AIX Toolbox for Open Source Software : Downloads by date

AIX Toolbox for Open Source Software

The official site for downloading  GNU and open source tool packages for AIX

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Date-wise listing of packages

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Package Date License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
netperf-2.7.0 Sep 12 24 License RPM SRPM network performance management tool
python3.9-pytest-html-reporter-0.2.9 Sep 06 24 License RPM SRPM Pytest plugin for generating static HTML reports
python3-pytest-html-reporter-0.2.9 Sep 06 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pytest-html-reporter
python3.9-matplotlib-3.7.2 Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM A tool for plotting graphs
python3-matplotlib-3.7.2 Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-matplotlib
glib2-devel-2.81.0 Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM A library of handy utility functions
glib2-2.81.0 Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM A library of handy utility functions
curl-devel-8.9.1 Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for the curl libary
curl-8.9.1 Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM get a file from a FTP or HTTP server.
python3.9-maturin-1.7.0 (7.3) Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Build and publish Rust crates as Python packages
python3-maturin-1.7.0 (7.3) Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-maturin
python3.9-cryptography-43.0.0 (7.3) Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.
python3-cryptography-43.0.0 (7.3) Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-cryptography
clamav-devel-1.0.6 (7.3) Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for the Clam Antivirus scanner
clamav-1.0.6 (7.3) Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Antivirus Toolkit
python3.9-maturin-1.7.0 (7.2) Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Build and publish Rust crates as Python packages
python3-maturin-1.7.0 (7.2) Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-maturin
python3.9-cryptography-43.0.0 (7.2) Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.
python3-cryptography-43.0.0 (7.2) Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-cryptography
clamav-devel-1.0.6 (7.2) Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for the Clam Antivirus scanner
clamav-1.0.6 (7.2) Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Antivirus Toolkit
python3.9-tomli-2.0.1 Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM A little TOML parser for Python
python3-tomli-2.0.1 Aug 30 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-tomli
socat- Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Bidirectional data relay between two data channels ('netcat++')
sed-4.9 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM A GNU stream text editor.
nagios-plugins-2.4.9 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Host/service/network monitoring program plugins for Nagios
nagios-nrpe-4.1.0 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Nagios monitoring (nrpe client)
libssh2-docs-1.11.0 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Documentation for libssh2
libssh2-devel-1.11.0 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for libssh2
libssh2-1.11.0 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM A library implementing the SSH2 protocol
less-661 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM A text file browser similar to more, but better
fdupes-2.3.0 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Finds duplicate files in a given set of directories
golang-bin-1.22.6 (7.3) Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Golang core compiler tools
golang-1.22.6 (7.3) Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM The Go Programming Language
golang-bin-1.22.6 (7.2) Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Golang core compiler tools
golang-1.22.6 (7.2) Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM The Go Programming Language
python3.9-setuptools-72.1.0 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Easily build and distribute Python packages
python3.11-setuptools-72.1.0 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Easily build and distribute Python packages
python3-setuptools-72.1.0 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-setuptools
golang-tests-1.22.6 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Golang compiler tests for stdlib
golang-src-1.22.6 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Golang compiler source tree
golang-misc-1.22.6 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Golang compiler miscellaneous sources
golang-docs-1.22.6 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM Golang compiler docs
autoconf-archive-2023.02.20 Aug 26 24 License RPM SRPM The Autoconf Macro Archive
tcllib-1.21 Aug 16 24 License RPM SRPM The standard Tcl library
python3.9-pillow-10.3.0 Aug 16 24 License RPM SRPM Pillow is the friendly PIL fork by Jeffrey A. Clark (Alex) and contributors.
python3-pillow-10.3.0 Aug 16 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pillow
nghttp2-1.62.1 Aug 16 24 License RPM SRPM Experimental HTTP/2 client, server and proxy
libnghttp2-devel-1.62.1 Aug 16 24 License RPM SRPM Files needed for building applications with libnghttp2
libnghttp2-1.62.1 Aug 16 24 License RPM SRPM A library implementing the HTTP/2 protocol
libxml2-python3-2.12.9 Aug 16 24 License RPM SRPM Python bindings for the libxml2 library
libxml2-devel-2.12.9 Aug 16 24 License RPM SRPM Libraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applications
libxml2-2.12.9 Aug 16 24 License RPM SRPM Library providing XML and HTML support
python3.9-jinja2-3.1.4 Aug 16 24 License RPM SRPM General purpose template engine for python3
python3-jinja2-3.1.4 Aug 16 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-jinja2
cloud-init-test-22.1 Aug 02 24 License RPM SRPM Cloud node initialization tool - Testsuite
cloud-init-doc-22.1 Aug 02 24 License RPM SRPM Cloud node initialization tool - Documentation
cloud-init-22.1 Aug 02 24 License RPM SRPM Cloud node initialization tool
serf-devel-1.3.10 Jul 29 24 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for developing apps which use serf.
serf-1.3.10 Jul 29 24 License RPM SRPM High-Performance Asynchronous HTTP Client Library
mod_ssl-2.4.62 Jul 29 24 License RPM SRPM SSL/TLS module for the Apache HTTP server
mod_proxy_html-2.4.62 Jul 29 24 License RPM SRPM Proxy HTML filter modules for the Apache HTTP server
mod_lua-2.4.62 Jul 29 24 License RPM SRPM Lua language module for the Apache HTTP server
mod_http2-2.4.62 Jul 29 24 License RPM SRPM Support for the HTTP/2 transport layer
httpd-manual-2.4.62 Jul 29 24 License RPM SRPM Documentation for the Apache HTTP server.
httpd-devel-2.4.62 Jul 29 24 License RPM SRPM Development tools for the Apache HTTP server.
httpd-2.4.62 Jul 29 24 License RPM SRPM Apache HTTP Server
ca-certificates-2024.2.66 Jul 11 24 License RPM SRPM The Mozilla CA root certificate bundle
libuv-static-1.48.0 Jul 10 24 License RPM SRPM Platform layer for node.js - static library
libuv-devel-1.48.0 Jul 10 24 License RPM SRPM Development libraries for libuv
libuv-1.48.0 Jul 10 24 License RPM SRPM libuv is cross-platform support library which was originally written for Node.js. It is designed around the event-driven asynchronous I/O model.
bash-doc-5.2.21 Jul 09 24 License RPM SRPM Documentation files for bash
bash-5.2.21 Jul 09 24 License RPM SRPM The GNU Bourne Again shell (bash) version 5.2.21
rclone-1.64.2 (7.3) Jul 09 24 License RPM SRPM Rsync for cloud storage
rclone-1.64.2 (7.2) Jul 09 24 License RPM SRPM Rsync for cloud storage
squid-6.9 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM The Squid proxy caching server.
rsync-3.3.0 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM A program for synchronizing files over a network.
postgresql15-test-15.6 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM The test suite distributed with PostgreSQL
postgresql15-server-15.6 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM The programs needed to create and run a PostgreSQL server
postgresql15-pltcl-15.6 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM The Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL
postgresql15-plpython3-15.6 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM The Python procedural language for PostgreSQL
postgresql15-plperl-15.6 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM The Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL
postgresql15-libs-15.6 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM The shared libraries required for any PostgreSQL clients
postgresql15-docs-15.6 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM Extra documentation for PostgreSQL
postgresql15-devel-15.6 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM PostgreSQL development header files and libraries
postgresql15-contrib-15.6 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM Contributed modules distributed with PostgreSQL
postgresql15-15.6 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM The shared libraries required for any PostgreSQL clients
mutt-2.2.13 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM A text mode mail user agent
coreutils-9.5 Jul 01 24 License RPM SRPM The GNU core utilities
php8-zip-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM A module for PHP applications that use ZIP compressed archives
php8-xml-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM A module for PHP applications which use XML
php8-soap-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
php8-pgsql-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM A PostgreSQL database module for PHP
php8-pdo-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM A database access abstraction module for PHP applications
php8-mysqlnd-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases
php8-mbstring-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM A module for PHP applications which need multi-byte string handling
php8-ldap-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM A module for PHP applications that use LDAP
php8-intl-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM Internationalization extension for PHP applications
php8-gd-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics library
php8-fpm-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM PHP FastCGI Process Manager
php8-devel-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM Files needed for building PHP extensions
php8-common-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM Common files for PHP
php8-cli-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM Command-line interface for PHP
php8-8.1.29 Jun 28 24 License RPM SRPM The PHP HTML-embedded scripting language
libgpg-error-devel-1.49 Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for the libgpg-error package
libgpg-error-1.49 Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM libgpg-error
libgcrypt-devel-1.10.3 Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for the libgcrypt package.
libgcrypt-1.10.3 Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM A general-purpose cryptography library.
iperf3-devel-3.16 Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for iperf3
iperf3-3.16 Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM Measurement tool for TCP/UDP bandwidth performance
cpio-2.15 Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM A GNU archiving program
git-lfs-3.5.1 (7.3) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM Git extension for versioning large files
git-lfs-3.5.1 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM Git extension for versioning large files
libstdc++12-devel-12.3.0 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++12-12.3.0 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp12-12.3.0 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo12-devel-12.3.0 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo12-12.3.0 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran12-12.3.0 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc12-12.3.0 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM GCC version 12.3.0 shared support library
gcc12-go-12.3.0 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc12-gfortran-12.3.0 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc12-cpp-12.3.0 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc12-c++-12.3.0 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc12-12.3.0 (7.2) Jun 19 24 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
openvpn-devel-2.6.10 Jun 07 24 License RPM SRPM Development headers and examples for OpenVPN plug-ins
openvpn-2.6.10 Jun 07 24 License RPM SRPM A full-featured TLS VPN solution
haproxy-2.9.7 Jun 07 24 License RPM SRPM HAProxy reverse proxy for high availability environments
graphviz-devel-10.0.1 Jun 07 24 License RPM SRPM Development package for graphviz
graphviz-10.0.1 Jun 07 24 License RPM SRPM Graph Visualization Tools
meson-1.2.1 Jun 07 24 License RPM SRPM High productivity build system
python3.9-scipy-1.11.2 May 29 24 License RPM SRPM Scientific Tools for Python
python3-scipy-1.11.2 May 29 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-scipy
python3.9-pandas-2.1.1 May 29 24 License RPM SRPM Python library providing high-performance data analysis tools
python3-pandas-2.1.1 May 29 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pandas
python3.9-numpy-f2py-1.26.2 May 29 24 License RPM SRPM f2py for numpy
python3.9-numpy-1.26.2 May 29 24 License RPM SRPM A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
python3-numpy-f2py-1.26.2 May 29 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-numpy-f2py
python3-numpy-1.26.2 May 29 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-numpy
python3.9-lxml-5.2.1 May 29 24 License RPM SRPM XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API
python3-lxml-5.2.1 May 29 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-lxml
python3.9-contourpy-1.1.1 May 29 24 License RPM SRPM ContourPy is a Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids.
python3-contourpy-1.1.1 May 29 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-contourpy
nagios-gui-4.5.1 May 22 24 License RPM SRPM Web content for nagios
nagios-devel-4.5.1 May 22 24 License RPM SRPM Provides include files that Nagios-related applications may compile against
nagios-4.5.1 May 22 24 License RPM SRPM Host/service/network monitoring program
xgboost-python3-1.7.6 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM xgboost Python Package
xgboost-devel-1.7.6 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for xgboost
xgboost-1.7.6 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM eXtreme Gradient Boosting
sqlite-doc-3.45.3 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM Documentation for sqlite
sqlite-devel-3.45.3 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use sqlite.
