact Description

This is a maintenance interim fix. It contains fixes for client-reported and internally found defects.

Test Results


Regression: An error in the Maintenance Delivery Vehicle (MDV) that produces incorrect or unexpected behavior causing a supported feature to stop functioning as designed.
This includes:

  • Coding errors that cause a regression
  • Documentation or packaging problems that cause a regression
  • Errors reported in a new function delivered in a MDV that cause a regression

Incomplete: An error in the MDV has not regressed, but does not work as designed.
This includes:

  • Fixed APARs which did not solve the original problem but did not break anything new
  • APARs reporting documentation errors, such as readme errors, that cause problems applying an MDV but do not lead to a regression

  • Regression and incomplete APARs are considered fix-in-error or MDV-in-error
  • Definitions above apply only to valid APARs that result in product fixes (APARs returned as working-as-designed are not assessed for being fix-in-error)
  • Issues in major releases due to new functionality do not apply in this definition

There are no known regressions to report.

In addition to the fixes listed in this document, the iFix may also contain fixes for security issues.

For more details, please refer to the IBM Product Security Incident Response (PSIRT) Blog.

Problems Solved

Defects resolved in this iFix.

This server patch contains fixes for the following defects:

APAR (WorkItem URL) Description
Rational Data Collection Component

[Backport 5.0.2] Dashboard report is showing the last time the Java ETLs were run not when the last DCC ETLs were run.


[Backport 5.0.2] CQPAR00108139: Job status shows failure for all resource groups even though only one of them actually failed.


[Backport 5.0.2] [DCC] Records marked as softdeleted in TIMESHEET could be active again - DCC.


[Backport 5.0.2] DCC - Timesheet ETL issues.


[Backport 5.0.2] DCC open file descriptor Leaks behavior.


[Backport 5.0.2] DCC: ODS Collector jobs are in waiting state forever if there was a temporary DB connection problem.


[Backport 5.0.2] CQPAR00140514: DCC Quality Management job failing.


[Backport 5.0.2] CQPAR00143712: DCC handling of Oracle BINARY_DOUBE is wrong.


[Backport 5.0.2] DCC Web UI corrupts the delta time when web browser language is e.g., french.


[Backport 5.0.2] [363201] DCC should log SQLException when failing to prepare statement.

Jazz Reporting Service

[Backport 5.0.2] JRS data source issues when using LDAP and custom DW extension names that end with “.‿.


[Backport 5.0.2] CQPAR00118878: Custom Enumerations in certain case display as literal ID instead of name.


[Backport 5.0.2] CQPAR00118829: JRS Not able to Handle RQM Categories like Attributes.


[Backport 5.0.2] Missing custom link types for requirements.


[Backport 5.0.2] Issues with RM custom attributes.


[Backport 5.0.2] Able to download query spreadsheet non-authenticated/authorized, potential for malicious use and phishing attack.


[Backport 5.0.2] JRS using the data warehouse is showing no results in non CM-enabled project traceability reports from requirements.


[Backport 5.0.2] DW data source SQL queries do not handle a schema prefix.


[Backport 5.0.2] Report Builder lists Soft Deleted project areas when selecting Scope.


[Backport 5.0.2] JRS Failing to Input Validate and output encode data, leading to potential XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Vulnerability.


[Backport 5.0.2] Project List Excludes Project Areas that do not have team areas.


[Backport 5.0.2] Metamodel initialization should happen on server startup.


[Backport 5.0.2] CQPAR00143896: Statement that checks if connection is valid can cause problems.


[Backport 5.0.2] CQPAR00139305: JRS - Set Conditions - No values to select for Filed Against Attribute.


[Backport 5.0.2] Version check fails for Oracle 12c data warehouse.


[Backport 5.0.2] JRS server rename fails with multiple mapping events or if server is restarted during rename process.


[Backport 5.0.2] IE9 Report name, title and visibility all disabled.


Fix defect in redirect web page.


Use TLS instead of SSL by default.


The LPA templates can not be retrieved after a migration from 5.0.1 (with a server rename) to 5.0.2.


LocalGroupLDAP doesn't support case insensitive mode (343625) [5.0.2].


All Project Areas are deleted during upgrade to RDNG 5.0.2 if finalizeApplicationMigration is rerun following a failure.


Full Text Search stemming doesn't work correctly in non-English European languages (Backport 345158 to 5.0.2 ).


