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Cloud storage for mainframe data
IBM® Cloud Tape Connector for z/OS® allows for easy copy and move of mainframe data to private, hybrid, or public Cloud storage, offering improved security, flexibility, and economics for archive or for backup and recovery. IBM® Cloud Tape Connector for z/OS® processes and moves your data without the need for more hardware gateway devices. It leverages zIIP processors to minimize CPU cost of data movement.
The latest version features new additional security options with Life-Cycle Encryption and provides “deviceless” Virtual Tape Emulation for a completely software-defined storage lifecycle.
Reduced overhead | Requires no complicated gateway hardware devices, or virtual or local tape hardware to purchase, configure or maintain. It connects directly with your public or private Cloud storage environments. |
Extensible infrastructure | Use the same Cloud storage infrastructure for both mainframe and open systems data. |
Secure data transmission | New Life-Cycle Encryption optionally ensures that only encrypted data is ever transferred to the cloud, and that the encryption keys are only managed on the mainframe. |
Optimized data handling | Tailor data caching and movement for workload optimization. |
IBM Cloud Tape Connector for z/OS features
Fits your operations | Automated data selection allows you to move data to the Cloud without disruptive changes to your operations. You can move data to your preferred Cloud solution with the flexibility to determine how and when you want data transferred. You get automatic data transformation and "chunking" for object or file storage. IBM® Cloud Tape Connector handles local-disk caching, manages data transmission, and authenticates with Cloud security. |
Virtual tape emulation | New Virtual Tape Emulation gives you maximum flexibility – your applications and backup processes don’t need to change if you want to shift away from dedicated tape or virtual tape devices. A new complete Virtual Tape Emulation is fully compatible, and provides a rich capability to manage your virtual tapes. E-Vaulting capability ensures your data is securely backed up and connects seamlessly to the cloud to policy-manage your data placement. |
Life-cycle encryption bolsters security | Life-Cycle Encryption can optionally enforce encryption of your data before it can be moved to the cloud. It is then transmitted to the cloud securely without relying on other encryption systems, or transitions between SSL and Cloud encryption. Life-Cycle Encryption keys are only managed on the originating system, reducing the number of places keys reside. Plus AT/TLS can be used to provide secure SSL transmission, and popular cloud storage systems also provide encryption at-rest. |
Data visibility | Reporting provides visibility into the location and status of data stored in the Cloud and can help to regulate the amount of data copied to the Cloud. Your administrators can now effectively use Cloud storage as a cost-effective archive for inactive data and backup-and-recovery scenarios. IBM® Cloud Tape Connector can be used for any z/OS® data that can be written out to tape, and is not restricted to DFSMS-managed data. |
Flexible cloud storage | Take advantage of the flexibility and economics of Cloud storage for the z/OS® mainframe environment. IBM® Cloud Tape Connector enables tape data to be easily copied to supported popular Cloud storage environments such as IBM® Cloud Object Storage, Amazon S3 or Hitachi Content Platform (HCP), or EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS). It can be easily and quickly recalled and data status can be monitored. |
Supported environments | IBM® Cloud Object Storage can use private, hybrid ,or public cloud options and locations worldwide with on-premise or remote access to the IBM Cloud®. Amazon Web Services S3 object storage, Hitachi Content Platform (HCP), and EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) are also supported, and FTP options. It also requires no complicated gateway hardware devices to purchase, configure, maintain, or even a physical or virtual tape device – it directly connects with public or private Cloud storage environments. |
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Modified date:
03 September 2021