IBM Support

Obtaining the IBM MQ Resource Adapter for the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile



How can you get the IBM MQ Resource Adapter, for use with either the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile or other JavaEE application servers?


To connect to IBM MQ from the Liberty Profile or other JavaEE application servers, you use the IBM MQ Resource Adapter.
The Liberty Profile does not contain the IBM MQ Resource Adapter, you must get it separately.

Resolving The Problem

+++  Summary

- MQ 8.0, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4 work with "All Application Servers that support the Java EE 7.0 (1.7) specification" (as long as the Verification program can run successfully, see item 2 for more details)
- MQ 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4 work with "All Application Servers that support the Java EE 8.0 (1.8) specification" (as long as the Verification program can run successfully, see item 2 for more details)
- MQ 9.3 and 9.4 work with "All Application Servers that support the Jakarta EE 9.1 specification" (as long as the Verification program can run successfully, see item 2 for more details)

- As of August-2024, none of the IBM MQ version.releases support Jakarta EE 10.0
+++ Explanation
The JavaEE version used by the application server determines the version of the IBM MQ Resource Adapter that must be used.

+ JavaEE 1.5 and 1.6

The MQ Resource Adapter v7.5 supports JCA v1.5 and provides JMS 1.1 support. To provide full integration with WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile the MQ 7.5 Resource Adapter has been updated to APAR IC92914. This resource adapter retains full compatibility with other JavaEE 1.5 and later application servers.

See "WebSphere MQ resource adapter v7.1 and later statement of support"

+ JavaEE 1.7
The IBM MQ Resource Adapter v8.0 and v9.0 supports JCA v1.7 and provides JMS 2.0 support.
This needs to be deployed within a JavaEE 1.7 and later application server.

See "IBM MQ resource adapter v8.0 statement of support" and "IBM MQ resource adapter v9.0 statement of support"

+ JavaEE 1.8
The IBM MQ Resource Adapter 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4 work supports JCA v1.8.
This needs to be deployed within a JavaEE 1.7 and later application server.

++ Download
Where can I download the IBM MQ Resource Adapter (RA)?

++ Installation

See tutorial:
Download, install and test IBM-MQ-Install-Java-All ( and IBM-MQ-Java-InstallRA (wmq.jmsra.rar)  

++ Liberty Configuration

+ See example:
Deploying IBM MQ IVT wmq.jmsra.ivt.ear in WebSphere Liberty Profile (WLP) in Linux RHEL

+ Jakarta Messaging 3.0 (aka JMS 3.0)
The "wmqMessagingClient-3.0" feature is required.

+ Older details (JMS 1.1):

Details of the Liberty configuration should be checked in the WebSphere Application Server Product Documentation. In summary, an additional feature is added (wmqJmsClient-1.1 or wmqJmsClient-2.0), and reference to the wmq.jmsra.rar file is added. For example, a configuration to support servlets and MDBs, with JNDI, might look like this:




   <variable name="wmqJmsClient.rar.location"        


For Liberty versions up to v8.5.5.1, if an EJB is deployed using solely the configuration within the ejb-jar.xml, the version of WebSphere Application Server that the Liberty Profile is using must have APAR PM89890 applied. This method of configuration is used for the Resource Adapter's installation verification program (IVT), so this APAR is required in order for the IVT to run.

++ Platform Support

In addition to the platform support defined by the MQ System Requirements, the WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile includes platform support for Mac OS X. Therefore use of the resource adapter within the Liberty profile on Mac OS X is tolerated. Outside of the Liberty Profile, the platform support for the IBM MQ Resource Adapter is unchanged.

+++ end +++

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000008PuAAI","label":"Java-\u003EJava EE RA (WebSphere)"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS016723094","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 August 2024