sqlite-3.45.3 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine
lemon-3.45.3 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM A parser generator
python3.9-pycryptodomex-selftest-3.20.0 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM PyCryptodome test suite module
python3.9-pycryptodomex-3.20.0 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM A self-contained cryptographic library for Python
python3-pycryptodomex-selftest-3.20.0 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pycryptodomex-selftest
python3-pycryptodomex-3.20.0 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pycryptodomex
cppzmq-devel-4.10.0 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM Header-only C++ binding for libzmq
python3.9-tzdata-2023.3 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM Provider of IANA time zone data
python3-tzdata-2023.3 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-tzdata
python3.9-pytz-2023.3 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM World timezone definitions, modern and historical
python3-pytz-2023.3 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pytz
python3.9-dateutil-2.8.2 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM Extensions to the standard Python datetime module
python3-dateutil-2.8.2 May 16 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-dateutil
rpm-macros-tbox-compilers-1.0 May 10 24 - RPM SRPM rpm macros for tbox compilers
gdb-14.1 May 10 24 License RPM SRPM The GNU gdb debugger
python3.9-wheel-0.41.2 May 10 24 License RPM SRPM This library is the reference implementation of the Python wheel packaging standard
python3-wheel-0.41.2 May 10 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-wheel
python3.11-pip-23.3.1 May 10 24 License RPM SRPM A tool for installing and managing Python3 packages
sudo_noldap-1.9.15p5 Apr 29 24 License RPM SRPM Allows restricted root access for specified users.
sudo_ids-1.9.15p5 Apr 29 24 License RPM SRPM Allows restricted root access for specified users.
sudo-1.9.15p5 Apr 29 24 License RPM SRPM Allows restricted root access for specified users.
python3.11-tkinter-3.11.9 Apr 29 24 License RPM SRPM A GUI toolkit for Python
python3.11-test-3.11.9 Apr 29 24 License RPM SRPM The self-test suite for the main python3 package
python3.11-idle-3.11.9 Apr 29 24 License RPM SRPM A basic graphical development environment for Python
python3.11-devel-3.11.9 Apr 29 24 License RPM SRPM Libraries and header files needed for Python development
python3.11-3.11.9 Apr 29 24 License RPM SRPM Version 3.11 of the Python interpreter
bison-3.8.2 Apr 29 24 License RPM SRPM A GNU general-purpose parser generator.
intltool-0.51.0 Apr 29 24 License RPM SRPM Internationalization Tool Collection
lynx-2.9.0 Apr 26 24 License RPM SRPM A text-based Web browser.
tree-2.1.1 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM File system tree viewer
neon-devel-0.33.0 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM Development libraries and C header files for the neon library
neon-0.33.0 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM An HTTP and WebDAV client library
mc-4.8.31 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM User-friendly text console file manager and visual shell.
libzip-tools-1.10.1 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM Command line tools from libzip
libzip-devel-1.10.1 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for libzip
libzip-1.10.1 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
libsodium-devel-1.0.19 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for libsodium
libsodium-1.0.19 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM The Sodium crypto library
libconfuse-devel-3.3 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for libconfuse
libconfuse-3.3 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM A configuration file parser library
ipmitool-1.8.19 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM Utility for IPMI control
ipmievd-1.8.19 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM IPMI event daemon for sending events to syslog
expat-devel-2.6.2 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM Libraries and header files to develop applications using expat
expat-2.6.2 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM An XML parser library
diffutils-3.10 Apr 18 24 License RPM SRPM A GNU collection of diff utilities.
tar-1.35 Apr 05 24 License RPM SRPM A GNU file archiving program.
python3-tkinter-3.9.19 Apr 05 24 License RPM SRPM A GUI toolkit for Python
python3-test-3.9.19 Apr 05 24 License RPM SRPM The self-test suite for the main python3 package
python3-idle-3.9.19 Apr 05 24 License RPM SRPM A basic graphical development environment for Python
python3-devel-3.9.19 Apr 05 24 License RPM SRPM Libraries and header files needed for Python development
python3-3.9.19 Apr 05 24 License RPM SRPM Version 3.9.19 of the Python interpreter
python3.9-tkinter-3.9.19 Apr 05 24 License RPM SRPM A GUI toolkit for Python
python3.9-test-3.9.19 Apr 05 24 License RPM SRPM The self-test suite for the main python3 package
python3.9-idle-3.9.19 Apr 05 24 License RPM SRPM A basic graphical development environment for Python
python3.9-devel-3.9.19 Apr 05 24 License RPM SRPM Libraries and header files needed for Python development
python3.9-3.9.19 Apr 05 24 License RPM SRPM Version 3.9 of the Python interpreter
logrotate-3.21.0 Apr 05 24 License RPM SRPM Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files
python3.9-pip-23.3.1 Mar 23 24 License RPM SRPM A tool for installing and managing Python3 packages
python3-pip-23.3.1 Mar 23 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pip
zstd-1.5.2 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM Zstd compression library
libzstd-devel-1.5.2 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM Header files for Zstd library
libzstd-1.5.2 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM Zstd shared library
vim-minimal-9.1.0035 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM A minimal version of the VIM editor
vim-enhanced-9.1.0035 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements
vim-common-9.1.0035 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM The common files needed by any version of the VIM editor
vim-X11-9.1.0035 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM The VIM version of the vi editor for the X Window System
python3.9-cryptography-3.4.7 (5.2) Mar 15 24 License RPM - A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.
python3-cryptography-3.4.7 (5.2) Mar 15 24 License RPM - Meta-package for python3.9-cryptography
patch-2.7.6 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM The GNU patch command, for modifying/upgrading files.
lua-devel-5.4.6 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for lua
lua-5.4.6 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM Powerful light-weight programming language
ghostscript-doc-10.02.1 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM Documentation for ghostscript.
ghostscript-devel-10.02.1 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM Files for developing applications that use ghostscript.
ghostscript-10.02.1 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM A PostScript(TM) interpreter and renderer.
python3.9-paramiko-3.4.0 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM A SSH2 protocol library for python
python3-paramiko-3.4.0 Mar 15 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-paramiko
pv-1.8.5 Mar 07 24 License RPM SRPM A tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline
perl-5.38.2 Mar 07 24 License RPM SRPM The Perl programming language.
libassuan-devel-2.5.6 Mar 07 24 License RPM SRPM GnuPG IPC library
libassuan-2.5.6 Mar 07 24 License RPM SRPM GnuPG IPC library
jq-devel-1.7.1 Mar 07 24 License RPM SRPM Command-line JSON processor
jq-1.7.1 Mar 07 24 License RPM SRPM A utility for determining file types
zeromq-devel-4.3.5 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for zeromq
zeromq-4.3.5 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM Software library for fast, message-based applications
tlog-13 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM Terminal I/O logger
python3.9-Cython-3.0.8 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM A language for writing Python 3 extension modules
python3-Cython-3.0.8 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-Cython
pango-devel-1.42.4 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM System for layout and rendering of internationalized text
pango-1.42.4 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM System for layout and rendering of internationalized text
libpng-devel-1.6.42 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM Development tools for programs to manipulate PNG image format files
libpng-1.6.42 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format files
libjpeg-devel-9f Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM Development tools for programs which will use the libjpeg library
libjpeg-9f Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM A library for manipulating JPEG image format files
libicu-devel-73.2 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for International Components for Unicode
libicu-73.2 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM International Components for Unicode - libraries
icu-73.2 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM International Components for Unicode
fribidi-devel-1.0.13 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM The Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm.
fribidi-1.0.13 Mar 06 24 License RPM SRPM The Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm.
tmux-3.3a Feb 22 24 License RPM SRPM A terminal multiplexer
python3.9-urllib3-2.0.7 Feb 22 24 License RPM SRPM HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more
python3-urllib3-2.0.7 Feb 22 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-urllib3
rrdtool-tcl-1.8.0 Feb 15 24 License RPM SRPM Tcl RRDtool bindings
rrdtool-ruby-1.8.0 Feb 15 24 License RPM SRPM Ruby RRDtool bindings
rrdtool-python-1.8.0 Feb 15 24 License RPM SRPM Python RRDtool bindings
rrdtool-perl-1.8.0 Feb 15 24 License RPM SRPM Perl RRDtool bindings
rrdtool-lua-1.8.0 Feb 15 24 License RPM SRPM Lua RRDtool bindings
rrdtool-devel-1.8.0 Feb 15 24 License RPM SRPM RRDtool static libraries and header files
rrdtool-cached-1.8.0 Feb 15 24 License RPM SRPM Data caching daemon for RRDtool
rrdtool-1.8.0 Feb 15 24 License RPM SRPM Round Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series data
nettle-devel-3.9.1 Feb 15 24 License RPM SRPM Development headers for a low-level cryptographic library
nettle-3.9.1 Feb 15 24 License RPM SRPM A low-level cryptographic library
lz4-devel-1.9.4 Feb 15 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for lz4
lz4-1.9.4 Feb 15 24 License RPM SRPM Extremely fast compression algorithm
mpfr-devel-4.2.1 Feb 14 24 License RPM SRPM Development tools A C library for mpfr library
mpfr-4.2.1 Feb 14 24 License RPM SRPM A C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
libmpc-devel-1.3.1 Feb 14 24 License RPM SRPM Header and shared development libraries for MPC
libmpc-1.3.1 Feb 14 24 License RPM SRPM C library for multiple precision complex arithmetic
gmp-devel-6.3.0 Feb 14 24 License RPM SRPM Development tools for the GNU MP arbitrary precision library
gmp-6.3.0 Feb 14 24 License RPM SRPM A GNU arbitrary precision library
clamav-devel-0.103.11 (5.2) Feb 14 24 License RPM - Header files and libraries for the Clam Antivirus scanner
clamav-0.103.11 (5.2) Feb 14 24 License RPM - Antivirus Toolkit
nginx-1.24.0 Feb 06 24 License RPM SRPM A high performance web server and reverse proxy server
libwebp-tools-1.3.2 Feb 06 24 License RPM SRPM The WebP command line tools
libwebp-devel-1.3.2 Feb 06 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for libwebp, a library for the WebP format
libwebp-1.3.2 Feb 06 24 License RPM SRPM Library and tools for the WebP graphics format
json-c-doc-0.17 Feb 06 24 License RPM SRPM Reference manual for json-c
json-c-devel-0.17 Feb 06 24 License RPM SRPM Development headers and library for json-c
json-c-0.17 Feb 06 24 License RPM SRPM A JSON implementation in C
gnutls-utils-3.8.2 Feb 06 24 License RPM SRPM Command line tools for TLS protocol.
gnutls-devel-3.8.2 Feb 06 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for the gnutls package.
gnutls-3.8.2 Feb 06 24 License RPM SRPM A TLS protocol implementation
unrar-6.2.12 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Extract, test and view RAR archives
libunrar-devel-6.2.12 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for libunrar
libunrar-6.2.12 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Decompress library for RAR v3 archives
subversion-tools-1.10.8 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Tools for Subversion
subversion-devel-1.10.8 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Development package for the Subversion libraries
subversion-1.10.8 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM A Concurrent Versioning system similar to but better than CVS.
mod_dav_svn-1.10.8 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Apache server module for Subversion server
net-snmp-utils-5.9.3 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Network management utilities using SNMP, from the NET-SNMP project
net-snmp-perl-5.9.3 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM The perl NET-SNMP module and the mib2c tool
net-snmp-devel-5.9.3 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM The development environment for the NET-SNMP project
net-snmp-5.9.3 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM A collection of SNMP protocol tools and libraries
mod_perl-2.0.13 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM An embedded Perl interpreter for the Apache HTTP Server 2.4.X
lzo-devel-2.10 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Development files for the lzo compression library.
lzo-2.10 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM A real-time data compression library.
