IBM Support

Handling a Maximo incoming SR long description with plain text white space so that the spacing appears in the Rich Text Editor (RTE)

Question & Answer


How do I handle a SR Long Description so that spacing appears in the RTE?


Scripting with Maximo References:

Steps how to accomplish this as follows:

1)System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Automation Scripts

2)Action > Create a Script with an Attribute Launch Point

3)Automation Script Tab

4)Script Source (Note that python is sensitive to indentation)

from psdi.util import HTML
if not interactive:
if not (LD.startswith('<html>')):
LD = HTML.cleanText(LD)

5) Variables Tab as follows:

6)Launch Point Tab as follows:

7)Attribute Launch Point Details as follows:

8)To implement, change the script status from Inactive to Active.


A) Without script activated:

Logging at point LDTEXT db field is written:

07 Nov 2014 08:03:42:083 [INFO] [MXServer] [CID-CRON-252] BMXAA6721I - Bind value for LDTEXT = by John Donne
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

SR Details:

B)With script activated:

Logging at point LDTEXT db field is written:

07 Nov 2013 08:08:56:301 [INFO] [MXServer] [CID-CRON-297] BMXAA6721I - Bind value for LDTEXT = by John Donne
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

SR Details:

[{"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.1;7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSWT9A","label":"IBM Control Desk"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":" ","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

