IBM Support

Installing Cloud Storage Solutions for i 5733ICC

How To


This document shows you how to install 5733ICC


Product Information:
Product Code - 5733ICC
Current version - V1R2M0
Supported OS versions:
  • Ensure Host Name and Domain Name are configured correctly in CFGTCP option 12
  • It is recommended that you install current cumulative PTF package for your release
  • The following PTFs (included in latest cume) are required:
    7.1 - SI65711
    7.2 - SI65710
    7.3 - SI65678
  • If you intend on using BRMS in conjunction with Cloud Storage Solutions for i, the latest BRMS PTF is required.
Downloading 5733ICC:
Download from Entitled Systems Support . Screen captures in this document are from Firefox.  Other browsers can behave differently.
  1. On the main page click software downloads, select IBM i and your release then click the magnifying glass (you might be required to register your customer number first)
    image 9886
  2. On the following screen, check 5770-SS1 IBM i and click continue
    image 9888
  3. On the following screen Select your language group, normally group 1, and click continue
    image 9889
  4. On the following screen click Packages to expand B_GROUP1_01, select Cloud Storage Solutions for i, and click continue
    image 9890
  5. On the terms and conditions screen, review and click I agree.
  6. On the following screen, select Download using your Browser (HTTPS) and click continue
    image 9892
  7. On the following screen, click the link for your media to download to your PC. 
    image 9893
  8. Once downloaded to your PC, extract it and transfer the UDF file to a directory in your IFS, and create an image catalog to use for installation.

Installing the product:
  •  Install by using RSTLICPGM
  • After a successful install, apply the latest 5733ICC PTFs found here

Make sure you install ICC cleanly:

If your install does not go as planned, you may want to follow these instructions to clean up and try a reinstall:
  1.     Make sure you are using new ICC install media. If you downloaded it a few years ago, download a new image. If it is current, move on to step 2.
  3.     DLTLICPGM 5733ICC
  4.     Then perform a manual cleanup in case it didn't delete everything:
    • WRKLNK WRKLNK '/QOpenSys/QIBM/UserData/ICC' - Delete ICC and it's contents
    • WRKLNK WRKLNK '/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/ICC' - Delete ICC and it's contents
  5.     DLTLIB QICC
Then try the RSTLICPGM again. If there is a problem, collect a new joblog and the output of DSPPTF OUTPUT(*PRINT) to send to support.

Document Location


[{"Type":"SW","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSTS2D","label":"IBM i 7.3 Preventative Service Planning"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001kAPAAY","label":"Backup Recovery Install Migration-\u003ECloud Storage Solutions"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
07 March 2023