RRC Project Baselines are inaccessible after migration from 4.0.x in a server renamed environment.

Rational Jazz Foundation

NPE in ManagedFloatingLicenseClient$LeaseCache.getCheckoutOperations.


Adding new roles in Web UI makes it VERY easy to seriously corrupt roles database - Chrome only.


Diagnostics Oracle JDBC Driver version check does not accept


Error during creation of Life Cycle Project in CLM 5.0.2RC1 with JazzProjectAdmins permission.


Investigate implications of two components having the same ID.


Issue #1 Maintenance 5.0.2 - PMC 341917.


Issue #3 Maintenance 5.0.2 - PMC 341970.


Don't cause an SQLException to determine if a MARKER exists (5.0.2iFix007).


RTC ETL's should be able to handle date values where the year is not 4 digits long.


DelegatedAuthHandler and LoginPageStatusHandler ignores property.


The iteration type should not be restored if it's not archived.


The LPA templates can not be retrieved after a migration from 5.0.1 (with a server rename) to 5.0.2.


5.x Indexer for Excel can run out of memory.


All Project Areas are deleted during upgrade to RDNG 5.0.2 if finalizeApplicationMigration is rerun following a failure.


Adopt Report caching slow on Oracle (344963).


Project Dashboard shows incorrect content after loading a WI or Query Result and then performing a browser refresh in IE.


Full Text Search stemming doesn't work correctly in non-English European languages (Backport 345158 to 5.0.2 ).


Online Migration can skip states in the event of a retry-able DB exception (fix in 5.0.2).


Creating iterations can break if translation is wrong (Fix in 5.0.2).


Handle the query cancellation in query iterator and QueryFilter (resource context filter).


VVC cache storage to concept misses causes bad performance.


Query Results from performQuery can be unexpectedly cached (Backport 348143 to 502ifix ).


Online migration can skip states on subsequent runs.


Deleting resource in no-history storage area should not update history index to 502 (Backport 351405 to 502).


Lucene crashes because of Mmap issue (Backport to 502).


TeamAreaRole ETL flips two columns (354920).


[RTC 5.0.2] [wi 356278] - ETL should ignore Item not found exceptions.


RRC Project Baselines are inaccessible after migration from 4.0.x in a server renamed environment.


IACS should support Functional outbound to local targets - backport (334135) to 502.


Production Data Warehouse shows duplicate work item records [Defect 356581].


SimpleDateFormat is not thread safe and cannot be shared among threads (Extracting Work Items via reportable API can return wrong modification dates for history entries).


[wi 361771] Ability to filter certain WI types out of DCC ETL.


ItemStateQueue must account for differences in collation order of non alphanumeric characters.


Online Migration may repeat states if DB collate order is not IDENTITY.


[RTC 5.0.2iFix009] WI: 360995: Ghost links appearing in traceability report.

Rational DOORS Next Generation

Module Audit History not shown after artifact deleted.


Table in table truncated in export.


Module report only displays the first paragraph of heading artifacts.


Some characters are encoded when using rich hover in graphical artifacts.


Expanding a collapsed module row sometimes shows the wrong content.


Web client runs query for all artifacts when all filters are cleared, introducing unnecessary load on the server for large projects.


Unable to duplicate uploaded artifacts without delete permissions.


CSV Export performs very poorly when the exported View definition contains Link terms.


RM Widget Catalog does not display properly in FF and Chrome when response content type is text/plain.


View queries involving Modified By and Modified On/After/Before terms perform poorly.


Collapsing module row sometimes results in an error and incorrect display.


Deleting a folder which contains modules with asset folders underneath fails on WAS.


DnD and copy/paste from grid to module does not preserve order.


Filter by attributes in module does not find any requirements.


Image Loading in Modules can push down selected artifact.


Recently Viewed widget broken when used in RM dashboard.


Validated By (and Affected By) links column is missing for modules in the "Configure page setting".


When user clicks on Edit for a module, the Overview section related fields never go into edit mode.


rich hover should show entire folder path, not just parent folder.


In non-English environments, the compare collections feature does not show changes to artifacts' primary text.


View query for artifacts "Locked By" a given user performs poorly.


Artifact URLs behave differently from different locations.


Copy/paste will result in circular references.


Don't process minimized artifacts when opening editor.


