IBM Support

Rational Test Workbench 8.5



Rational Test Workbench 8.5 has been made generally available and contains new features as well as fixes for client-reported and internally found defects.

Download Description

Table of Contents
Sections Description
This section provides an overview on what is new in this release with a description of any new functions or enhancements when applicable.
This section provides information related to the impact of this release to allow you to assess how your environment may be affected.
This section provides important information to review prior to the installation of this release.
This section provides the direct link to obtain the download package for installation in your environment.
This section provides the installation instructions necessary to apply this release into your environment.
This section contains a link to the known problems (open defects) identified at the time of this release.
Supporting Documentation
Document Description
Click to review the detailed system requirements information for a complete list of hardware requirements, supported operating systems, prerequisites and optional supported software, with component-level details and operating system restrictions.
The information center provides you with user assistance for the product. You can view, browse, and search online information related to the product. You can also visit IBM Product information page the to browse for additional information centers.
Click to review a complete list of the defects (APARs) resolved in this release including a list of resolved defects for the entire version family.

Installation Instructions

For instructions to install Rational Test Workbench 8.5, see the topic Installing Rational Test Workbench in the Installation book in the Rational Test Workbench 8.5 information center.

Installing Rational Test Workbench version 8.5 help
To view the product information center locally that contains installation and usage instructions, you can download the zip from the following location:

Download for Rational Test Workbench 8.5, and for Rational Integration Tester 8.5.

For information about using the help for Rational Integration Tester 8.5, see the book Using the Help in the Rational Integration Tester 8.5 information center.

Important notes about upgrading to Rational Integration Tester 8.5 from earlier versions


  • If you are upgrading from an earlier version of GH Tester, GH Performance or GH VIE then you must read the upgrade instructions before installing the new versions. This details specific steps you must take and issues of which you should be aware. The upgrade instructions are in this technote: Upgrading from GH Tester, GH Performance and GH VIE
  • For Performance Testing and Service Virtualization you will require an installation of Rational Integration Tester Agent from the Rational Performance Test Server or Rational Test Virtualization Server products respectively. These are licensed separately from Rational Test Workbench. Please contact your sales team for detailed information.
  • It is not possible to upgrade to version 8.5 of Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Control Panel, Rational Integration Tester Agent or Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack from any prior version. This is due to a significant upgrade in the version of the Eclipse framework used by the products in this release. If you already have any of these products installed then you must uninstall them first before installing the new version.

The various components of Rational’s Virtualization Environment are designed to work together. In normal operation all components (RIT, RTCP, the Agents, proxies and exits) must all be at the same version otherwise version-mismatch errors will occur. However, in order to make the upgrade process easier, Rational Test Control Panel 8.5 will operate correctly with version 8.0.1.x of RIT, the Agents and proxies. The Agents and proxies will also operate correctly with 8.0.1.x versions of RIT. This allows an organization to upgrade RTCP instances to 8.5 first, then to upgrade agents and proxies and finally to upgrade individual instances of RIT. Careful planning must be given to the upgrade process.

Rational Integration Tester
For Rational Integration Tester your Library Manager settings and most user preferences should be preserved during this uninstall/reinstall process. During the installation of 8.5 you should choose to run Library Manager at the end of the process and confirm the settings are correct. Note that perspective and dialog layout preferences will have been reset.
Users of Rational’s floating license server will need to set-up the license server host name again after installation. To do this enter the Manage License area of Installation Manager and enter the floating license hostname details.

Rational Integration Tester Agent
The Agent’s Library Manager settings should be preserved during the uninstall/reinstall process. During the installation of 8.5 you should choose to run Library Manager at the end of the process and confirm the settings are correct. After installation you will also need to configure the Agent.config file (e.g. RTCP and RQM settings). You may find it useful to take a copy of this file prior to uninstallation so that you can copy over values.