libunistring-devel-1.1 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM GNU Unicode string library - development files
libunistring-1.1 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM GNU Unicode string library
file-libs-5.45 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Libraries for applications using libmagic
file-devel-5.45 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Libraries and header files for file development
file-5.45 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM A utility for determining file types
cairo-devel-1.18.0 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Cairo developmental libraries and header files
cairo-1.18.0 Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM A vector graphics library
ImageMagick-libs- Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM ImageMagick libraries to link with
ImageMagick-doc- Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM ImageMagick HTML documentation
ImageMagick-devel- Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Library links and header files for ImageMagick application development
ImageMagick-c++-devel- Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM C++ bindings for the ImageMagick library
ImageMagick-c++- Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM ImageMagick Magick++ library (C++ bindings)
ImageMagick- Jan 30 24 License RPM SRPM Viewer and Converter for Images
zsh-5.9 Jan 24 24 License RPM SRPM A powerful interactive shell
python3.9-mod_wsgi-5.0.0 Jan 24 24 License RPM SRPM A WSGI interface for Python web applications in Apache
python3-mod_wsgi-5.0.0 Jan 24 24 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for mod_wsgi
gperf-3.1 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM A perfect hash function generator
fontconfig-devel-2.14.2 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM Font configuration and customization library
fontconfig-2.14.2 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM Font configuration and customization library
apr-util-sqlite-1.6.3 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM APR utility library SQLite DBD driver
apr-util-pgsql-1.6.3 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM APR utility library PostgreSQL DBD driver
apr-util-ldap-1.6.3 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM APR utility library LDAP support
apr-util-devel-1.6.3 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM APR utility library development kit
apr-util-1.6.3 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM Apache Portable Runtime Utility library
libRmath-static-4.3.2 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM Static R Standalone math library
libRmath-devel-4.3.2 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM Headers from the R Standalone math library
libRmath-4.3.2 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM Standalone math library from the R project
R-devel-4.3.2 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM Files for development of R packages
R-4.3.2 Jan 12 24 License RPM SRPM A language for data analysis and graphics
samba-winbind-krb5-locator-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Samba winbind krb5 locator
samba-winbind-devel-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Developer tools for the winbind library
samba-winbind-clients-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Samba winbind clients
samba-winbind-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Samba winbind
samba-test-libs-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Libraries need by the testing tools for Samba servers and clients
samba-test-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Testing tools for Samba servers and clients
samba-python3-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Samba Python3 libraries
samba-pidl-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Perl IDL compiler
samba-libs-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Samba libraries
samba-devel-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Developer tools for Samba libraries
samba-common-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Files used by both Samba servers and clients
samba-client-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Samba client programs
samba-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Server and Client software to interoperate with Windows machines
libsmbclient-devel-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Developer tools for the SMB client library
libsmbclient-4.18.9 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM The SMB client library
libffi-devel-3.4.4 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for libffi
libffi-3.4.4 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM A portable foreign function interface library
ansible-core-2.14.13 Dec 22 23 License RPM SRPM A radically simple IT automation system
krb5-workstation-1.21.2 Dec 12 23 License RPM SRPM Kerberos 5 programs for use on workstations
krb5-server-ldap-1.21.2 Dec 12 23 License RPM SRPM The LDAP storage plugin for the Kerberos 5 KDC
krb5-server-1.21.2 Dec 12 23 License RPM SRPM The KDC and related programs for Kerberos 5
krb5-pkinit-openssl-1.21.2 Dec 12 23 License RPM SRPM The PKINIT module for Kerberos 5
krb5-libs-1.21.2 Dec 12 23 License RPM SRPM The shared libraries used by Kerberos 5
krb5-devel-1.21.2 Dec 12 23 License RPM SRPM Development files needed to compile Kerberos 5 programs
gnupg2-2.4.3 Dec 12 23 License RPM SRPM A GNU utility for secure communication and data storage.
mkfontscale-1.2.2 Dec 08 23 License RPM SRPM Utility to create index of scalable font files for X
fio-3.35 Dec 08 23 License RPM SRPM Multithreaded IO generation tool
python3.9-scikit-learn-1.3.2 Dec 04 23 License RPM SRPM Python modules for machine learning and data mining
python3-scikit-learn-1.3.2 Dec 04 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-scikit-learn
libtiff-devel-4.6.0 Dec 04 23 License RPM SRPM Development tools for programs which will use the libtiff library
libtiff-4.6.0 Dec 04 23 License RPM SRPM Library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files
python3.9-joblib-1.3.2 Dec 04 23 License RPM SRPM Lightweight pipelining
python3-joblib-1.3.2 Dec 04 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-joblib
python3.9-kiwisolver-1.4.5 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM Kiwi is an efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm.
python3-kiwisolver-1.4.5 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-kiwisolver
python3.9-fonttools-4.42.1 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM fontTools is a library for manipulating fonts, written in Python.
python3-fonttools-4.42.1 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-fonttools
binutils-gccgov1-2.41 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM Contains copycsect for GCCGo
binutils-devel-2.41 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM BFD and opcodes static and dynamic libraries and header files
binutils-2.41 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM The GNU binutils development utilities
python3.9-zipp-3.16.2 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files
python3-zipp-3.16.2 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-zipp
python3.9-importlib_resources-6.0.1 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM A tool to backport of Python standard library importlib.resources module
python3-importlib_resources-6.0.1 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-importlib_resources
python3.9-cycler-0.11.0 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM cycler provides a simple interface for creating base cycler objects.
python3-cycler-0.11.0 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-cycler
python3.9-cppy-1.2.1 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM cppy is a small C++ header library which makes it easier to write Python extension modules.
python3-cppy-1.2.1 Nov 24 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-cppy
ruby-devel-3.1.4 Nov 23 23 License RPM SRPM A Ruby development environment
ruby-3.1.4 Nov 23 23 License RPM SRPM An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
python3.9-pybind11-2.11.1 Nov 23 23 License RPM SRPM Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
python3-pybind11-2.11.1 Nov 23 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pybind11
lightgbm-python3-4.0.0 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM LightGBM Python Package
lightgbm-devel-4.0.0 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for lightgbm
lightgbm-4.0.0 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Light Gradient Boosting Machine
gc-devel-8.2.4 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Libraries and header files for gc development
gc-8.2.4 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM A garbage collector for C and C++
duo_unix-devel-1.12.1 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Development files and documentation for duo_unix
duo_unix-1.12.1 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Duo two-factor authentication for UNIX systems
libcmocka-devel-1.1.7 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Development headers for the cmocka library
libcmocka-1.1.7 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Lightweight library to simplify and generalize unit tests for C
cmake-data-3.26.4 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Common data-files for cmake
cmake-3.26.4 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Cross-platform, open-source build system
salt-syndic-3006.2 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Master-of-master component for Salt, a parallel remote execution system
salt-ssh-3006.2 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Agentless SSH-based version of Salt, a parallel remote execution system
salt-minion-3006.2 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Client component for Salt, a parallel remote execution system
salt-master-3006.2 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Management component for salt, a parallel remote execution system
salt-cloud-3006.2 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Cloud provisioner for Salt, a parallel remote execution system
salt-api-3006.2 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM REST API for Salt, a parallel remote execution system
salt-3006.2 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM A parallel remote execution system
python3.9-looseversion-1.3.0 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Version numbering for anarchists and software realists
python3-looseversion-1.3.0 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-looseversion
duo_unix-doc-1.12.1 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM Documentation and license files for duo_unix
libcmocka-doc-1.1.7 Nov 10 23 License RPM SRPM API documentation for the cmocka unit testing framework
sshpass-1.10 Oct 17 23 License RPM SRPM Non-interactive SSH authentication utility
emacs-nox-29.1 Oct 17 23 License RPM SRPM The Emacs text editor without support for the X Window System.
emacs-X11-29.1 Oct 17 23 License RPM SRPM The Emacs text editor for the X Window System.
emacs-29.1 Oct 17 23 License RPM SRPM The libraries needed to run the GNU Emacs text editor.
rpcsvc-proto-devel-1.4.4 Oct 13 23 License RPM SRPM RPC protocol definitions
rpcgen-1.4.4 Oct 13 23 License RPM SRPM RPC protocol compiler
python3.9-librepo-1.11.0 Oct 13 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for the librepo library
python3-librepo-1.11.0 Oct 13 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the librepo library
librepo-devel-1.11.0 Oct 13 23 License RPM SRPM Repodata downloading library
librepo-1.11.0 Oct 13 23 License RPM SRPM Repodata downloading library
protobuf-python3-4.23.4 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for Google Protocol Buffers
protobuf-lite-4.23.4 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Protocol Buffers LITE_RUNTIME libraries
protobuf-java-4.23.4 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Java Bindings for Google Protocol Buffers
protobuf-devel-4.23.4 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Header files, libraries and development documentation for protobuf
protobuf-compiler-4.23.4 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Protocol Buffers compiler
protobuf-4.23.4 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
onnxruntime-python3-1.14.1 (7.3) Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for onnxruntime
onnxruntime-devel-1.14.1 (7.3) Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Header files, libraries and development documentation for onnxruntime
onnxruntime-1.14.1 (7.3) Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM ONNX Runtime
onnx-python3-1.13.0 (7.3) Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Open standard for machine learning interoperability
onnxruntime-python3-1.14.1 (7.2) Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for onnxruntime
onnxruntime-devel-1.14.1 (7.2) Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Header files, libraries and development documentation for onnxruntime
onnxruntime-1.14.1 (7.2) Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM ONNX Runtime
onnx-python3-1.13.0 (7.2) Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Open standard for machine learning interoperability
python3.9-werkzeug-2.3.6 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Comprehensive WSGI web application library
python3-werkzeug-2.3.6 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-werkzeug
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.7 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Sphinx extension for serialized HTML
python3-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.7 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.0.3 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Sphinx extension for HTML help files
python3-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.0.3 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp
python3.9-sphinx-7.1.2 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Python documentation generator
python3-sphinx-7.1.2 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-sphinx
python3.9-pygments-2.16.1 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Syntax highlighting engine written in Python
python3-pygments-2.16.1 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pygments
python3.9-packaging-23.1 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Core utilities for Python packages
python3-packaging-23.1 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-packaging
python3.9-itsdangerous-2.1.2 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Library for passing trusted data to untrusted environments
python3-itsdangerous-2.1.2 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-itsdangerous
python3.9-importlib-metadata-6.8.0 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Read metadata from Python packages
python3-importlib-metadata-6.8.0 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-importlib-metadata
python3.9-imagesize-1.4.1 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Python module for analyzing image file headers and returning image sizes
python3-imagesize-1.4.1 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-imagesize
python3.9-flask-2.3.2 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM A micro-framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions
python3-flask-2.3.2 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-flask
python3.9-click-8.1.6 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities
python3-click-8.1.6 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-click
python3.9-blinker-1.6.2 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
python3-blinker-1.6.2 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-blinker
python3.9-babel-2.12.1 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Internationalization utilities
python3-babel-2.12.1 Oct 09 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-babel
wget-1.21.4 Sep 29 23 License RPM SRPM A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocols
stunnel-5.70 Sep 29 23 License RPM SRPM An SSL-encrypting socket wrapper
nping-0.7.94 Sep 29 23 License RPM SRPM Nping packet generator
nmap-7.94 Sep 29 23 License RPM SRPM Network exploration tool and security scanner
ncat-7.94 Sep 29 23 License RPM SRPM Nmap's Netcat replacement
make-4.4.1 Sep 29 23 License RPM SRPM A GNU tool which simplifies the build process for users
iperf2-2.1.9 Sep 15 23 License RPM SRPM Measurement tool for TCP/UDP bandwidth performance
gtest-devel-1.14.0 Sep 15 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for gtest
gtest-1.14.0 Sep 15 23 License RPM SRPM Google C++ testing framework
gmock-devel-1.14.0 Sep 15 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for gmock
gmock-1.14.0 Sep 15 23 License RPM SRPM Google C++ Mocking Framework
gawk-5.2.2 Sep 15 23 License RPM SRPM The GNU version of the awk text processing utility.