Extra line inserted before/after embedded artifact when printing using the publish service/text schema.


Rich Hover of artifact with 1000s of links returns a 400 (Bad Request) response due to StackOverflow in SPARQL.


Links Sidebar in artifact editor only loads a maximum of 1024 links for an artifact.


Safari - Enter key jumps to beginning of text.


Exporting module views containing approximately 1200 artifacts fails if there is a link column.


Optimize generated SPARQL with custom attributes.


Modules that were created in 4.x do not print their headings properly in 5.0.2, both in table of contents and text.


Module heading text is printed twice when exporting a module.


Link selection button disappears when attempting to select it from a column in a module.


Adding multiple existing artifacts to a module adds them in reverse order (and fix Shift-select ordering issue with picker).


Module display can become invalid on browser.


Attribute is locked for editing during artifact creation in a module.


View queries involving links require optimization.


Cannot remove an artifact created by file upload, from a module, that is used in more than one module.


Sensitive boundaries impact drag and drop usability.


Artifact version id should be available in RRDG reporting API.


The module artifacts do not expose the correct version label.


Alternate Spelling attribute is set to null on OSLC PUT.


Type feed initialization taking too long for large number of projects.


Spaces in links are double-encoded when opening from a converted document.


DNG handling of image uploads to modules.


OSLC PUT stops working.


Attempting to link a Module View by Tag from QM Test Plan results in "Forbidden" error - Backport.


Tags are way too easy to delete from system and are confusing to remove from artifacts.


Baseline is not displaying previously existing embedded artifacts.


Only load wellknown type uris when loading webui.


The temporary doc reports are not deleted during cleanup.


Excessive data caching for reporting causes high load on server, affecting usability.


Performance: Doc reports are generating responses with traceability info that gets discarded.


ForbiddenException when attempting to view deleted module in a baseline.


Unnecessary assertion for JazzAdmin roles causes misleading PermissionDeniedException for JazzProjectAdmin users.


Text imported from ReqPro baseline loses formatting.


Update ReqPro migration to behave the same as the UI when requirement has no title.


Audit History displays incomplete information when changelogs contain an unresolvable user URL.


Project Templates cannot be displayed in project creation wizard if any template returns an error response.


review report results show not started when votes were completed.


Error when trying to duplicate artifacts with cross-project links.


No compact rendering after drag and drop of an artifact from the Links section in to the editor.


Data in the data warehouse should be updated after server rename.


Unable to pause/continue review when review contains a deleted artifact.


Amount of data to pre-load in a module should be configureable.


Baselines display the current revision of Folder data, throws error when Folder has been deleted.


Suspicion Profile Administration page does not show list of projects if the server's Region and Language Format is set to Japanese.


Error CRRRW7342E when saving an attribute value, using a role with permissions that allows modifying the attribute for a specific artifact type.


module view wrong in create link to rows in module menu.


copying artifact "changes" artifact name.


Printing a module with a Visio artifact does not include the Vision artifact in the generated document.


Merge - User is allowed to remove attribute type in child configuration using merge even when it is still associated with attribute definition _ Firefox 24.2.0 ESR.


IE: TypeError occurs when browsing baselines.


Not showing suspect flag for changes made in QM and CCM in not opted-in mode.


DNG doesn't show system messages in banner.


Artifacts not loading in module when opened in new tab/window.


Attempting to save business process diagram results in "Saving...." that never completes.


WellKnownTypeUrisCache fails with bad typesystem.


NPE and potential memory leak when TRS member cannot be retrieved from OSLC services.


RRC Report fails for an artifact that contains a text link to an image artifact stored in the RM server.


Suspicion Profile Administration page does not show list of projects if Registered Application name for RM does not contain "rm".


Importing "requirements from within a text document" results in missing requirements in simple case.


Tables are getting imported with varying number of columns per row & corrupt table errors on some of the resulting XHTML artifacts exported via RRDG (using public schema).


Links Explorer shows duplicate data when using Configure Link Display.


Double-byte characters in a table do not export properly to CSV.


Bad content inserted when pasting a numbered heading/list from MS Word in CKE using Chrome.


It's taking a long time to load the project dashboard when go to the dashboard from an open artifact.


Columns don't align properly in imported tables when not all rows start at the same position.

Additional fixes:
APAR (WorkItem URL) Description Steps to apply
Rational Jazz Foundation


Fix defect in redirect web page.