Rational Test Control Panel
If you wish to preserve your Rational Test Control Panel workspace (published stubs, user configuration, domains and environments) then when uninstalling the previous version please ensure that you do not select the option to remove the workspace. When installing the 8.5 version please ensure that the workspace directory is set to the same location as your existing workspace. Later versions of the RTCP uninstallation process state the location of the workspace directory and you should make note of this. Earlier versions of the uninstaller do not provide this information in which case you should open the following file to determine the workspace location:

<RTCP install location>\webapps\RTCP\WEB-INF\classes\
And look for the line containing the ‘workingDirectory’ key.

Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack
Before uninstalling the HTTP/TCP proxy you should take a copy of the registration.xml file (which contains RTCP location, https set-up and forwarding rules) so that these values can be re-applied after upgrading the proxy to the 8.5 version.
After installing the Platform Pack you should upgrade existing Tester JDBC driver installations by copying the new driver over the existing files.

This release of Rational Integration Tester requires a new database schema for the Tester Results database (also known as the project database). Since version 5.4 of GH Tester (including versions 8.0.0 and 8.0.1 of Rational Integration Tester) the database schema in use has been version 1.9.24d. Version 8.5 requires schema 1.9.24e. Until the database schema has been upgrade it will not be possible to store results to the database.

This schema upgrade is required in order to provide Unicode compatibility for the Microsoft SQL Server database.

Previous versions of Rational Integration Tester (including GH Tester 5.4) will operate correctly against schema 1.9.24e. This means that the Results database can be upgraded first and then individual copies of Rational Integration Tester can be upgraded over time.

As with previous schema upgrades an upgrade script is provided for each of the four supported results databases. This script can only be run on a database that is already at version 1.9.24d. If your Results database is an older version than this then you must run previous upgrade scripts, in order, to get it to 1.9.24d before attempting the 1.9.24e upgrade.

Users should ensure that their Results database is backed up before attempting to run the upgrade scripts.

For Microsoft SQL Server every varchar column that could contain Unicode characters is changed to an nvarchar column (whilst preserving the contents). For DB2, Oracle and MySQL databases the 1.9.24e upgrade does not actually make any changes to the structure of the database. It simply marks the database as now being the 1.9.24e version in order to keep version numbers consistent across the four databases.

[{"INLabel":"Rational Test Workbench 8.5 Installation Guide","INLang":"English","INSize":"4955","INURL":""}]

Download Package

Download options
Access type Description
Passport Advantage Passport Advantage and Passport Advantage Express clients are required to sign in to download the software package.
IBM OEM software IBM Software Group OEM offerings are designed for partners who develop and sell business solutions with embedded or bundled IBM middleware software. Clients with Flexible Contract Type (FCT) license purchases and IBM Business Partners must sign in to download the software package.

How critical is this fix?

Impact Assessment
Impact Description
This release is a service release of Rational Test Workbench. It contains new features as well as fixes for client-reported and internally found defects.

Problems Solved

Click the Fix List link in the table of contents above to review a list of the problems solved in this release.

Known Side Effects

Known issues for Rational Performance Tester are described in the Rational Performance Tester download document.

Known issues for Rational Functional Tester are described in the Rational Functional Tester download document.

You should be aware of the following points.


If a user installs Rational Integration Tester on any supported version of Microsoft Windows and another non-admin user attempts to run it then an error will occur when Library Manager or Tester is started. This is caused by the installation process setting security on a number of .ini files so that only the original installing user (or another admin user) can access them. This is documented in technical note

CICS DPL virtualization JVM process

When using the CICS DPL virtualization solution the CICS JVM process must be configured to have a maximum Java heap size of at least 512M. In IBM’s testing values of less than this led to JVM failures during recording or virtualization of CICS programs.


Side-by-side installation of different versions of Rational Integration Tester is not supported. If such installations are performed then users should note that the multiple versions will share the same start-up splash-screen cause confusion in the version numbering. Help/About must be used to determine the correct version number.


After uninstalling Rational Integration Tester Agent, Rational Test Control Panel or the Proxies on a Windows XP machine some users have reported seeing the error “Problem with executing "C:\Program Files\IBM\RIT-AgentNonDefault\prunsrv.exe" in the Installation Manager log. This problem has no functional impact; the product will still have correctly uninstalled.