dbus-devel-doc-1.14.8 Sep 15 23 License RPM SRPM Developer documentation package for D-Bus
dbus-devel-1.14.8 Sep 15 23 License RPM SRPM Developer package for D-Bus
dbus-1.14.8 Sep 15 23 License RPM SRPM D-Bus Message Bus System
abseil-cpp-devel-20230802.0 Sep 15 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for abseil-cpp
abseil-cpp-20230802.0 Sep 15 23 License RPM SRPM Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
rlwrap-0.46.1 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Wrapper for GNU readline
gitweb-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Simple web interface to git repositories
gitk-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Git revision tree visualiser
git-svn-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Git tools for importing Subversion repositories
git-subtree-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Git tools to merge and split repositories
git-gui-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Git GUI tool
git-email-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Git tools for sending email
git-daemon-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Git protocol dæmon
git-cvs-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Git tools for importing CVS repositories
git-core-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Core package of git with minimal functionality
git-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Core git tools
perl-Git-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Perl interface to Git
git-instaweb-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Repository browser in gitweb
git-core-doc-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Documentation files for git-core
git-all-2.41.0 Sep 14 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package to pull in all git tools
tcping-2.1.0 Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM Check of TCP connection to a given IP/Port
p11-kit-tools-0.24.1 Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM Library to work with PKCS#11 modules -- Tools
p11-kit-devel-0.24.1 Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM Library to work with PKCS#11 modules -- Development Files
p11-kit-0.24.1 Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM Library to work with PKCS#11 modules
libstdc++12-devel-12.3.0 (7.3) Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++12-12.3.0 (7.3) Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp12-12.3.0 (7.3) Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo12-devel-12.3.0 (7.3) Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo12-12.3.0 (7.3) Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran12-12.3.0 (7.3) Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc12-12.3.0 (7.3) Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM GCC version 12.3.0 shared support library
gcc12-go-12.3.0 (7.3) Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc12-gfortran-12.3.0 (7.3) Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc12-cpp-12.3.0 (7.3) Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc12-c++-12.3.0 (7.3) Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc12-12.3.0 (7.3) Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
python3.9-requests-2.31.0 Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
python3-requests-2.31.0 Sep 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-requests
tk-static-8.6.13 Aug 25 23 License RPM SRPM Tk graphical toolkit development files
tk-devel-8.6.13 Aug 25 23 License RPM SRPM Tk graphical toolkit development files
tk-8.6.13 Aug 25 23 License RPM SRPM The graphical toolkit for the Tcl scripting language
tcl-static-8.6.13 Aug 25 23 License RPM SRPM Tcl scripting language development environment
tcl-devel-8.6.13 Aug 25 23 License RPM SRPM Tcl scripting language development environment
tcl-8.6.13 Aug 25 23 License RPM SRPM Tcl scripting language development environment
proftpd-sqlite-1.3.8 Aug 25 23 License RPM SRPM Module to add SQLite support to the ProFTPD FTP server
proftpd-ldap-1.3.8 Aug 25 23 License RPM SRPM Module to add LDAP support to the ProFTPD FTP server
proftpd-1.3.8 Aug 25 23 License RPM SRPM Flexible, stable and highly-configurable FTP server
openldap-devel-2.5.16 Aug 25 23 License RPM SRPM OpenLDAP development libraries and header files
openldap-2.5.16 Aug 25 23 License RPM SRPM The configuration files, libraries, and documentation for OpenLDAP
python3.9-markupsafe-2.1.2 Aug 16 23 License RPM SRPM Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
python3-markupsafe-2.1.2 Aug 16 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-markupsafe
python3.9-resolvelib-0.5.4 Aug 16 23 License RPM SRPM Resolve abstract dependencies into concrete ones
python3-resolvelib-0.5.4 Aug 16 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-resolvelib
ansible-7.2.0 Aug 16 23 License RPM SRPM Curated set of Ansible collections included in addition to ansible-core
xz-lzma-compat-5.4.3 Aug 10 23 License RPM SRPM Older LZMA format compatibility binaries
xz-libs-5.4.3 Aug 10 23 License RPM SRPM Libraries for decoding LZMA compression
xz-devel-5.4.3 Aug 10 23 License RPM SRPM Devel libraries & headers for liblzma
xz-5.4.3 Aug 10 23 License RPM SRPM LZMA compression utilities
tightvnc-server-1.3.10 Aug 10 23 License RPM SRPM TightVNC server
tightvnc-1.3.10 Aug 10 23 License RPM SRPM A remote display system.
libtasn1-tools-4.19.0 Aug 10 23 License RPM SRPM Some ASN.1 tools
libtasn1-devel-4.19.0 Aug 10 23 License RPM SRPM Files for development of applications which will use libtasn1
libtasn1-4.19.0 Aug 10 23 License RPM SRPM This is the ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS
libksba-devel-1.6.3 Aug 10 23 License RPM SRPM Development headers and libraries for libksba
libksba-1.6.3 Aug 10 23 License RPM SRPM X.509 library
rpm-python3.9-4.15.1 (7.3) Aug 08 23 License RPM - This package contains files to be added on top of rpm-devel for python developements.
rpm-python3-4.15.1 (7.3) Aug 08 23 License RPM - Metapackage for rpm-python3.9
libsolv-tools-0.7.9 (7.3) Aug 08 23 License RPM SRPM Package dependency solver tools
libsolv-devel-0.7.9 (7.3) Aug 08 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for libsolv
libsolv-0.7.9 (7.3) Aug 08 23 License RPM SRPM Package dependency solver
libsolv-tools-0.7.9 (7.2) Aug 08 23 License RPM SRPM Package dependency solver tools
libsolv-devel-0.7.9 (7.2) Aug 08 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for libsolv
libsolv-0.7.9 (7.2) Aug 08 23 License RPM SRPM Package dependency solver
libsolv-tools-0.7.9 (7.1) Aug 08 23 License RPM SRPM Package dependency solver tools
libsolv-devel-0.7.9 (7.1) Aug 08 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for libsolv
libsolv-0.7.9 (7.1) Aug 08 23 License RPM SRPM Package dependency solver
popt-1.19 Jul 31 23 License RPM SRPM C library for parsing command line parameters
pigz-2.7 Jul 31 23 License RPM SRPM Parallel implementation of gzip
ninja-build-1.11.1 Jul 31 23 License RPM SRPM Small build system with a focus on speed
ncurses-devel-6.4 Jul 31 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for the ncurses library
ncurses-6.4 Jul 31 23 License RPM SRPM A terminal handling library
apr-devel-1.7.4 Jul 18 23 License RPM SRPM APR library development kit
apr-1.7.4 Jul 18 23 License RPM SRPM Apache Portable Runtime library
python3.9-dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Core Plugins for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-versionlock-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Version Lock Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-show-leaves-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Show-leaves Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Post transaction actions Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-migrate-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Migrate Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-local-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Local Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-leaves-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Leaves Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Metapackage for Core Plugins for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-versionlock-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Version Lock Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-show-leaves-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Show-leaves Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Post transaction actions Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-migrate-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Migrate Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-local-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Local Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-leaves-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Leaves Plugin for DNF
dnf-utils-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Yum-utils CLI compatibility layer
dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16 (7.2) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Core Plugins for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Core Plugins for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-versionlock-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Version Lock Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-show-leaves-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Show-leaves Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Post transaction actions Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-migrate-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Migrate Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-local-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Local Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-leaves-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Leaves Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Metapackage for Core Plugins for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-versionlock-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Version Lock Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-show-leaves-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Show-leaves Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Post transaction actions Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-migrate-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Migrate Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-local-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Local Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-leaves-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Leaves Plugin for DNF
dnf-utils-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Yum-utils CLI compatibility layer
dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16 (7.1) Jul 07 23 License RPM SRPM Core Plugins for DNF
swig-gdb-4.1.1 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM Commands for easier debugging of SWIG
swig-4.1.1 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming languages
ccache-swig-4.1.1 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM Fast compiler cache
snappy-devel-1.1.9 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for snappy
snappy-1.1.9 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM A fast compressor/decompressor library
pixman-devel-0.42.2 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM Pixel manipulation library development package
pixman-0.42.2 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM Pixel manipulation library
harfbuzz-devel-7.1.0 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for harfbuzz
harfbuzz-7.1.0 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM Text shaping library
fswatch-devel-1.17.1 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for fswatch
fswatch-1.17.1 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM A cross-platform file change monitor
swig-doc-4.1.1 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM Documentation files for SWIG
python3.9-scons-4.4.0 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM An Open Source software construction tool
python3-scons-4.4.0 Jun 30 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-scons
python3.9-sphinx-removed-in-0.2.1 Jun 16 23 License RPM SRPM versionremoved and removed-in directives for Sphinx
python3-sphinx-removed-in-0.2.1 Jun 16 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-sphinx-removed-in
readline-devel-8.2 Jun 14 23 License RPM SRPM Files needed to develop programs which use the readline library
readline-8.2 Jun 14 23 License RPM SRPM A library for editing typed command lines
libgit2-devel-1.5.1 Jun 14 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for libgit2
libgit2-1.5.1 Jun 14 23 License RPM SRPM C implementation of the Git core methods as a library with a solid API
m4-1.4.19 Jun 07 23 License RPM SRPM The GNU macro processor.
rpm-python3.9-4.15.1 (7.2) Jun 07 23 License RPM SRPM This package contains files to be added on top of rpm-devel for python developements.
rpm-python3-4.15.1 (7.2) Jun 07 23 License RPM SRPM Metapackage for rpm-python3.9
rpm-python3.9-4.15.1 (7.1) Jun 07 23 License RPM SRPM This package contains files to be added on top of rpm-devel for python developements.
rpm-python3-4.15.1 (7.1) Jun 07 23 License RPM SRPM Metapackage for rpm-python3.9
python3.9-dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Core Plugins for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-versionlock-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Version Lock Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-show-leaves-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Show-leaves Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Post transaction actions Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-migrate-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Migrate Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-local-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Local Plugin for DNF
python3.9-dnf-plugin-leaves-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Leaves Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Metapackage for Core Plugins for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-versionlock-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Version Lock Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-show-leaves-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Show-leaves Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Post transaction actions Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-migrate-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Migrate Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-local-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Local Plugin for DNF
python3-dnf-plugin-leaves-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Leaves Plugin for DNF
dnf-utils-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Yum-utils CLI compatibility layer
dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16 (7.3) Jun 06 23 License RPM SRPM Core Plugins for DNF
zchunk-libs-1.1.4 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Zchunk library
zchunk-devel-1.1.4 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Headers for building against zchunk
zchunk-1.1.4 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Compressed file format that allows easy deltas
xcb-proto-1.14 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM XCB protocol descriptions
texinfo-7.0.2 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Tools needed to create Texinfo format documentation files.
info-7.0.2 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM A stand-alone TTY-based reader for GNU texinfo documentation.
tcpdump-4.99.3 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition.
python3.7-tools-3.7.16 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM A collection of development tools included with Python.
python3.7-tkinter-3.7.16 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM A graphical user interface for the Python scripting language.
python3.7-test-3.7.16 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM The test modules from the main python package
python3.7-devel-3.7.16 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM The libraries and header files needed for Python development.
python3.7-3.7.16 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.
mariadb-connector-c-devel-3.3.4 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for mariadb-connector-c
mariadb-connector-c-3.3.4 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM The MariaDB Native Client library (C driver)
python3.9-libcomps-0.1.15 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for libcomps library
python3-libcomps-0.1.15 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Python 3 bindings for libcomps library
libcomps-devel-0.1.15 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for libcomps library
libcomps-0.1.15 Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Comps XML file manipulation library
python3.9-libdnf-0.39.1 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for the libdnf library.
python3.9-hawkey-0.39.1 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for the hawkey library
python3-libdnf-0.39.1 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the libdnf library.
python3-hawkey-0.39.1 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the hawkey library
libdnf-devel-0.39.1 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for libdnf
libdnf-0.39.1 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv
python3.9-dnf-4.2.17 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 interface to DNF
python3-dnf-4.2.17 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Python 3 interface to DNF
dnf-data-4.2.17 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Common data and configuration files for DNF
dnf-automatic-4.2.17 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Package manager - automated upgrades
dnf-4.2.17 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Package manager
python3.9-createrepo_c-0.16.0 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library
python3-createrepo_c-0.16.0 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library
createrepo_c-libs-0.16.0 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Library for repodata manipulation
createrepo_c-devel-0.16.0 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Library for repodata manipulation
createrepo_c-0.16.0 (7.3) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Creates a common metadata repository
python3.9-libdnf-0.39.1 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for the libdnf library.
python3.9-hawkey-0.39.1 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for the hawkey library
python3-libdnf-0.39.1 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the libdnf library.
python3-hawkey-0.39.1 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the hawkey library
libdnf-devel-0.39.1 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for libdnf
libdnf-0.39.1 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv
python3.9-dnf-4.2.17 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 interface to DNF
python3-dnf-4.2.17 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package forPython 3 interface to DNF
dnf-data-4.2.17 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Common data and configuration files for DNF
dnf-automatic-4.2.17 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Package manager - automated upgrades
dnf-4.2.17 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Package manager
python3.9-createrepo_c-0.16.0 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library
python3-createrepo_c-0.16.0 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library
createrepo_c-libs-0.16.0 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Library for repodata manipulation
createrepo_c-devel-0.16.0 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Library for repodata manipulation
createrepo_c-0.16.0 (7.2) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Creates a common metadata repository
python3.9-libdnf-0.39.1 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for the libdnf library.