"java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed" error in patch service (Fix for 346222 for 5.0.2 release).

NOTE: If the context root used by the any application is not the default, it will be necessary to rename the WAR file (and adjust some of the directory paths referenced below) based on the context root currently in use. For example,

  • if your current context root for Requirements Management is 'rdm', you must rename the rm.war file to rdm.war.
  • if your current context root for Quality Management is 'jazz', you must rename the qm.war file to jazz.war
  • if your current context root for Change and Configuration Management is 'jazz', you must rename the ccm.war file to jazz.war

In summary, the name of the WAR file needs to be the same as the respective context root in use.

NOTE: For users of the RDNG browser add-on, the rm.war file must be properly matched with the browser plugin files. This only applies during installation of the plugin, so for those users that have already installed the plugin, no action is required. For any new installations of the browser plugin, the customer should contact IBM Support and request a refresh of the browser add-on files along with the properly paired version of the rm.war file that includes this fix.


  1. Backup these files:
    1. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/jts.war
    2. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/ccm.war
    3. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/qm.war
    4. JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps/rm.war
  2. Copy the jts.war file somewhere either on your local machine or on the CLM server (you may copy to the JAZZ_HOME/server/webapps directory)
  3. In the WAS Admin Console, stop the jts application: Go to Applications>Application Types>Websphere enterprise applications, select the checkbox next to jts_war and click on Stop.
  4. Update the jts_war file: Select the checkbox next to jts_war and click on Update.
  5. Select "Replace the entire application", then browse to the new jts.war file from step 2 and click on Next. Browse locally if the file was saved on the local machine in step 1, or do a remote browse if the file was saved on a different machine. Follow the Fast Path installation, and accept all of the defaults.
  6. Save the configuration changes when prompted after the update completes.
  7. Start the jts application: select the checkbox next to jts_war and click on Start.
  8. Repeat 2-7 with all other WAR files that you need to upgrade.


  1. Backup these files:
    1. JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/jts.war
    2. JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/ccm.war
    3. JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/qm.war
    4. JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/rm.war
  2. Copy the WAR files to the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps directory.
  3. Stop the Tomcat server.
  4. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/jts directory.
  5. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/ccm directory.
  6. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/qm directory.
  7. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/webapps/rm directory.
  8. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/jts directory.
  9. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/ccm directory.
  10. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/qm directory.
  11. Delete the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/rm directory.

Use TLS instead of SSL by default.

  1. Stop the Apache Tomcat server.
  2. Back up the JAZZ_HOME/tomcat/conf/server.xml file to server.xml.bak.
  3. Extract the ServerConfigrurationToUseTLS zip file to a temporary directory.
  4. Copy the server.xml file to the JAZZ_HOME/tomcat/conf directory.
  5. If you made any custom configuration changes to your server (such as changing port numbers), manually copy them from server.xml.bak to the new server.xml file.
  6. If you are using Windows:
    1. Back up the JAZZ_HOME/server/server.startup.bat file to server.startup.bat.bak.
    2. Copy the server.startup.bat file to the JAZZ_HOME/server/ directory.
    3. If you made any customizations to the server startup file, manually copy them from server.startup.bat.bak to server.startup.bat
  7. If you are using Linux:
    1. Back up the JAZZ_HOME/server/server.startup file to server.startup.bak.
    2. Copy the server.startup file to the JAZZ_HOME/server/ directory.
    3. If you made any customizations to the server startup file, manually copy them from server.startup.bak to server.startup
  8. Start the server

If you are running Tomcat as a Windows Service, you must change the Java Options being used:

  1. Remove "jazz.connector.sslProtocol" option (eg -Djazz.connector.sslProtocol=TLSv1.2).
  2. Add this line:

The LPA templates can not be retrieved after a migration from 5.0.1 (with a server rename) to 5.0.2.

  1. Go to the JAZZ_HOME/server directory.
  2. Execute the following command:
    repotools-jts -clean

[5.0.2] LocalGroupLDAP doesn't support case insensitive mode (343625).

This change is only relevant if you need to use LocalGroupLDAP in case insensitive mode.