If a performance test is configured to start a stub on RTCP and that stub is already running then another instance will be (correctly) started for the performance test. However, when the performance test stops, both instances of the stub will be stopped, not just the one that was started for the test. Note that this does not apply to stubs which are already running which are not configured to be used in the performance test; they will continue to run after the test ends.


When an RTCP scenario is loaded into RIT (via either the Test Suite scenario editor or the Performance Test configuration dialog), scenarios for all domains / environment are listed rather than just the domain/environment the user is currently working in. If the test is then executed in an environment in which the stubs in the scenario have not been published too they will fail to start.


Some users have reported that it can take a long time (up to two minutes) for Library Manager to display on Solaris SPARC systems.


Due to the way in which table names are extracted from SQL when using the new integrated database problems can occur when working with case-sensitive, non-schema qualified table names. Specifically if a user is working with:

- a case-sensitive database,
- and with a mixed-case table name,
- and with SQL that does not use schema-qualified table names,
- and that SQL that does not quote the table name

Then TABLE NOT FOUND errors may be reported when using the integrated database. The workarounds are to either change the SQL to be schema qualified or to use the non-integrated schema approach where a 2nd database schema is required.


Some users have reported that the Message Difference Window is slower to open on the 8.5 release (compared to the release) on very large messages (typically 1 megabyte messages).


On Windows installations the Rational Integration Tester Agent can write a logfile (derby.log) into the install directory at runtime. This will happen when the Agent cannot determine the ‘instance location’ which is normally set by the derby.system.home property. This file will be left on uninstall meaning the directories will not be entirely cleaned out.


If a user has run a stub from a project on an Agent via Rational Test Control Panel, stopped that stub (but left the project deployed to the agent – i..e has not run other stubs on that Agent yet) and then publishes a new version of the stub from the same project number to RTCP and then immediately attempts to start that stub then a failure will occur. This is because Rational Test Control Panel believes that the project already deployed to the Agent contains the new stub and instructs the Agent to start it without deploying the new version of the project file. A workaround to this is to use the Stop All Stubs option on the RTCP dashboard which forces all projects to be cleared out from Agents.


Users should note that JDBC database virtualization is not supported against IBM DB2 version 8.x. The oldest supported version of DB2 for JDBC virtualization is 9.5 (on distributed) and 9.1 (on System z).


If, when importing a .NET object into Rational Integration Tester’s Schema Library, a user chooses a file that is not a .NET assembly (e.g. an xml file) then errors can occur. These errors occur in Windows native libraries and cannot be handled by RIT. In the 8.5 release RIT does some additional checks before attempting to ask the native libraries to load the assembly to reduce the number of error conditions. However, errors may still occur if a user attempts to load a file that is not a .NET object into RIT.


Rational Test Control Panel now has the ability to clone running stubs. This means that a 2nd (or subsequent) copy of a stub can be started up on a new agent using exactly the same configuration as the existing stub. This is useful when using stubs for Performance Tests as, for some transports, this allows round-robin allocation of messages to occur which will result in higher throughput than from a single stub. If such a configuration (multiple copies of the same stub running on different agents) is saved as a scenario in RTCP then it will not load back correctly, not will it load into RIT (from the test suite editor, for example) correctly.


If a Rational Integration Test suite scenario has a reference to a (local) stub as ‘blank’ in the References grid (i.e. not ‘Live System’ and not a specifically selected stub) and a stub is already running for the referenced operation then, when the test suite starts, the running stub will be stopped by RIT (thus reverting message to the live system). This may cause user confusion as they had not explicitly configured the scenario for ‘live system’. Note that this can be worked around by explicitly stating which stub should be used in the scenario editor.


Use of –clean argument when Tester or Library Manager will not start

Problems can sometimes occur when Rational Integration Tester does not properly resolve multiple versions of the same JAR file correctly. Multiple versions may be present within an installation because third party JAR files may each include a different version. If incorrect dependency information is stored within the Eclipce workspace cache then it will not correct itself. One common symptom of this problem is that when a user runs Tester, the splashscreen appears, then disappears but Tester never starts. The same issue can occur when running Library Manager, although in this case, as there is no splash screen, it will appear to the user as if Library Manager has just failed to start.