python3.9-hawkey-0.39.1 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for the hawkey library
python3-libdnf-0.39.1 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the libdnf library.
python3-hawkey-0.39.1 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the hawkey library
libdnf-devel-0.39.1 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for libdnf
libdnf-0.39.1 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv
python3.9-dnf-4.2.17 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 interface to DNF
python3-dnf-4.2.17 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package forPython 3 interface to DNF
dnf-data-4.2.17 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Common data and configuration files for DNF
dnf-automatic-4.2.17 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Package manager - automated upgrades
dnf-4.2.17 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Package manager
python3.9-createrepo_c-0.16.0 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library
python3-createrepo_c-0.16.0 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library
createrepo_c-libs-0.16.0 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Library for repodata manipulation
createrepo_c-devel-0.16.0 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Library for repodata manipulation
createrepo_c-0.16.0 (7.1) Jun 05 23 License RPM SRPM Creates a common metadata repository
python3.9-pyrsistent-0.19.3 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures
python3-pyrsistent-0.19.3 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pyrsistent
python3.9-netifaces-0.11.0 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Python library to retrieve information about network interfaces
python3-netifaces-0.11.0 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-netifaces
python3-libxslt-1.1.37 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Python bindings for the libxslt library
libxslt-devel-1.1.37 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Libraries, includes, etc. to embed the GNOME XSLT engine
libxslt-1.1.37 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Library providing the GNOME XSLT engine
libsmartcols-devel-2.34 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Formatting library for ls-like programs.
libsmartcols-2.34 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Formatting library for ls-like programs.
python3.9-gpg-1.13.1 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM gpgme bindings for Python 3
python3-gpg-1.13.1 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM peta package for gpgme bindings for Python 3
gpgmepp-devel-1.13.1 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Development libraries and header files for gpgme-pp
gpgmepp-1.13.1 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM C++ bindings/wrapper for GPGME
gpgme-devel-1.13.1 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Development headers and libraries for gpgme
gpgme-1.13.1 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM GnuPG Made Easy - high level crypto API
python3.9-oauthlib-3.2.2 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM An implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
python3-oauthlib-3.2.2 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-oauthlib
python3.9-jsonschema-4.17.3 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
python3-jsonschema-4.17.3 Jun 03 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-jsonschema
python3.9-tornado-doc-6.0.3 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Examples for python-tornado
python3.9-tornado-6.0.3 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Scalable, non-blocking web server and tools
python3-tornado-doc-6.0.3 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-tornado-doc
python3-tornado-6.0.3 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-tornado
python3.9-pyzmq-21.0.2 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM General purpose template engine for python2
python3-pyzmq-21.0.2 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pyzmq
python3.9-pyyaml- Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM YAML parser and emitter for Python
python3-pyyaml- Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pyyaml
python3.9-pynacl-1.3.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
python3-pynacl-1.3.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pynacl
python3.9-pycurl-7.44.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM A Python interface to libcurl
python3-pycurl-7.44.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pycurl
python3.9-pycrypto-2.6.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Cryptographic modules for Python
python3-pycrypto-2.6.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pycrypto
python3.9-psutil-tests-5.9.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python, test suite
python3.9-psutil-5.9.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python.
python3-psutil-tests-5.9.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-psutil-tests
python3-psutil-5.9.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-psutil
python3.9-msgpack-0.6.2 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM A Python MessagePack (de)serializer
python3-msgpack-0.6.2 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-msgpack
python3.9-coverage-4.5.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Code coverage measurement for Python
python3-coverage-4.5.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-coverage
python3.9-cheetah3-3.2.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Template engine and code generator
python3-cheetah3-3.2.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-cheetah3
python3.9-cffi-1.13.2 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM C parser and AST generator written in Python
python3-cffi-1.13.2 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-cffi
python3.9-bcrypt-3.1.7 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM File encryption utility
python3-bcrypt-3.1.7 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-bcrypt
python3.9-zc.lockfile-2.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Basic Inter-Process Locks
python3-zc.lockfile-2.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-zc.lockfile
python3.9-wcwidth-0.1.7 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes
python3-wcwidth-0.1.7 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-wcwidth
python3.9-traceback2-1.4.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Backport of the traceback module
python3-traceback2-1.4.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-traceback2
python3.9-threadpoolctl-2.2.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Thread-pool Control
python3-threadpoolctl-2.2.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-threadpoolctl
python3.9-tempora-2.1.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Objects and routines pertaining to date and time (tempora)
python3-tempora-2.1.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-tempora
python3.9-swiftclient-3.8.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Python Swift client API and command-line script.
python3-swiftclient-3.8.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-swiftclient
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-trio-1.1.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM sphinx extension to document python code
python3-sphinxcontrib-trio-1.1.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-trio
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.2 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Sphinx extension for QtHelp documents
python3-sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.2 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-qthelp
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Sphinx extension for math in HTML via JavaScript
python3-sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-jsmath
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-devhelp-1.0.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Sphinx extension for Devhelp documents
python3-sphinxcontrib-devhelp-1.0.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-devhelp
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-applehelp-1.0.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Sphinx extension for Apple help books
python3-sphinxcontrib-applehelp-1.0.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-applehelp
python3.9-snowballstemmer-2.0.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Provides 16 stemmer algorithms generated from Snowball algorithms
python3-snowballstemmer-2.0.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-snowballstemmer
python3.9-six-1.13.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
python3-six-1.13.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-six
python3.9-singledispatch- Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM This library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.7 to Python 2.6-3.6
python3-singledispatch- Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-singledispatch
python3.9-setuptools-rust-0.12.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Setuptools Rust extension plugin
python3-setuptools-rust-0.12.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-setuptools-rust
python3.9-semantic_version-2.8.5 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Library implementing the 'SemVer' scheme
python3-semantic_version-2.8.5 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-semantic_version
python3.9-s3transfer-0.2.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM S3transfer is a Python library for managing Amazon S3 transfers
python3-s3transfer-0.2.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-s3transfer
python3.9-requests-kerberos-0.13.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM A Kerberos authentication handler for python-requests
python3-requests-kerberos-0.13.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-requests-kerberos
python3.9-pytest-5.3.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Simple powerful testing with Python
python3-pytest-5.3.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pytest
python3.9-pytest-timeout-1.3.3 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Better living through Python with decorators
python3-pytest-timeout-1.3.3 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pytest-timeout
python3.9-pyspnego-0.3.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Windows Negotiate Authentication Client and Server
python3-pyspnego-0.3.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pyspnego
python3.9-pyserial-3.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Python serial port access library
python3-pyserial-3.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pyserial
python3.9-pyparsing-2.4.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Python package with an object-oriented approach to text processing
python3-pyparsing-2.4.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pyparsing
python3.9-pygments-pytest-1.3.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM A pygments lexer for pytest output
python3-pygments-pytest-1.3.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pygments-pytest
python3.9-pycparser-2.19 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM C parser and AST generator written in Python
python3-pycparser-2.19 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pycparser
python3.9-pyasn1-0.4.8 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM ASN.1 types and codecs
python3-pyasn1-0.4.8 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pyasn1
python3.9-py-1.8.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
python3-py-1.8.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-py
python3.9-prettytable-0.7.2 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM A simple Python library for easily displaying tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format
python3-prettytable-0.7.2 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-prettytable
python3.9-portend-2.6 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM TCP port monitoring utilities
python3-portend-2.6 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-portend
python3.9-pluggy-0.13.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Better living through Python with decorators
python3-pluggy-0.13.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pluggy
python3.9-pbr-5.11.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM PBR is a library that injects some useful behaviors into setuptools
python3-pbr-5.11.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-pbr
python3.9-passlib-1.7.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes
python3-passlib-1.7.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-passlib
python3.9-nose-1.3.7 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM nose extends unittest to make testing easier
python3-nose-1.3.7 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-nose
python3.9-more-itertools-7.2.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Python library for efficient use of itertools utility
python3-more-itertools-7.2.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-more-itertools
python3.9-mock-3.0.5 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing
python3-mock-3.0.5 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-mock
python3.9-linecache2-1.0.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Backport of the linecache module
python3-linecache2-1.0.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-linecache2
python3.9-libcloud-2.8.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM A Python library to address multiple cloud provider APIs
python3-libcloud-2.8.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-libcloud
python3.9-keyczar-0.71rc0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography
python3-keyczar-0.71rc0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-keyczar
python3.9-jsonpointer-2.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (RFC 6901)
python3-jsonpointer-2.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-jsonpointer
python3.9-jsonpatch-1.24 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Applying JSON Patches in Python
python3-jsonpatch-1.24 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-jsonpatch
python3.9-jmespath-0.9.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM A low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services
python3-jmespath-0.9.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-jmespath
python3.9-jaraco.text-3.2.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM This package provides handy routines for dealing with text
python3-jaraco.text-3.2.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-jaraco.text
python3.9-jaraco.functools-3.0.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Functools like those found in stdlib
python3-jaraco.functools-3.0.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-jaraco.functools
python3.9-jaraco.collections-3.0.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Models and classes to supplement the stdlib collections module.
python3-jaraco.collections-3.0.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-jaraco.collections
python3.9-jaraco.classes-3.1.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM A tool for installing and managing Python3 packages
python3-jaraco.classes-3.1.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-jaraco.classes
python3.9-idna-2.8 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
python3-idna-2.8 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-idna
python3.9-hypothesis-4.47.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM A library for property based testing
python3-hypothesis-4.47.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-hypothesis
python3.9-httplib2-0.15.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM A comprehensive HTTP client library.
python3-httplib2-0.15.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-httplib2
python3.9-futures3-1.0.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python 3.2
python3-futures3-1.0.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-futures3
python3.9-docutils-0.19 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities
python3-docutils-0.19 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-docutils
python3.9-distro-1.5.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Linux Distribution - a Linux OS platform information API
python3-distro-1.5.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-distro
python3.9-decorator-4.4.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Better living through Python with decorators
python3-decorator-4.4.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-decorator
python3.9-configobj-5.0.6 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Config file reading, writing and validation.
python3-configobj-5.0.6 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-configobj
python3.9-cherrypy-18.5.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Pythonic, object-oriented web development framework
python3-cherrypy-18.5.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-cherrypy
python3.9-cheroot-8.2.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Highly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server
python3-cheroot-8.2.1 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-cheroot
python3.9-charset-normalizer-2.0.12 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM The Real First Universal Charset Detector
python3.9-chardet-3.0.4 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Character encoding auto-detection in Python
python3.9-certifi-2019.9.11 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle
python3.9-botocore-1.13.46 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3
python3.9-boto3-1.10.46 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Code coverage measurement for Python
python3.9-backports_abc-0.5 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM A backport of recent additions to the module
python3.9-augeas-1.1.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Python bindings to augeas
python3.9-attrs-19.3.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Python attributes without boilerplate
python3.9-argparse-1.4.0 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
python3.9-alabaster-0.7.12 Jun 02 23 License RPM SRPM Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
python3-charset-normalizer-2.0.12 Jun 01 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-charset-normalizer
python3-chardet-3.0.4 Jun 01 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-chardet
python3-certifi-2019.9.11 Jun 01 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-certifi
python3-botocore-1.13.46 Jun 01 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-botocore
python3-boto3-1.10.46 Jun 01 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-boto3
python3-backports_abc-0.5 Jun 01 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-backports_abc
python3-augeas-1.1.0 Jun 01 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-augeas
python3-attrs-19.3.0 Jun 01 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-attrs
python3-argparse-1.4.0 Jun 01 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-argparse
python3-alabaster-0.7.12 Jun 01 23 License RPM SRPM Meta-package for python3.9-alabaster
mongo-c-driver-libs-1.23.2 May 05 23 License RPM SRPM Shared libraries for mongo-c-driver
mongo-c-driver-devel-1.23.2 May 05 23 License RPM SRPM Header files and development libraries for mongo-c-driver
mongo-c-driver-1.23.2 May 05 23 License RPM SRPM Client library written in C for MongoDB
libbson-devel-1.23.2 May 05 23 License RPM SRPM Development files for mongo-c-driver
libbson-1.23.2 May 05 23 License RPM SRPM Building, parsing, and iterating BSON documents
libstdc++11-devel-11.3.0 (7.1) Mar 13 23 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++11-11.3.0 (7.1) Mar 13 23 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp11-11.3.0 (7.1) Mar 13 23 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo11-devel-11.3.0 (7.1) Mar 13 23 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo11-11.3.0 (7.1) Mar 13 23 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran11-11.3.0 (7.1) Mar 13 23 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc11-11.3.0 (7.1) Mar 13 23 License RPM SRPM GCC version 11.3.0 shared support library
gcc11-go-11.3.0 (7.1) Mar 13 23 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc11-gfortran-11.3.0 (7.1) Mar 13 23 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc11-cpp-11.3.0 (7.1) Mar 13 23 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc11-c++-11.3.0 (7.1) Mar 13 23 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc11-11.3.0 (7.1) Mar 13 23 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
perl-JSON-4.10 Mar 10 23 License RPM SRPM Parse and convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
mod_auth_gssapi-1.6.3 Feb 02 23 License RPM SRPM A GSSAPI Authentication module for Apache
grep-3.7 Jan 19 23 License RPM SRPM The GNU versions of grep pattern matching utilities.
