IBM Support

MustGather: Edge Caching Proxy problems



Collecting data for problems with the WebSphere® Application Server Caching Proxy described. Review this information to familiarize yourself with the troubleshooting and data collection process.

Resolving The Problem

If IBM® support is assisting with your current problem, continue problem determination as directed by IBM® support. Otherwise, review the material: MustGather: Read first for all WebSphere Application Server.

Caching Proxy specific MustGather data collection: 
  • From the Installation Manager tools folder (InstallationManager_root/eclipse/tools), use the imcl command to collect Caching Proxy installation information.
    Unix ./imcl listInstalledPackages
    Windows imcl listInstalledPackages

  • The ibmproxy.conf file contains Caching Proxy's configuration.
    Unix /opt/ibm/edge/cp/etc/en_US/ibmproxy.conf
    Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\edge\cp\etc\en_US\ibmproxy.conf

  • If the error can be reproduced, delete the existing logs from the CachingProxy_root/server_root/logs directory.

  • Configure tracing when a request is not proxied as expected:
    • Using the command interface to start Caching Proxy:
      1. Edit the ibmproxy.conf configuration file. In the "Logging Directives" section, add directives: 
        TraceLog <trace_filename>
        TraceModule All
      2. Start Caching Proxy in background mode with verbose logging with the command:
        ibmproxy -debug -mtv -bg
        Trace information is quickly written to the console. The same information is also written to the trace file.
    • Using the graphical interface for Caching Proxy:
      1. Navigate to the http://proxy_name:port/Usage/Frames page.
      2. Click the Rtrace link.
      3. Define the TraceFile name, select the verbosity level, and click Submit.

  • If the Content Based Routing (CBR) module is configured in Caching Proxy, add the keyword debugmode to the end of the serverinit directive in the ibmproxy.conf file.
    Unix ServerInit <CBR_ROOT>/servers/lib/ debugmode
    Windows ServerInit <CBR_ROOT>\servers\lib\liblbcbr.dll:ndServerInit debugmode

  • Start a packet trace to capture traffic on the Caching Proxy listen ports (typically, port 80).
    Details:   Using packet trace tools iptrace, snoop, tcpdump, wireshark, and nettl

  • With tracing enabled, reproduce the problem. Stop the process by holding down the control key and pressing 'C' (<Ctrl>-C). The maximum size of the trace file cannot be configured. The logs size does not increase beyond 2 GB.

  • Gather the following information and data files to provide to IBM®:
    • All the files located in CP_ROOT/server_root/logs
    • Caching Proxy configuration file (ibmproxy.conf)
    • Unformatted, binary output of packet capture (*.pcap)
    • A detailed problem description containing:
      • Date and time of failure
      • IP address of caching proxy
      • If available, the client IP and URL experiencing the failure

  • Follow instructions to send data collected to IBM® for diagnostic review:
    Exchanging information with IBM Technical Support for problem determination.

For a listing of all technotes, downloads, and educational materials specific to the Edge component, Caching Proxy, search the WebSphere Application Server support site.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSAW57","label":"WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CdIMAA0","label":"Edge Caching Proxy"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
26 December 2021