Although one workaround is to uninstall and re-install Tester it is possible for a user to force cached dependency information to be removed and re-evaluated and, in the majority of cases, the problem will then correct itself.
To force the Eclipse environment to delete dependency information GHTester.exe must be started from the command line with the -clean argument specified. i.e., from within the installed directory:
GHTester.exe –clean on Windows and ./GHTester –clean on Linux.
Rational Integration Tester will take longer than usual to start when -clean is specified.
For Library Manager use:
LibConfig.exe –clean on Windows and ./LibConfig –clean on Linux.
The same problem can occur in RTVS and RPTS installations with the RIT Agent. In this case diagnosis and remediation is more difficult as there are multiple executable files and the correct one must be used. In these cases IBM’s Support team should be contacted.


Tester does not support WebSphere Application Server’s native JMS implementation if security has been enabled

Rational Integration Tester cannot currently access WAS’s JNDI (required for JMS) if security has been turned on. IBM is currently investigation how to configure RIT such that this works and expects to issue a TechNote once the problem has been resolved.


Slow Fail Execution Is Not Supported When Running ‘Now’ on a Remote Agent

Version 5.4 of Tester introduced the concept of ‘slow fail’ to Test Suites. When a suite is run with this option turned on tests will not immediately stop when an individual test action fails. Instead they will continue so that users can see if future test steps succeed. Although this functionality is supported (in 8.0.1) when scheduling a test for future execution via RTCP it is not supported if you run a test suite ‘now’ on a remote agent using the Run… dialog.


Using the Shutdown.bat file (or shortcut) will not stop RTCP running as a service

Startup and shutdown batch file scripts are provided with RTCP to start and stop it from the command line. On Windows shortcuts to these scripts are provided in the Start Menu. Note that, on Windows, if RTCP is running as a service then the shutdown batch script cannot be used to stop it. You must either using the control panel or issue a net stop IBMRTCP statement on the command line.


Overwrite Expected Field for Filters

Within the Message Difference Window, Overwrite Expected Field only works for filters (within stubs) when updating leaf nodes. Message structures cannot be copied when viewing filter actions. The whole message can be replaced while viewing the filter actions, using overwrite expected message, but overwriting part of a message currently only works for the validate field action.

AIX Performance Testing Does Not Support the sysstats Probe
The sysstats probe is not provided for AIX. If a user attempts to configure an AIX-based performance test to use this probe then the following error will be shown in the console : [Error] Probe ERROR: http://localhost:4476 - Probes failed to start - Failed to start probe: System Statistics - java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ghsystemstats (Not found in java.library.path). You must remove this probe from the configuration of the test.

Stopping an Agent Results In Windows Event Log Error
On some Windows installations IBM has seen errors raised in the Windows Application Event Log when the Rational Integration Tester Agent service is stopped. This error occurs during the shut-down process of the service and does not affect the functionality of the Agent.

Component Tree Does Not Show Complete Project In Test Factory
Some users have reported instances where the Test Factory Perspective does not show the complete list of project resources in the component tree. Rational Integration Tester has required re-starting to correctly display the tree. This problem has not yet been replicated within IBM’s labs and its cause is currently unknown.


User Interface Freeze

Some users have encountered software freezes on Windows, particularly when moving the Rational Integration Tester user interface from a laptop screen onto an external monitor. This is believed to be caused by problems between the Java Virtual Machine and the DirectX video drivers in use on the machine. If this problem affects you then please try to resolve it by adding the following line to the GHTester.ini file in the installation directory:


This tells the JVM not to use DirectX. This has resolved the problems in all cases IBM is aware of so far although the UI does run more slowly. This issue has been raised with the IBM Java team.

Note that users who experienced this problem while using computers with NVIDIA graphics cards found that upgrading to the most recent driver for their graphics card resolved the problem.

