APAR status
Closed as canceled.
Error description
(Revised June 24, 2020 for IBM FTP restrictions going into effect July 27, 2020) (Revised Aug 23, 2019 for Salesforce case changes) (Revised May 24, 2018 for GDPR related changes) Documentation may be sent via FTP or EMAIL. FTP is preferred. The FTP site is ftp.ecurep.ibm.com. . Use the following instructions to send documentation to the FTP site: (For USS tar files, see instructions at the end of this INFO APAR) From the TSO READY: prompt enter: ftp ftp.ecurep.ibm.com NOTE: New restrictions on sending files via FTP will go into effect July 27, 2020. Anonymous login will no longer be supported and some types of encryption will be affected. Please start using authenticated uploads using IBM Support File Transfer ID: https://www.secure.ecurep.ibm.com/transferids/ For additional information please also read: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6173523 and https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6219282. (NOTE: for GDPR the use of ANONYMOUS FTP is no longer going to be allowed - see this RED ALERT: http:// www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/set2/sas/f/redAlerts/20180522.html ) At the USER: prompt, enter: anonymous At the password prompt, enter: your_email_address (i.e. your_user_id@company.com) At the Command: prompt, enter: cd toibm/mvs At the Command: prompt, enter: bin (This tells the system to do all transfers in BINARY mode, and is necessary to correctly process TERSED, TAR, or ZIP files). put yourfile.bin YOUR.FTPSITE.DSN At the Command: prompt, enter: quit . where yourfile.bin is the file that you wish to send and YOUR.FTPSITE.DSN must follow following naming conventions: . xxxxx.bbb.ccc.yyy.yyy.EEE Field Explanation Sample xxxxx PMR Number 00111 bbb Branch Office L6Q ccc IBM Country Code 000 . For Salesforce cases (TS00nnnnnnn ) use this format instead: . TS00xxxxxxx.yyy.yyy.EEE Field Explanation Sample xxxxxxx Salesforce case number (after TS00) yyy.yyy A short description for the file type dump . EEE file extension - should be TRS if file is TERSED with TRSMAIN should be TAR if file is from tar or pax backup should be ZIP for a ZIP file . NOTE: The automatic process will attempt to unterse all files regardless of the file extension. All files should be tersed except for ZIP files or TAR file sent without OGET (see instructions for USS TAR files at the end of this INFO APAR) For any file sent untersed, the PMR will be updated with this message: Your Action is required: Untersing problems with file: . The same mesage will be issued if there are actual problems untersing a file (for example if the tersed file was sent in ASCII mode instead of BINARY mode . NOTE2: For TRSMAIN to work with DSORG=PSU files (EVDS,SUDS,TWSIN,TWSOU) it is necessary to add DSORG=PS for the input file JCL, for example: //TERSE EXEC PGM=TRSMAIN,PARM='PACK' //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INFILE DD DISP=SHR,DSN=TWSZ.V8R2M0.EV,DSORG=PS //OUTFILE DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG),SPACE=(CYL,(1,1),RLSE), // DSN=TWSZ.V8R2M0.EV.TRS . However, AMATERSE, which replaces TRSMAIN at z/OS 1.7 and higher, can process these datasets ONLY IF THEY ARE CLOSED. . If you are using AMATERSE (Which has an entrypoint alias of TRSMAIN), adding the DSORG parameter will not work. You will have to either STOP all tasks that allocate the target dataset, or steplib the TERSE job directly to a copy of the "REAL" TRSMAIN loadmodule (which is still available for download from IBM.com). . (END NOTES) . The PMR will automatically be updated when the file(s) is received on the FTP site. . Email documentation may be sent as attachments to: mvs_support@ecurep.ibm.com The SUBJECT field of the email must be the PMR number (i.e. PMR<pmr>,<branch>,<country> OR a Salesforce Case number (example TS00nnnnnnn) . For example, if your PMR number is: 00123 , branch office is GWA, country code is 001 Use following subject for your mail: PMR00123,GWA,001 or PMR 00123 GWA 001 . For a salesforce case the subject is simply the case number for example: Subject: TS001234567 . If tersed files are sent they will be automatically untersed and stored (as is also done for the FTP site). The PMR will be updated and a call generated to alert support that the email has been received. You will also receive a REPLY EMAIL from no_reply@ecurep.ibm.com which will tell you if the email was received OK or if there were any problems. . INSTRUCTIONS for sending USS tar files . From TSO OMVS, cd (change directory) to the directory you wish to have contain the tar file. Then issue command: . tar -cvzf tarfile /WRKDIR where tarfile is the name of the tarfile to be created and /WRKDIR is the path to the USS work directory . At this point, if you are allowed to by your security/firewall conventions, the easiest way to FTP the tarfile is just to issue command: TSO FTP ftp.emea.ibm.com and put the untersed tarfile on the FTP site in binary mode: . cd /toibm/mvs bin put /yourdir/tarfile xxxxx.bbb.ccc.tarfile.tar . For salesforce cases you would use: put /yourdir/tarfile TS00nnnnnnn.tarfile.tar . If you can't FTP from a TSO session, you could issue the same commands from a batch FTP job. However, if you need to transfer the tarfile outside of z/OS (MVS) before you can do the FTP, you must follow these instructions: . Issue the TSO OGET command to copy the tar file into a regular MVS file: . TSO oget '/yourdir/tarfile' 'your.mvs.file' BINARY . This creates a file with these characteristics: Organization . . . : PS Record format . . . : VB Record length . . . : 32756 Block size . . . . : 32760 . If your default file size is too small, you may get a B37 abend on the OGET command-- in this case, preallocate a file with the LRECL,RECFM and BLKSIZE shown above and allow sufficient space. . The VB (variable blocked) file that is the output of the OGET command will need to be tersed with program TRSMAIN before it is transferred (in binary mode) to the workstation so that the FTP can be done. Follow the same naming conventions shown earlier in this INFO APAR (that is, the file name should end with .TRS since it is a tersed file).
Local fix
Problem summary
Problem conclusion
Temporary fix
APAR Information
APAR number
Reported component name
Reported component ID
Reported release
Special Attention
NoSpecatt / Xsystem
Submitted date
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APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:
APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:
Fix information
Applicable component levels
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU011","label":"Systems - zSystems software"},"Product":{"code":"SSSN3L","label":"z\/OS Communications Server"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF054","label":"z Systems"}],"Version":"001"}]
Document Information
Modified date:
04 December 2023