IBM Support

IBM Spectrum Control 5.4.x - Server Platforms

Detailed System Requirements


What are the supported platforms for the server component of IBM Spectrum Control™ V5.4.0 and later? Where can I install the product? What operating systems are supported?


IBM Spectrum Control supports these operating systems for server:


AIX 7.3 4, 5, 6
  • POWER8
  • POWER9 in POWER8 compatibility mode 
  • POWER9 in POWER9 mode 
  • Power10 in POWER8 compatibility mode
AIX 7.2 3, 4
  • POWER7
  • POWER8
  • POWER9 in POWER8 compatibility mode 
  • POWER9 in POWER9 mode 
  • Power10 in POWER8 compatibility mode
AIX 7.1 2
AIX 6.1 1
AIX VIO Client

AIX Server Notes:

AIX 6.1 has reached end of support
For more information, see the AIX support lifecycle information:

AIX 7.1 has reached end of support
For more information, see the AIX product lifecycle information: 

The libstdc++ library is required.  

  • For AIX 7.2, libstdc++ version 7.2.0 or higher is required.  

The recommended method is to install the libstdc++ package available on IBM's AIX Toolbox site:

4 AIX 7.2 and AIX 7.3 on POWER9 or Power10 in POWER8 compatibility mode is supported. 

AIX 7.3 is supported starting with IBM Spectrum Control

AIX 7.3 requires these libraries: 

  • libgcc10-10.3.0-5.aix7.3.ppc.rpm 
  • libgcc-10-1.aix7.3.ppc.rpm  
  • libstdcplusplus10-10.3.0-5.aix7.3.ppc.rpm  
  • libstdcplusplus-10-1.aix7.3.ppc.rpm 
You can use rpm to install the libraries or refer to IBM's AIX Toolbox site for instructions:
  • You can upgrade the server operating system where IBM Spectrum® Control version or later is installed by following the steps here: Upgrading the OS of an IBM Spectrum Control server.  For server migration, learn about the key tasks when migrating IBM Spectrum® Control version or later from a source server to a target server running on Linux, AIX, or Windows operating systems: Migrating IBM Spectrum Control server.



Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
Yes (limitations) 4, 5, 7
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
Yes (limitations) 4, 5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 
Yes (limitations) 3, 5, 6 EOL 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Base Server and Advanced Platform 6
No 2
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Base Server and Advanced Platform 5
No 1

Linux Server Notes:

1 Red Hat has ended support for version 5 of Enterprise Linux product. IBM Spectrum Control has also removed support for this version of Linux for current and previous versions of Spectrum Control.  For more information, see the Life-Cycle section here:

2 Red Hat has ended support for version 6 of Enterprise Linux product. IBM Spectrum Control has also removed support for this version of Linux for current and previous versions of Spectrum Control.  For more information, see the details here:,

3 A minimum version of RHEL 7.3 is required. RHEL 7.9 highly suggested due to support dates. Review the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle for end of support dates:

4 Db2 11.5.4 is the first version of 11.5, which is fully supported on RHEL 8 and RHEL 9.  Db2 11.5.0 is not supported on RHEL 8 or RHEL 9.  NOTE: Before you install or upgrade IBM Spectrum Control, it is best practice to apply all available updates and patches to the RHEL operating system of the IBM Spectrum Control server.  

5 For IBM Spectrum Control installed on RHEL (x86-64):  Spectrum Control version 5.4.11 and higher are only supported on RHEL 8 and higher.  Do not install or upgrade to IBM Spectrum Control 5.4.11 on RHEL 7 (all versions) or earlier as it leads to an unstable environment and loss of access.

6 Red Hat has announced that June 30, 2024 is end of support for version 7 of Enterprise Linux product, and therefore IBM Spectrum Control will also remove support for this version of Linux for current and previous versions of Spectrum Control.  For more information, see the Life-Cycle section here:

7 RHEL 9.2 onwards is supported for IBM Spectrum Control 5.4.12. Before installing IBM Spectrum Control 5.4.12 on RHEL Server 9.2 onwards you must first install the "chkconfig" package. For more information, see 


  • Before you install or upgrade IBM Spectrum Control, it is best practice to apply all available updates and patches to the RHEL operating system of the IBM Spectrum Control server. 
  • You can upgrade the server operating system where IBM Spectrum® Control version or later is installed by following the steps here: Upgrading the OS of an IBM Spectrum Control server.  For server migration, learn about the key tasks when migrating IBM Spectrum® Control version or later from a source server to a target server running on Linux, AIX, or Windows operating systems: Migrating IBM Spectrum Control server.


Microsoft Windows™

Windows Server 2022
-Standard Edition
Yes (limitations) 3, 5
Windows Server 2019
-Standard Edition
Yes (limitations) 3
Windows Server 2016
-Standard Edition
Yes 2
Windows Server 2012 R2 
- Standard Edition
No 4
Windows Server 2012
- Standard Edition
No 4
Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1    
No 1
Windows Server 2008  
No 1
Windows Server Notes:
1 Microsoft has ended support of all versions of Windows Server 2008. IBM Spectrum Control has also removed support of Windows Server 2008 for current and previous versions of Spectrum Control.  For more information, see the Microsoft support lifecycle.  

2 Windows 2016 support requires a minimum version of Db2 11.1. 
3 Db2 11.5.4 is the first version of 11.5, which is fully supported on Windows 2019.  Db2 11.5.0 is not supported on Windows 2019 or Windows 2022.  To check Windows support of Db2 view System requirements for IBM Db2.
4 Microsoft has ended support of all versions of Windows Server 2012. IBM Spectrum Control has also removed support of Windows Server 2012 for current and previous versions of Spectrum Control.  For more information, see the Microsoft support lifecycle.   
Windows Server 2022 is supported on IBM Spectrum Control 5.4.10 and later.  Before installing IBM Spectrum Control 5.4.10 on Windows Server 2022, you must first run the command prompt as an administrator and enter the following command:  SET JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=" 10".
For more information, see
  • You can upgrade the server operating system where IBM Spectrum® Control version or later is installed by following the steps here: Upgrading the OS of an IBM Spectrum Control server.  For server migration, learn about the key tasks when migrating IBM Spectrum® Control version or later from a source server to a target server running on Linux, AIX, or Windows operating systems: Migrating IBM Spectrum Control server.


Virtual Machines

Microsoft Hyper-V
For more information about the operating systems that are supported for VMs, see IBM AIX, Linux, and Microsoft Windows tables.
KVM 2.0
VMware ESXi 5.5.x, 6.0.x, 6.5.x, 6.7.x, 7.0.x 1
VM Platform Notes:
1 Support added for ESXi 7.0.x starting with Spectrum Control 5.4.2



[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB69","label":"Storage TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SS5R93","label":"IBM Spectrum Control"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001jiVAAQ","label":"Help System"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"5.4.0;5.4.1;5.4.10;5.4.11;5.4.12;5.4.2;5.4.3;5.4.4;5.4.5;5.4.6;5.4.7;5.4.8;5.4.9"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
31 July 2024