GHDotNetUtils Must Be In the .NET Global Assembly Cache
If you are using Rational Integration Tester’s .NET integration then the GHDotNetUtils.dll file (in the root installation folder) must be added to the .NET Global Assembly Cache before .NET objects can be parsed.

Users wishing to use the .Net functionality will need to install the .Net SDK from Microsoft and register the dll manually e.g : gacutil /i GHDotNetUtils.dll

Date Formatting Strings
Rational Integration Tester uses Java to format date strings for validation purposes. The IBM JRE acts differently from the Oracle/Sun JRE used by earlier versions of GHT Tester for one unusual format string.

Specifically, a date of "123" parsed using an input format of “yyy” with output format MMDDy will be formatted as “0101123” by the IBM JRE. Previous versions of GH Tester (using the Oracle JRE) would have formatted this as “010123”. This is unlikely to cause problems as it is unlikely customers will be using single-character year output format strings.

Launching the ‘Tools Application’ (Source Control option on Menu) Displays License Warning
If you are running Rational Integration Tester using an evaluation license then when you launch the “Tools Application”, by choosing the Source Control option in the menu or by creating/editing a data model, a dialog will appear warning that you are using a trial license. This dialog will not appear once you have installed a full license.

Silent Install of Rational Test Control Panel
Depending on how the silent installation response file has been generated the “Security Configuration” tool may still be launched at the end of the process. The imcl tool is known to work correctly and will suppress the dialog. As Rational Test Control Panel is a server-based product silent installations are not expected to be common but IBM will look to improve this in future releases.

To use imcl within the ${IM}/eclipse/tools directory run “./imcl-c”, specifying the response file when prompted.

The Agent Can Only be Started From its Installed Directory (Unix)
On Unix, if an attempt is made to start the agent from a directory other than the one it is installed in then it will fail to start. For example:

/opt/GH/RIT-Agent/Agent -consolelog

Whereas if you are within the installed directory then:

./Agent -consolelog
works correctly.

It is not possible to rename a project resource by simply changing case
Although project resources can be renamed, it is not possible to simply change the case. i.e. A rename that changes “simpletest” to “SimpleTest” will not actually rename. This is because Tester uses the Eclipse framework to manage its files and Eclipse does not recognize this type of change.

Linux root/non-root Installation Notes

The 8.5 components can be installed on Linux as a non-root user. Alternatively, components can be installed as root and then run as non-root. The Network Capture (pcap) component of Rational Integration Tester requires root access and cannot be installed as a non-root user.
Most Linux administrators will be aware of file/directory ownership issues when performing these types of installation. The following known issues should be considered.

31329All users must be in the same group to be able to run/view reports
When a report is generated in Results Gallery Tester will create a directory called /tmp/ghtester5reports. This directory will be owned by the user that creates it (which may be root). When another user attempts to run a report then, if they’re not in the same group, they will be unable to write to the same directory and the report generation will fail. The workaround is to ensure that all users can write to this directory (for example, by making them all members of the same group)

30778If RTCP is installed as root but run as non-root then it will fail
This is caused because directories used at runtime for logging information have been created by root and therefore cannot be written into by a non-root user. This problem does not occur if RTCP was installed as a non-root user. If RTCP was installed as root and a user wishes to run it as non-root then directory permissions must be changed. For example, from within the RTCP installation directory issue the commands:
chmod a+w logs
chmod a+w logs/*
chmod a+w /var/rtcp
chmod a+w /var/rtcp/*
RTCP should now run as a non-root user. An alternative solution that may be preferred by some administrators, is to change the directory that RTCP writes information into. A Tech Note has been published here describing how to do this:

Globalization issues


Rational Integration Tester is a Swing based Java application. Java/Swing uses visual cursor movement when working with bi-directional text in user-editable fields. This means that the cursor arrow keys and the delete/backspace function will always operate visually (i.e. left moves left) which may not be the expected logical movement.