zlib-devel-1.2.13 Dec 29 22 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use zlib.
zlib-1.2.13 Dec 29 22 License RPM SRPM The zlib compression and decompression library.
python3-tools-3.7.15 Dec 20 22 License RPM - A collection of development tools included with Python.
python3-docs-3.7.15 Dec 20 22 License RPM - Documentation for the Python programming language
python-tools-2.7.18 Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM A collection of development tools included with Python.
python-tkinter-2.7.18 Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM A graphical user interface for the Python scripting language.
python-test-2.7.18 Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM The test modules from the main python package
python-docs-2.7.18 Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM Documentation for the Python programming language
python-devel-2.7.18 Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM The libraries and header files needed for Python development.
python-2.7.18 Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.
python-pycurl- Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM A Python interface to libcurl
libstdc++11-devel-11.3.0 (7.3) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++11-11.3.0 (7.3) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp11-11.3.0 (7.3) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo11-devel-11.3.0 (7.3) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo11-11.3.0 (7.3) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran11-11.3.0 (7.3) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc11-11.3.0 (7.3) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM GCC version 11.3.0 shared support library
gcc11-go-11.3.0 (7.3) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc11-gfortran-11.3.0 (7.3) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc11-cpp-11.3.0 (7.3) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc11-c++-11.3.0 (7.3) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc11-11.3.0 (7.3) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
libstdc++11-devel-11.3.0 (7.2) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++11-11.3.0 (7.2) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp11-11.3.0 (7.2) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo11-devel-11.3.0 (7.2) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo11-11.3.0 (7.2) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran11-11.3.0 (7.2) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc11-11.3.0 (7.2) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM GCC version 11.3.0 shared support library
gcc11-go-11.3.0 (7.2) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc11-gfortran-11.3.0 (7.2) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc11-cpp-11.3.0 (7.2) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc11-c++-11.3.0 (7.2) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc11-11.3.0 (7.2) Dec 20 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
gzip-1.12 Dec 07 22 License RPM SRPM The GNU data compression program.
php-zip-7.4.33 Nov 30 22 License RPM SRPM A module for PHP applications that use ZIP compressed archives
php-pdo-7.4.33 Nov 30 22 License RPM SRPM A database access abstraction module for PHP applications
php-mysqlnd-7.4.33 Nov 30 22 License RPM SRPM A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases
php-mbstring-7.4.33 Nov 30 22 License RPM SRPM A module for PHP applications which need multi-byte string handling
php-gd-7.4.33 Nov 30 22 License RPM SRPM A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics library
php-fpm-7.4.33 Nov 30 22 License RPM SRPM PHP FastCGI Process Manager
php-devel-7.4.33 Nov 30 22 License RPM SRPM Files needed for building PHP extensions
php-common-7.4.33 Nov 30 22 License RPM SRPM Common files for PHP
php-cli-7.4.33 Nov 30 22 License RPM SRPM Command-line interface for PHP
php-7.4.33 Nov 30 22 License RPM SRPM The PHP HTML-embedded scripting language
lftp-4.9.2 Nov 21 22 License RPM SRPM A sophisticated file transfer program
findutils-4.9.0 Nov 21 22 License RPM SRPM The GNU versions of find utilities (find and xargs).
libtool-ltdl-devel-2.4.7 Nov 02 22 License RPM SRPM Tools needed for development using the GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader
libtool-ltdl-2.4.7 Nov 02 22 License RPM SRPM Runtime libraries for GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader
libtool-2.4.7 Nov 02 22 License RPM SRPM The GNU libtool, which simplifies the use of shared libraries.
libtextstyle-devel-0.21 Nov 02 22 License RPM SRPM Development files for libtextstyle
libtextstyle-0.21 Nov 02 22 License RPM SRPM Text styling library
gettext-devel-0.21 Nov 02 22 License RPM SRPM Development files for gettext
gettext-0.21 Nov 02 22 License RPM SRPM GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages.
postfix-sqlite-3.7.2 Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Postfix SQLite map support
postfix-pcre-3.7.2 Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Postfix PCRE map support
postfix-ldap-3.7.2 Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Postfix LDAP map support
postfix-3.7.2 Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Postfix Mail Transport Agent
libstdc++-devel-10 (7.2) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++-10 (7.2) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp-10 (7.2) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo-devel-10 (7.2) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo-10 (7.2) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran-10 (7.2) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc-10 (7.2) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM GCC version 10 shared support library
gcc-go-10 (7.2) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc-gfortran-10 (7.2) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc-cpp-10 (7.2) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc-c++-10 (7.2) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc-10 (7.2) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
libstdc++-devel-10 (7.1) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++-10 (7.1) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp-10 (7.1) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo-devel-10 (7.1) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo-10 (7.1) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran-10 (7.1) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc-10 (7.1) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM GCC version 10 shared support library
gcc-go-10 (7.1) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc-gfortran-10 (7.1) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc-cpp-10 (7.1) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc-c++-10 (7.1) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc-10 (7.1) Oct 18 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
libpcap-devel-1.10.1 Sep 29 22 License RPM SRPM Libraries and header files for the libpcap library
libpcap-1.10.1 Sep 29 22 License RPM SRPM A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture
pcre2-tools-10.40 Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM Auxiliary utilities for pcre2
pcre2-devel-10.40 Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM Development files for pcre2
pcre2-10.40 Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM Perl-compatible regular expression library
libstdc++8-devel-8.3.0 (7.1) Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++8-8.3.0 (7.1) Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp8-8.3.0 (7.1) Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo8-devel-8.3.0 (7.1) Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo8-8.3.0 (7.1) Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran8-8.3.0 (7.1) Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc8-8.3.0 (7.1) Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM GCC version 8.3.0 shared support library
gcc8-go-8.3.0 (7.1) Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc8-gfortran-8.3.0 (7.1) Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc8-cpp-8.3.0 (7.1) Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc8-c++-8.3.0 (7.1) Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc8-8.3.0 (7.1) Sep 13 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
mariadb-test-10.4.26 Sep 07 22 License RPM SRPM The test suite distributed with MariaDB
mariadb-server-utils-10.4.26 Sep 07 22 License RPM SRPM Non-essential server utilities for MariaDB/MySQL applications
mariadb-server-10.4.26 Sep 07 22 License RPM SRPM The MariaDB server and related files
mariadb-gssapi-server-10.4.26 Sep 07 22 License RPM SRPM GSSAPI authentication plugin for server
mariadb-errmsg-10.4.26 Sep 07 22 License RPM SRPM The error messages files required by server and embedded
mariadb-embedded-10.4.26 Sep 07 22 License RPM SRPM MariaDB as an embeddable library
mariadb-devel-10.4.26 Sep 07 22 License RPM SRPM Files for development of MariaDB/MySQL applications
mariadb-common-10.4.26 Sep 07 22 License RPM SRPM The shared files required by server and client
mariadb-bench-10.4.26 Sep 07 22 License RPM SRPM MariaDB benchmark scripts and data
mariadb-backup-10.4.26 Sep 07 22 License RPM SRPM The mariabackup tool for physical online backups
mariadb-10.4.26 Sep 07 22 License RPM SRPM MariaDB
jansson-devel-2.14 Jul 15 22 License RPM SRPM Header files for jansson
jansson-2.14 Jul 15 22 License RPM SRPM C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
jansson-devel-doc-2.14 Jul 15 22 License RPM SRPM Development documentation for jansson
freetype2-devel-2.12.1 Jul 06 22 License RPM SRPM FreeType development libraries and header files
freetype2-demos-2.12.1 Jul 06 22 License RPM SRPM A collection of FreeType demos
freetype2-2.12.1 Jul 06 22 License RPM SRPM A free and portable font rendering engine
libyaml-devel-0.2.5 Jun 30 22 License RPM SRPM Development files for LibYAML applications
libyaml-0.2.5 Jun 30 22 License RPM SRPM YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
libiconv-1.17 Jun 28 22 License RPM SRPM Character set conversion library, portable iconv implementation
gdbm-devel-1.23 Jun 28 22 License RPM SRPM Development libraries and header files for the gdbm library.
gdbm-1.23 Jun 28 22 License RPM SRPM A GNU set of database routines which use extensible hashing.
dejagnu-1.6.3 Jun 28 22 License RPM SRPM A front end for testing other programs.
libstdc++8-devel-8.3.0 (7.3) Jun 15 22 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++8-8.3.0 (7.3) Jun 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp8-8.3.0 (7.3) Jun 15 22 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo8-devel-8.3.0 (7.3) Jun 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo8-8.3.0 (7.3) Jun 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran8-8.3.0 (7.3) Jun 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc8-8.3.0 (7.3) Jun 15 22 License RPM SRPM GCC version 8.3.0 shared support library
gcc8-go-8.3.0 (7.3) Jun 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc8-gfortran-8.3.0 (7.3) Jun 15 22 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc8-cpp-8.3.0 (7.3) Jun 15 22 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc8-c++-8.3.0 (7.3) Jun 15 22 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc8-8.3.0 (7.3) Jun 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
sendmail-8.17.1 Jun 03 22 License RPM SRPM The Sendmail program is a very widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA).
libxml2-python-2.9.14 May 24 22 License RPM - Python bindings for the libxml2 library
libgd-progs-2.3.3 May 06 22 License RPM SRPM Utility programs that use libgd
libgd-devel-2.3.3 May 06 22 License RPM SRPM The development libraries and header files for gd
libgd-2.3.3 May 06 22 License RPM SRPM A graphics library for quick creation of PNG or JPEG images
freeradius-pam-2.0.0 May 06 22 License RPM SRPM PAM Module for RADIUS Authentication
help2man-1.48.5 May 06 22 License RPM SRPM Create simple man pages from --help output
automake-1.16.5 May 06 22 License RPM SRPM A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles.
libmodulemd-devel-1.5.2 Apr 19 22 License RPM SRPM Development files for libmodulemd
libmodulemd-1.5.2 Apr 19 22 License RPM SRPM Module metadata manipulation library
cyrus-sasl-devel-2.1.28 Apr 19 22 License RPM SRPM Development package for the cyrus-sasl
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28 Apr 19 22 License RPM SRPM Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL).
