IBM Support

Hints and tips for installing IBM Tape Manager for z/VM

Question & Answer


Are there any hints or tips for installing IBM Tape Manager for z/VM?


Following are some hints and tips for installing IBM Tape Manager for z/VM for the first time on a z/VM system:
  1. If you are also installing Operations Manager for z/VM, IBM recommends you install that product first. It will make it easier to look at service machine consoles when you are ready to start and test Tape Manager. That is, you can use XAUTOLOG and then view the console from MAINT, MAINT7nn, or your system programmer user ID. See these hints and tips for installing Operations Manager for z/VM.
  2. Before you install Tape Manager, you must install the Rexx Library or Alternate Library if you haven't already done it. See these hints and tips for installing a Rexx Library.
  3. Make sure you have Tape Manager for z/VM V1.3 plus all recent PTFs.  The PSP for Tape Manager lists the PTFs. If you ordered Tape Manager from Shopz after 20 November 20 2020, all PTFs through UI68309 are preinstalled.
  4. If you are installing Tape Manager on more than one z/VM system, see these FAQs about sharing a tape catalog and running Tape Manager in an SSI or non-SSI environment.
  5. Obtain the latest copies of the Program Directory, Administration Guide, and User Guide on the Tape Manager website.
  6. If you are using an Automated Tape Library or Virtual Tape Server, install and configure any prerequisite software:
    • As background, review this white paper concerning Tape Manager and TS7700. You do not need to follow the steps involved as they are covered in the white paper below.
    • IBM tape libraries and virtual tape servers require DFSMSRMS for z/VM (a free but separately installed component of z/VM.) This white paper will walk you through the step by step instructions for installing RMS and Tape Manager with an IBM tape library in the TS7700 family.
    • Oracle STK tape libraries require software from Oracle. Refer to the Tape Manager Administration Guide for more details. The white paper above can also be used for installing Tape Manager in this environment - simply skip the steps related to the TS7700 and RMS.
    • EMC and Luminex Virtual Tape Libraries do not require any additional software on z/VM. Tape Manager interacts with them as manual mount devices. The VTL is designed to automatically mount volumes when manual mount display messages are in a specific format. The white paper above can also be used for installing Tape Manager in this environment - simply skip the steps related to the TS7700 and RMS.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSMR3B","label":"Tape Manager for z\/VM"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF037","label":"z\/VM"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
31 July 2024

