IBM Support

Hints and tips for installing IBM Operations Manager for z/VM

Question & Answer


Are there any hints or tips for installing IBM Operations Manager for z/VM?


Following are some hints and tips for installing IBM Operations Manager for z/VM for the first time on a z/VM system:
  1. IBM recommends you install Operations Manager before you install IBM Tape Manager for z/VM, IBM Backup and Restore Manager for z/VM, or OMEGAMON XE on z/VM and Linux or related products. It will make it easier to look at service machine consoles when you are ready to start and test any of the other products. I.e. you can use XAUTOLOG and then view the service machine console from MAINT, MAINT640, MAINT710, or your system programmer user ID.
  2. Make sure you have Operations Manager for z/VM V1.6 plus all recent PTFs.  The PSP for Operations Manager lists the PTFs. If you ordered Operations Manager from Shopz after November 13, 2020, then all PTFs through UI68310 are pre-installed.
  3. Obtain the latest copies of the Program Directory and Administration Guide on the Operations Manager website. You may need to click on "See more resources" to find both documents.
  4. Installing Operations Manager is greatly simplified by the free INSTPROD EXEC provided on the z/VM Downloads website.  This will perform many of the installation steps described in the Program Directory and some of the steps described in the Administration Guide. 
    Note: INSTPROD will not install any additional PTFs.  You must still perform this step when directed to do so in the INSTPROD documentation.  It's important to install all service before production directory entries are created.  To install the PTFs, follow the instructions in topic 7.0 of the Program Directory.
  5. Once you complete the installation steps using INSTPROD, go to the Administration Guide.
  6. In the Administration Guide, start with Chapter 2, Step 3 and follow the instructions. If you have RACF, you need to decide if you are going to use it to control access to Operations Manager functions. (You can change your mind later with minimal rework.)

    If you will not use RACF to control access to Operations Manager functions, you can skip Step 5 in Chapter 2. If you will use RACF to control access to Operations Manager functions, you'll need to complete step 5. If you haven't previously set up profiles in the RACF FACILITY class before, the white paper on the Resources tab of the Operations Manager web site may be useful.
  7. Continue with Chapter 3 in the Administration Guide.  INSTPROD may have already copied the sample configuration file. You will still need to review and possibly update it as the Administration Guide describes.
  8. After you have updated the configuration file, go to Chapter 4 "Starting Operations Manager and managing the configuration file" and complete the steps.  Again, INSTPROD may have already copied the files for you, but you should still review and update them if needed.  Be sure to complete the sections on creating shortcuts and completing the installation verification steps.
  9. If you change the configuration file after Operations Manager is started, remember to use the steps at the end of Chapter 4 ("Managing the configuration file") to tell Operations Manager to reload the updated file (or use the shortcut OMRELOAD EXEC from step 8 above.)
  10. Once Operations Manager is up and running, you can view consoles (VIEWCON <userid>), view spool files (VIEWSPL) and view the Operations Manager log (VIEWLOG).
  11. When you are ready to implement monitoring and automation using Operations Manager, start with some examples of rules, actions, etc. which you can find:
  12. Continue with the hints and tips for:

[{"Product":{"code":"SSMR76","label":"Operations Manager for z\/VM"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF037","label":"z\/VM"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 April 2022