  1. Stop the Apache Tomcat server
  2. Rename JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/lib/ to JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/lib/
  3. Copy the attached plugin into the JAZZ_HOME/server/tomcat/lib
  4. Add the line
    as below to tomcat/conf/server.xml:
    Resource name="LocalRoleMap" auth="Container"
    			descripion="Role mapping file"
    			pathname="/opt/jazz/server/mapping.csv" />
  5. Start the Apache Tomcat server

All Project Areas are deleted during upgrade to RDNG 5.0.2 if finalizeApplicationMigration is rerun following a failure.

  1. Go to the JAZZ_HOME/server directory.
  2. Execute the following command:
    repotools-jts -clean

Full Text Search stemming doesn't work correctly in non-English European languages (Backport 345158 to 5.0.2 ).

Language specific stemming is not enabled by default. To enable specific language stemming, select the Advanced property page of each application (e.g. ccm, qm, jts...). Change the value of

Restart the server.

The setting has three values:

  1. "legacy" (the default) for compatibility with the existing indices. In this case the English stemmer is used for all languages (except for the Asian languages).
  2. "true" which enables a stemmer specific to the language defined by the "Indexing Language" property or by the server locale if the property is not set.
  3. "false" which disables stemming all together

Note, if you've already created workitems in a non-English European language, you need to run repotools -rebuildTextIndices to be able to search these with language-specific stemming.

The stemmer uses the default language specified on the server machine.


RRC Project Baselines are inaccessible after migration from 4.0.x in a server renamed environment.

NOTE: You only need to do this once per iFix install. If you have done these steps as the result of another fix, you can skip them. Performing the steps multiple times will not cause problems.

  • Go to the JAZZ_HOME/server directory.
  • Execute the following command:
    repotools-jts -clean

ItemStateQueue must account for differences in collation order of non alphanumeric characters.

NOTE: You only need to do this once per iFix install. If you have done these steps as the result of another fix, you can skip them. Performing the steps multiple times will not cause problems.

  • Go to the JAZZ_HOME/server directory.
  • Execute the following commands:
    repotools-jts -clean
    repotools-qm -clean

Workaround: Action is required for a remote floating license server after an upgrade to version 5.0.2.

After the upgrade of 5.0.2, if you use a floating license server that is not on the same sever as the JTS application you will need to apply the steps at The steps for 5.0.2 are the same as the steps for 6.0.

You will see an error numbered CRJAZ1507E indicating that there was an error communicating with the floating license server.

Rational DOORS Next Generation

Table in table truncated in export.

After you stop the CLM server, delete the contents of the directory:
  • If you use an Apache Tomcat server, the directory is server_installation_directory/server/tomcat/temp/rrc_reports/.
  • If you use WebSphere Application Server, the directory is /tmp/rrc_reports/.

Known Side Effects

The following defects were not resolved in this interim fix:

Rational DOORS Next Generation

APAR PI41258. Web client runs query for all artifacts when all filters are cleared, introducing unnecessary load on the server for large projects.

As a result of RDNG APAR PI28204 (Web client runs query for all artifacts when all filters are cleared, introducing unnecessary load on the server for large projects (92439)), the "Default View" behavior in the Grid View has now changed. Once all filters have been cleared in the Grid, a message will be displayed indicating, "To show artifacts, select a folder or other filter," and no artifacts will be displayed.

This behavioral change required a new message to be displayed when the user hovers over the "eraser" button for the Filter by Folder section. When the browser locale is English, the hover text will display as, "Clear Folder Filters"; however, for all other browser locales, the hover text will continue to display the appropriate translation of the previous string, "Show Artifacts from All Folders", although the action of clicking the button will still be to return no artifacts.

Review the 5.0.2 Release Notes page on for links to queries that list known problems and workaround articles for this release.

Open defects

Review the following list of open APARs for Rational DOORS Next Generation on the IBM Support Portal.

Review technote 1461170: Open APARs for Rational products available on the Web for information on how to configure your MyNotifications subscription account and subscribe to the APARs you are interested in following.

Change History

What's new

No new features or functions in this iFix.

Review the 5.0.2 New and Noteworthy page on for a description of the new features included in this release.

Click the link in the Download Options column:

[{"DNLabel":"RDNG 5.0.2 iFix_009","DNDate":"28 Sep 2015","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"331134796","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null}]
[{"Product":{"code":"SSUVLZ","label":"IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"5.0.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Product Synonym

Rational DOORS Next Generation

Problems (APARS) fixed

Document Information

Modified date:
20 July 2018