Not all Unicode characters (especially the glyph-style characters) can be rendered using all fonts. For example, very few fonts contain a glyph for the U+0904 (DEVANAGARI LETTER SHORT A) character. Rational Integration Tester’s default behavior means that it will not attempt to find a font that does contain that character. This means that messages containing this character will not render correctly. The workaround is for the user to use the RIT font preferences to select a font that is capable of rendering these characters.


Dates in ISO format in message nodes will not be rendered according to the preferred operating system date format (when not running in English) in the Message Difference Window. Changing this behavior would require making changes that could invalidate ‘expected messages’ in existing projects causing tests to fail. For this reason it has been decided not to change the rendering of these nodes.


Attempting to publish a message to a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager using a character set that MQ will not support will result in a failure. This is as-expected and is not a RIT fault. For example, it is possible to publish a message containing the string 叱る亜うぃんをいはるいうはにぽげきんぼ if the character set on the publish action is set to 33722 but not if it’s set to 29626 as MQ doesn’t support that.


When attempting to install multiple products at the same time (e.g. Rational Integration Tester and Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack) warning messages may be displayed in Installation Manager indicating that not all the products in the selected set provide the same set of languages. Both RIT and RTCP have been translated into the same set of 14 languages and this warning can be ignored.


Attempting to connect to a DB2 database using non-ASCII usernames may result in the error “cannot convert Unicode string to Ebcdic string” being displayed. For example, attempting to connect using the default Russian administrator username of "администратор" will show the error, but connecting using “administrator” will not. The workaround is to use the ASCII forms.


Arabic numbers pasted into a numeric control with up and down increment arrows (e.g. the Minimum length field when setting up length validation in the message editor) will revert to Western numerals when the up/down increment arrows are clicked.


When running Library Manager on a non-English operating system the network card information displayed may contain corrupted characters. This is due to a problem processing Unicode characters in 3rd party software used by Library Manager to access the network card details.

Known issues from GH Tester that are still relevant to Rational Integration Tester

Test Cycles and Coverage Reports
If you are using Test Cycles and want coverage reports, the applicable tests must still be executed from within a test suite (i.e. coverage reports will not be produced for tests that are executed outside of a test suite).

Column Level Validation Cannot be Displayed in the Message Differences Window
Validation on table rows and cells performed within the SQL Query action works as expected and is displayed in the console accurately. If column-level validation is used, however, any differences are displayed correctly in the console, but they are unable to be displayed in the Message Differences window as it is currently only able to display row-by-row and cell-by-cell validation issues.

Duplicated Physical Resources when Using Source Control
Rational Integration Tester now uses a different method of creating filenames for physical resources. For this reason, source control users may see duplicate items due to the way the project was updated/committed after the resource change. In this case, the newer/newly named resource should be kept.

webMethods Broker Events
When recording webMethods Broker events, some fields may be seen to contain null rather than their actual content. This occurs because elements wired to a byte-array by an IS to publish can only be un-wired by another IS, this is an internal mechanism of IS and cannot be overcome. This has been seen with the MQ adapter notifications for the “MsgBody” and “MsgBodyByteArray” fields, but may affect others. Further information can be found via Software AG support, incident number 5019024.

Logical View
Sometimes adding a service component to the logical view will not add it to the diagram.

10905: User Names Containing “#” Character
The Eclipse framework (and therefore Rational Integration Tester) does not support user names that contain the “#” symbol. This issue may result in the deletion of project files as Rational Integration Tester cannot interpret the full path to the user’s “Documents and Settings” directory for application preferences.
The workaround for this issue is to create a folder to use as a Rational Integration Tester workspace (for example,C:RIT) and edit TestEngine.ini (found in C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalIntegrationTester, by default) to point to it. The line below “-data” should be changed from “@user.home/.rit8/perf-workspace” to “C:/RIT/..rit8/perf-workspace”.

UNC Paths as Current Directory in Run Command Action
Cmd.exe, used by the Rational Integration Tester Run Command test action, may return an error when trying to process a UNC path. More information regarding the resolution is available at


Issue with SSL tab referencing one of a number of identity stores

In a project with multiple identity stores the GUI does not always correctly reflect the one selected.

