Home Z software Z storage Z Storage Management Suite IBM Advanced Storage Management Suite for z/OS
Manage and monitor z/OS Storage Resources including Cloud Tiers
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IBM Advanced Storage Management Suite for z/OS® is a product bundle consisting of eight tools that you can use to manage and evaluate the storage on your z/OS environment.

IBM Advanced Storage Management Suite provides extensive capabilities to monitor and manage z/OS storage hardware and software resources, including private, hybrid or cloud storage for z/OS.

Products included in this suite:

  • IBM Advanced Archive for DFSMShsm
  • IBM Tivoli Advanced Allocation Management
  • IBM Tivoli Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm
  • IBM Tivoli Advanced Catalog Management for z/OS
  • IBM Tivoli Advanced VSAM Manager for z/OS
  • IBM Tivoli Advanced Reporting and Management for DFSMShsm
  • IBM Cloud Tape Connector for z/OS
  • IBM OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS 
Benefits Monitor storage resources

Monitor storage resources and manage key z/OS storage subsystems with flexible reporting, customizable intelligent alerts, detailed drill-down and automated responses to quickly resolve problems.

Improve storage operational performance

Improve z/OS storage operational performance with efficient operation of storage allocation controls. Use private, hybrid and public cloud storage for flexible, cost efficient storage.

Identify and prevent storage issues

Identify storage shortage issues and drill down to the root cause for resolution before they cause problems. Common responses to problems can be automated.

Products included in the suite
Advanced Archive for DFSMShsm

Helps to increase the performance and efficiency of HSM environments that have large amounts of inactive data that must be retained for long periods.

IBM Advanced Archive for DFSMShsm

Tivoli Advanced Allocation Management

A tool that helps prevent and reduce processing delays and interruptions that result when x37 abends and errors occur because there is insufficient disk space for a new allocation. 

IBM Tivoli Advanced Allocation Management for z/OS

Tivoli Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm

Delivers a set of auditing commands that help support the health of the control data sets. It keep your z/OS environment trouble-free with fast, accurate and flexible audits. With Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm, storage administrators can maintain healthy metadata environments and prevent temporary or permanent loss of data access.

IBM Tivoli Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm

Tivoli Advanced Catalog Management

Delivers features to help you audit, diagnose, recover, manage and access your data assets, even in the event of unforeseen problems ranging from human errors to natural disasters.

IBM Tivoli Advanced Catalog Management for z/OS

Tivoli Advanced VSAM Manager

Provides enhanced VSAM backup, recovery and migration capabilities with many options for building alternative indexes. It is a one-step procedure for quickly and efficiently backing up selected VSAM data sets onto a single non-VSAM data set and restoring those data sets to VSAM at a later point. 

IBM Tivoli Advanced VSAM Manager for z/OS

Tivoli Advanced Reporting and Management for DFSMShsm

Provides the management reporting needed to know what’s going on inside this critical subsystem.

IBM Tivoli Advanced Reporting and Management for DFSMShsm

Cloud Tape Connector

Designed to quickly and efficiently allow you to write sequential files concurrently to tape/disk and to a private, hybrid or public cloud repository, without having to run extra backup utilities. 

BM Cloud Tape Connector for z/OS

OMEGAMON for Storage

The comprehensive monitor for z/OS I/O subsystem performance and storage availability. The product combines comprehensive storage performance monitoring with a flexible, easy-to-use browser interface that helps you clearly understand storage conditions and ensure optimal performance. 

IBM OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS
Technical details

When planning for IBM Advanced Storage Management Suite for z/OS, it is important to verify that your system meets the system requirements.

Advanced Archive requirements Advanced Allocation Management requirements Advanced Audit prerequisites Advanced Catalog Management prerequisites Advanced Reporting and Management requirements Cloud Tape Connector requirements OMEGAMON for Storage prerequisites
Related products IBM Cloud Data Manager

Migrate DFSMS Hierarchical Storage Manager (DFSMShsm) data from physical or virtual tape to cloud objects.

IBM Tivoli Advanced Backup and Recovery for z/OS

Identify critical app data, manage backups and more.

IBM Tivoli Tape Optimizer on z/OS

Copy tape volumes and data sets efficiently.

IBM Tivoli Automated Tape Allocation Manager for z/OS

Share automatic, unattended tape devices across multiple images.

Next steps

Discover IBM Advanced Storage Management Suite for z/OS. Schedule a no-cost 30-minute meeting with an IBM Z representative.

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