check-devel-0.13.0 Apr 19 22 License RPM SRPM Libraries and headers for developing programs with check
check-0.13.0 Apr 19 22 License RPM SRPM A unit test framework for C
nss-devel-3.74 Mar 29 22 License RPM SRPM Development libraries for Network Security Services
nss-3.74 Mar 29 22 License RPM SRPM Network Security Services
nspr-devel-4.32 Mar 29 22 License RPM SRPM Development libraries for the Netscape Portable Runtime
nspr-4.32 Mar 29 22 License RPM SRPM Netscape Portable Runtime
community-mysql-test-8.0.20 Mar 22 22 License RPM SRPM The test suite distributed with MySQL
community-mysql-server-8.0.20 Mar 22 22 License RPM SRPM The MySQL server and related files
community-mysql-libs-8.0.20 Mar 22 22 License RPM SRPM The shared libraries required for MySQL clients
community-mysql-libmysqlxclient-static-8.0.20 Mar 22 22 License RPM SRPM MySQL libmysqlxclient library
community-mysql-errmsg-8.0.20 Mar 22 22 License RPM SRPM The error messages files required by MySQL server
community-mysql-devel-8.0.20 Mar 22 22 License RPM SRPM Files for development of MySQL applications
community-mysql-debug-8.0.20 Mar 22 22 License RPM SRPM MySQL server binaries compiled with debug flags
community-mysql-common-8.0.20 Mar 22 22 License RPM SRPM The shared files required for MySQL server and client
community-mysql-8.0.20 Mar 22 22 License RPM SRPM MySQL client programs and shared libraries
libstdc++10-devel-10.3.0 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++10-10.3.0 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp10-10.3.0 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo10-devel-10.3.0 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo10-10.3.0 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran10-10.3.0 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc10-10.3.0 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GCC version 10.3.0 shared support library
gcc10-go-10.3.0 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc10-gfortran-10.3.0 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc10-cpp-10.3.0 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc10-c++-10.3.0 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc10-10.3.0 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
libstdc++-devel-10 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++-10 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp-10 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo-devel-10 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo-10 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran-10 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc-10 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GCC version 10 shared support library
gcc-go-10 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc-gfortran-10 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc-cpp-10 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc-c++-10 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc-10 (7.3) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
libstdc++10-devel-10.3.0 (7.2) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++10-10.3.0 (7.2) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp10-10.3.0 (7.2) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo10-devel-10.3.0 (7.2) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo10-10.3.0 (7.2) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran10-10.3.0 (7.2) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc10-10.3.0 (7.2) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GCC version 10.3.0 shared support library
gcc10-go-10.3.0 (7.2) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc10-gfortran-10.3.0 (7.2) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc10-cpp-10.3.0 (7.2) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc10-c++-10.3.0 (7.2) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc10-10.3.0 (7.2) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
libstdc++10-devel-10.3.0 (7.1) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++10-10.3.0 (7.1) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp10-10.3.0 (7.1) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo10-devel-10.3.0 (7.1) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go development libraries
libgo10-10.3.0 (7.1) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go runtime
libgfortran10-10.3.0 (7.1) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc10-10.3.0 (7.1) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GCC version 10.3.0 shared support library
gcc10-go-10.3.0 (7.1) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Go support
gcc10-gfortran-10.3.0 (7.1) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc10-cpp-10.3.0 (7.1) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc10-c++-10.3.0 (7.1) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc10-10.3.0 (7.1) Feb 15 22 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
bash-completion-2.11 Feb 11 22 License RPM SRPM Programmable completion for Bash
rkhunter-1.4.6 Jan 27 22 License RPM SRPM A host-based tool to scan for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits
etcdctl-3.4.14 (7.3) Dec 20 21 License RPM SRPM Command-line client for etcd.
etcd-3.4.14 (7.3) Dec 20 21 License RPM SRPM Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
metricbeat-7.5.2 (7.3) Dec 20 21 License RPM SRPM Metricbeat is a lightweight shipper for metrics.
filebeat-7.5.2 (7.3) Dec 20 21 License RPM SRPM Filebeat sends log files to Logstash or directly to Elasticsearch.
auditbeat-7.5.2 (7.3) Dec 20 21 License RPM SRPM Audit the activities of users and processes on your system.
openblas-devel-0.3.18 (7.3) Dec 17 21 License RPM SRPM An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 - development files
openblas-0.3.18 (7.3) Dec 17 21 License RPM SRPM An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
openblas-devel-0.3.18 (7.2) Dec 17 21 License RPM SRPM An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 - development files
openblas-0.3.18 (7.2) Dec 17 21 License RPM SRPM An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
openblas-devel-0.3.18 (7.1) Dec 17 21 License RPM SRPM An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 - development files
openblas-0.3.18 (7.1) Dec 17 21 License RPM SRPM An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
python2-libxslt-1.1.34 Oct 01 21 License RPM - Python bindings for the libxslt library
mod_auth_kerb-5.4 Aug 25 21 License RPM SRPM Kerberos authentication module for Apache HTTP Server 2.4.X
libstdc++8-devel-8.3.0 (7.2) Aug 25 21 License RPM - Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++8-8.3.0 (7.2) Aug 25 21 License RPM - GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp8-8.3.0 (7.2) Aug 25 21 License RPM - GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgo8-devel-8.3.0 (7.2) Aug 25 21 License RPM - Go development libraries
libgo8-8.3.0 (7.2) Aug 25 21 License RPM - Go runtime
libgfortran8-8.3.0 (7.2) Aug 25 21 License RPM - GNU Standard gfortran Library
libgcc8-8.3.0 (7.2) Aug 25 21 License RPM - GCC version 8.3.0 shared support library
gcc8-go-8.3.0 (7.2) Aug 25 21 License RPM - Go support
gcc8-gfortran-8.3.0 (7.2) Aug 25 21 License RPM - Fortran 95 support
gcc8-cpp-8.3.0 (7.2) Aug 25 21 License RPM - The C Preprocessor
gcc8-c++-8.3.0 (7.2) Aug 25 21 License RPM - C++ support for GCC
gcc8-8.3.0 (7.2) Aug 25 21 License RPM - GNU Compiler Collection
pcre-devel-8.44 Aug 10 21 License RPM SRPM Development files for pcre
pcre-8.44 Aug 10 21 License RPM SRPM Perl-compatible regular expression library
mosh-1.3.2 Jul 20 21 License RPM SRPM Mobile shell that supports roaming and intelligent local echo
libXrender-devel-0.9.8 Jul 09 21 License RPM SRPM X.Org X11 libXrender development package
libXrender-0.9.8 Jul 09 21 License RPM SRPM X.Org X11 libXrender runtime library
autoconf-2.71 Jun 24 21 License RPM SRPM A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code.
expectk-5.45.4 Jun 15 21 License RPM SRPM A program-script interaction and testing utility
expect-devel-5.45.4 Jun 15 21 License RPM SRPM A program-script interaction and testing utility
expect-5.45.4 Jun 15 21 License RPM SRPM A program-script interaction and testing utility
lapack-devel-3.9.1 Jun 07 21 License RPM SRPM LAPACK development libraries
lapack-3.9.1 Jun 07 21 License RPM SRPM The LAPACK libraries for numerical linear algebra.
blas-devel-3.9.1 Jun 07 21 License RPM SRPM BLAS development libraries
blas-3.9.1 Jun 07 21 License RPM SRPM The BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) library.
libtommath-devel-1.2.0 May 24 21 License RPM SRPM Development files for libtommath
libtommath-1.2.0 May 24 21 License RPM SRPM A portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library
libtomcrypt-devel-1.18.2 May 24 21 License RPM SRPM Development files for libtomcrypt
libtomcrypt-1.18.2 May 24 21 License RPM SRPM A comprehensive, portable cryptographic toolkit
ncftp-3.2.6 May 17 21 License RPM SRPM An improved FTP client.
gtk2-immodules-2.24.30 May 13 21 License RPM SRPM Input methods for GTK+
gtk2-immodule-xim-2.24.30 May 13 21 License RPM SRPM XIM support for GTK+
gtk2-devel-docs-2.24.30 May 13 21 License RPM SRPM Developer documentation for GTK+
gtk2-devel-2.24.30 May 13 21 License RPM SRPM Development files for GTK+
gtk2-2.24.30 May 13 21 License RPM SRPM The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIs for X
gdk-pixbuf-devel-2.35.1 Mar 31 21 License RPM SRPM Development files for gdk-pixbuf
gdk-pixbuf-2.35.1 Mar 31 21 License RPM SRPM An image loading library
db-devel-5.3.28 Mar 12 21 License RPM SRPM C development files for the Berkeley DB (version 5) library
db-5.3.28 Mar 12 21 License RPM SRPM The Berkeley Database, the Open Source embedded database system
unixODBC-devel-2.3.9 Jan 08 21 License RPM SRPM Includes and static libraries for ODBC development
unixODBC-2.3.9 Jan 08 21 License RPM SRPM ODBC driver manager and drivers for PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.
etcdctl-3.4.14 (7.2) Jan 08 21 License RPM SRPM Command-line client for etcd.
etcd-3.4.14 (7.2) Jan 08 21 License RPM SRPM Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
oniguruma-devel-6.9.6 Jan 05 21 License RPM SRPM Development files for oniguruma
oniguruma-6.9.6 Jan 05 21 License RPM SRPM Regular expressions library
perl-Parse-Yapp-1.21 Jan 05 21 License RPM SRPM Perl extension for generating and using LALR parsers
libstdc++7-devel-7.2.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++7-7.2.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp7-7.2.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgcc7-7.2.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GCC version 7.2.0 shared support library
gcc7-gfortran-7.2.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc7-cpp-7.2.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc7-c++-7.2.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc7-7.2.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
libstdc++6-devel-6.3.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++6-6.3.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp6-6.3.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgcc6-6.3.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GCC version 6.3.0 shared support library
gcc6-gfortran-6.3.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc6-cpp-6.3.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc6-c++-6.3.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc6-6.3.0 (7.2) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
libstdc++7-devel-7.2.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++7-7.2.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp7-7.2.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgcc7-7.2.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GCC version 7.2.0 shared support library
gcc7-gfortran-7.2.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc7-cpp-7.2.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc7-c++-7.2.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc7-7.2.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
libstdc++6-devel-6.3.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++6-6.3.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GNU Standard C++ Library
libgomp6-6.3.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
libgcc6-6.3.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GCC version 6.3.0 shared support library
gcc6-gfortran-6.3.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM Fortran 95 support
gcc6-cpp-6.3.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM The C Preprocessor
gcc6-c++-6.3.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM C++ support for GCC
gcc6-6.3.0 (7.1) Dec 27 20 License RPM SRPM GNU Compiler Collection
libevent-devel-2.1.12 Dec 08 20 License RPM SRPM Development libraries for libevent
libevent-2.1.12 Dec 08 20 License RPM SRPM libevent is a Abstract asynchronous event notification library.
yum-3.4.3 Dec 08 20 License RPM SRPM RPM installer/updater
augeas-libs-1.12.0 Nov 06 20 License RPM SRPM Libraries for augeas
augeas-devel-1.12.0 Nov 06 20 License RPM SRPM Development files for augeas
augeas-1.12.0 Nov 06 20 License RPM SRPM A library for changing configuration files
dos2unix-7.4.1 Oct 27 20 License RPM SRPM Text file format converters
mkisofs-3.01 Oct 20 20 License RPM SRPM Creates an image of an ISO9660 filesystem.
cdrtools-devel-3.01 Oct 20 20 License RPM SRPM The libschily SCSI user level transport library.
cdrtools-3.01 Oct 20 20 License RPM SRPM A command line CD/DVD recording program.
cdda2wav-3.01 Oct 20 20 License RPM SRPM A utility for sampling/copying .wav files from digital audio CDs.
ganglia-web-3.7.2 Oct 20 20 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Web Frontend
slang-devel-2.3.2 Oct 12 20 License RPM SRPM The static library and header files for development using S-Lang.
slang-2.3.2 Oct 12 20 License RPM SRPM The shared library for the S-Lang extension language.