If you select any identity store from the Identity Store drop down menu and click OK to close the transport window, Rational Integration Tester will select the correct identity store when processing the data. This can be seen when opening up the physical files in the Physical folder of the GH Project on your C drive. The HTTP file references the id of the selected Identity Store correctly.
Error scenario

If you select any identity store from the Identity Store drop down menu, but then reselect the Identity Store drop down menu it will not retain the selected id store and will default back to the first id store in the drop down menu. Clicking OK on the window will then rewrite the physical files on your drive to reference the first id store in the list. So this should be avoided until fixed.

Simultaneous Modifications
If a message is opened in a message editor (for example, a Subscribe action) and the message differences window at the same time, changes made in one window will be overwritten or reverted when closing the other window. More specifically, the content of the window that is closed last will overwrite the content of the window that was closed first.
This also applies if the message differences window is used to correct messages used in a stub if the stub editor window is open. Note that this problem can be avoided by selecting the user preference, “Run from Disk” as opposed to “Run from Memory”.

User Permissions on non-Windows Platforms
It is possible to perform actions in Rational Integration Tester that require the opening of IP ports less than number 1024. For example, if you create and run a stub configured to listen on port 80. On non-Windows platforms this operation requires the user to be an administrator. Before you can run Rational Integration Tester as an administrator, however, you must run the Library Manager as an administrator (this is due to the way the .rit8 directory is created under the user’s home directory). Similarly, if you want to run Rational Integration Tester as a non-admin user, you must first run Library Manager as that non-admin user.

Results Rendering
The third party rendering engine has performance issues when dealing with larger reports, this may be alleviated by increasing the amount of memory allocated to the application.

Invalid Schema Messages
Some message fields may be displayed as invalid (red “x”), even though they are valid fields/messages.

If a newer version of Rational Integration Tester is installed after adding team providers to SCM, the providers will have to be reinstalled unless their installation is outside of the Rational Integration install folder (detailed in Rational Integration Tester Installation Guide).

TIBCO BusinessWorks Private Processes
  • The BW private process transport uses HTTP as its primary communication method, but Rational Integration Tester’s “Publish” test action does not support HTTP. Therefore, the Send Request/Receive Reply action pair should be used for testing private processes.
  • Error schemas are not supported (for example, if a process outputs an error schema rather than an end schema, the error schema/output is not supported in Rational Integration Tester).
    • Rational Integration Tester does not support the following content in private process schemas:
    • A “Choice” content option at the root of the schema
    • Pointing to an AE message from anywhere (i.e. inner or at the root) causes a known deserialization issue
    • The “Java Object Reference” type is not supported at any level
    • The inline WSDL message content option is not supported
  • If you get a connection error when calling a private process, please check the network settings. If you open the Designer Engine Custom Properties in the Physical View of the Architecture School perspective, you will find the host and port number. The host/port in the Physical View menu must match the host/port in the GHEnable.proj design time library in the BW project. The BW host/port can be set when the project is deployed.

Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
DTO support is currently limited to the following:
  • Classes with a default constructor and publicly visible member variables
  • Member variables must be primitives, wrapper objects, Strings or other objects within the JAR file
JMS providers who use the Context Class Loader to obtain message definitions

Change History

Use Rational Test Workbench to create, modify, and run different kinds of tests and to organize test assets.

Rational Test Workbench includes the following components:

  • IBM Rational Test Workbench Eclipse client
  • IBM Rational Test Workbench mobile client (installed on your mobile device)
  • IBM Rational Performance Tester
  • IBM Rational Functional Tester
  • IBM Rational Integration Tester
  • IBM Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack
  • IBM Rational Test Control Panel

Rational Test Workbench version 8.5 includes new features that are listed in the What's New in Rational Solution for Test Automation topic in the Rational Test Workbench information center.

New features in Rational Integration Tester version 8.5 are listed in the topic What's New in Rational Integration Tester 8.5.0.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSBLQQ","label":"IBM Rational Test Workbench"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"}],"Version":"8.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Problems (APARS) fixed

Document Information

Modified date:
29 September 2018