samba-python-4.10.13 Sep 18 20 License RPM - Samba Python libraries
libxcb-devel-1.14 Sep 14 20 License RPM SRPM X.Org xcb library
libxcb-1.14 Sep 14 20 License RPM SRPM X.Org xcb library
cppunit-doc-1.15.1 Sep 08 20 License RPM SRPM HTML formatted API documention for cppunit
cppunit-devel-1.15.1 Sep 08 20 License RPM SRPM Libraries and headers for cppunit development
cppunit-1.15.1 Sep 08 20 License RPM SRPM C++ unit testing framework
git-arch-2.20.4 Jul 17 20 License RPM - Git tools for importing Arch repositories
iftop-1.0pre4 Jun 26 20 License RPM SRPM iftop does for network usage what top(1) does for CPU usage.
tripwire- Jun 19 20 License RPM SRPM IDS (Intrusion Detection System)
lutok-devel-0.4 Jun 19 20 License RPM SRPM Libraries and header files for Lutok development
lutok-0.4 Jun 19 20 License RPM SRPM Lightweight C++ API library for Lua
libcmocka-static-1.1.5 Jun 19 20 License RPM - Lightweight library to simplify and generalize unit tests for C
libatf-sh-devel-0.21 Jun 19 20 License RPM SRPM Automated Testing Framework - POSIX shell bindings (headers)
libatf-sh-0.21 Jun 19 20 License RPM SRPM Automated Testing Framework - POSIX shell bindings
libatf-c++-devel-0.21 Jun 19 20 License RPM SRPM Automated Testing Framework - C++ bindings (headers)
libatf-c++-0.21 Jun 19 20 License RPM SRPM Automated Testing Framework - C++ bindings
libatf-c-devel-0.21 Jun 19 20 License RPM SRPM Automated Testing Framework - C bindings (headers)
libatf-c-0.21 Jun 19 20 License RPM SRPM Automated Testing Framework - C bindings
atf-tests-0.21 Jun 19 20 License RPM SRPM Automated Testing Framework - Test suite
npth-devel-1.5 Jun 16 20 License RPM SRPM Development headers and libraries for GNU nPth
npth-1.5 Jun 16 20 License RPM SRPM The New GNU Portable Threads library
bind-utils-9.14.5 May 04 20 License RPM SRPM Utilities for querying DNS name servers
bind-lite-devel-9.14.5 May 04 20 License RPM SRPM Lite version of header files and libraries needed for BIND DNS development
bind-license-9.14.5 May 04 20 License RPM SRPM License of the BIND DNS suite
bind-libs-lite-9.14.5 May 04 20 License RPM SRPM Libraries for working with the DNS protocol
bind-libs-9.14.5 May 04 20 License RPM SRPM Libraries used by the BIND DNS packages
bind-devel-9.14.5 May 04 20 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries needed for BIND DNS development
bind-9.14.5 May 04 20 License RPM SRPM The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) DNS (Domain Name System) server
python3-unittest2-1.1.0 Mar 30 20 License RPM SRPM The new features in unittest for Python 2.7 backported to Python 2.3+.
python3-boto-2.49.0 Mar 30 20 License RPM SRPM A simple, lightweight interface to Amazon Web Services
metricbeat-7.5.2 (7.2) Mar 19 20 License RPM SRPM Metricbeat is a lightweight shipper for metrics.
filebeat-7.5.2 (7.2) Mar 19 20 License RPM SRPM Filebeat sends log files to Logstash or directly to Elasticsearch.
auditbeat-7.5.2 (7.2) Mar 19 20 License RPM SRPM Audit the activities of users and processes on your system.
mysql-config-1.0 Mar 19 20 License RPM SRPM Development files for mariadb-connector-c
screen-4.7.0 Mar 13 20 License RPM SRPM A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal
python-pyzmq-16.0.2 Mar 13 20 License RPM SRPM General purpose template engine for python2
p7zip-16.02 Mar 13 20 License RPM SRPM Very high compression ratio file archiver
cscope-15.9 Mar 13 20 License RPM SRPM C source file browser
zip-3.0 Dec 03 19 License RPM - A file compression and packaging utility compatible with PKZIP
bzip2-devel-1.0.8 Dec 03 19 License RPM - Header files developing apps which will use bzip2
bzip2-1.0.8 Dec 03 19 License RPM - A file compression utility
aix-x11-pc-1.0 Nov 28 19 License RPM SRPM pkg-config files for AIX X11 libraries
ganglia-mod_ibmrperf-3.7.2 Oct 30 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Monitor daemon module ibmrperf
ganglia-mod_ibmpower-3.7.2 Oct 30 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Monitor daemon module ibmpower
ganglia-mod_ibmnet-3.7.2 Oct 30 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Monitor daemon module ibmnet
ganglia-mod_ibmfc-3.7.2 Oct 30 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Monitor daemon module ibmfc
ganglia-mod_ibmams-3.7.2 Oct 30 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Monitor daemon module ibmams
ganglia-mod_ibmame-3.7.2 Oct 30 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Monitor daemon module ibmame
ganglia-mod_aixdisk-3.7.2 Oct 30 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Monitor daemon module aixdisk
parallel-20190622 Oct 22 19 License RPM SRPM A shell tool for executing jobs in parallel
mariadb-connector-c-config-3.0.10 Oct 18 19 License RPM - Configuration files for packages that use /etc/my.cnf as a configuration file
cmake-rpm-macros-3.14.3 (7.2) Oct 16 19 License RPM - Common RPM macros for cmake
cmake-filesystem-3.14.3 (7.2) Oct 16 19 License RPM - Directories used by CMake modules
cmake-rpm-macros-3.14.3 (7.1) Oct 16 19 License RPM - Common RPM macros for cmake
cmake-filesystem-3.14.3 (7.1) Oct 16 19 License RPM - Directories used by CMake modules
pysqlite-2.8.3 Oct 15 19 License RPM SRPM A DB API v2.0 compatible interface to SQLite 3.0
libdbi-devel-0.9.0 Oct 15 19 License RPM SRPM Development files for libdbi (Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C)
libdbi-0.9.0 Oct 15 19 License RPM SRPM Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C
CUnit-devel-2.1.3 Aug 13 19 License RPM SRPM Header files and libraries for CUnit development
CUnit-2.1.3 Aug 13 19 License RPM SRPM Unit testing framework for C
python-jinja2-2.10.1 Aug 13 19 License RPM SRPM General purpose template engine for python2
a2ps-4.13 Jun 18 19 License RPM SRPM GNU a2ps is an Any to PostScript filter.
GeoIP-update-1.6.12 May 31 19 License RPM SRPM Crontab entry to facilitate automatic updates of databases
GeoIP-devel-1.6.12 May 31 19 License RPM SRPM Development headers and libraries for GeoIP
GeoIP-data-1.6.12 May 31 19 License RPM SRPM Static snapshot of GeoIP databases
GeoIP-1.6.12 May 31 19 License RPM SRPM C library for country/city/organization to IP address or hostname mapping
ganglia-lib-3.7.2 May 13 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Meta daemon http
ganglia-gmond-python-examples-3.7.2 May 13 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Monitor daemon python metric modules (Linux examples)
ganglia-gmond-python-3.7.2 May 13 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Monitor daemon python DSO and metric modules
ganglia-gmond-3.7.2 May 13 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Monitor daemon http
ganglia-gmetad-3.7.2 May 13 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Meta daemon http
ganglia-devel-3.7.2 May 13 19 License RPM SRPM Ganglia Library http
kubernetes-node-img-1.12.4 (7.2) May 08 19 License RPM SRPM Images for Kubernetes node.
kubelet-1.12.4 (7.2) May 08 19 License RPM SRPM The node agent of Kubernetes, the container cluster manager.
cloudctl- (7.2) May 08 19 License RPM - IBM Cloud Private CLI
criwpar-0.2.0 (7.2) May 02 19 License RPM - Container Runtime Interface for WPARs
lbzip2-2.5 Apr 08 19 License RPM SRPM Fast, multi-threaded bzip2 utility
kubectl-1.12.4 (7.2) Mar 26 19 License RPM SRPM Command-line utility for interacting with a Kubernetes cluster.
icp-worker-3.1.2 (7.2) Mar 26 19 License RPM SRPM IBM Cloud Private AIX worker node
helm-2.9.1 (7.2) Mar 26 19 License RPM SRPM The Kubernetes Package Manager
calicoctl-3.3.1 (7.2) Mar 26 19 License RPM SRPM Calico CLI tool
calico-node-3.3.1 (7.2) Mar 26 19 License RPM SRPM Cloud native application connectivity and network policy
calico-cni-3.3.1 (7.2) Mar 26 19 License RPM SRPM Calico CNI plugin
pbzip2-1.1.13 Mar 16 19 License RPM SRPM Parallel implementation of bzip2
autogen-libopts-devel-5.18.16 Mar 16 19 License RPM SRPM Development files for libopts
autogen-libopts-5.18.16 Mar 16 19 License RPM SRPM Automated option processing library based on autogen
autogen-5.18.16 Mar 16 19 License RPM SRPM Automated text file generator
yum-utils-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Utilities based around the yum package manager
yum-plugin-versionlock-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to lock specified packages from being updated
yum-plugin-verify-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to add verify command, and options
yum-plugin-tsflags-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to add tsflags by a commandline option
yum-plugin-tmprepo-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to add temporary repositories
yum-plugin-show-leaves-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin which shows newly installed leaf packages
yum-plugin-rpm-warm-cache-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to access the rpmdb files early to warm up access to the db
yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to remove dependencies which are no longer used because of a removal
yum-plugin-ps-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to look at processes, with respect to packages
yum-plugin-protectbase-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to protect packages from certain repositories.
yum-plugin-priorities-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM plugin to give priorities to packages from different repos
yum-plugin-post-transaction-actions-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to run arbitrary commands when certain pkgs are acted on
yum-plugin-merge-conf-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to merge configuration changes when installing packages
yum-plugin-local-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to automatically manage a local repo. of downloaded packages
yum-plugin-list-data-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to list aggregate package data
yum-plugin-keys-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to deal with signing keys
yum-plugin-filter-data-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to list filter based on package data
yum-plugin-fastestmirror-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin which chooses fastest repository from a mirrorlist
yum-plugin-downloadonly-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to add downloadonly command option
yum-plugin-changelog-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin for viewing package changelogs before/after updating
yum-plugin-basearchonly-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Install only basearch packages on mutiarch systems.
yum-plugin-allowdowngrade-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to enable manual downgrading of packages
yum-plugin-aliases-1.1.31 Mar 13 19 License RPM SRPM Yum plugin to enable aliases filters
guile-devel-2.2.0 Mar 05 19 License RPM SRPM Libraries and header files for the GUILE extensibility library
guile-2.2.0 Mar 05 19 License RPM SRPM A GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility
ghostscript-fonts-8.11 Mar 05 19 License RPM SRPM Fonts for the GhostScript interpreter
libart_lgpl-devel-2.3.21 Feb 02 19 License RPM SRPM Libraries and headers for libart_lgpl
libart_lgpl-2.3.21 Feb 02 19 License RPM SRPM Library of graphics routines used by libgnomecanvas
pkg-config-0.29.2 Jan 09 19 License RPM SRPM A tool for determining compilation options
lzop-1.04 Dec 09 18 License RPM SRPM Real-time file compressor
kubernetes-node-1.10.0 (7.2) Oct 28 18 License RPM - The node agent of Kubernetes, the container cluster manager.
flex-2.6.4 Oct 04 18 License RPM SRPM A tool for creating scanners (text pattern recognizers)
cvs-1.11.23 Oct 04 18 License RPM SRPM A version control system
libfontenc-devel-1.1.3 Sep 24 18 License RPM SRPM X.Org X11 libfontenc development package
libfontenc-1.1.3 Sep 24 18 License RPM SRPM X.Org X11 libfontenc runtime library
python-pip-10.0.1 Jul 30 18 License RPM SRPM Tool for installing and managing Python packages.
hexedit-1.4.2 Jun 20 18 License RPM SRPM A hexadecimal file viewer and editor.
libXft-devel-2.3.2 Jun 05 18 License RPM SRPM X.Org X11 libXft development package
libXft-2.3.2 Jun 05 18 License RPM SRPM X.Org X11 libXft runtime library
cups-lpd-2.2.3 Apr 26 18 License RPM SRPM Common Unix Printing System - lpd emulation
cups-libs-2.2.3 Apr 26 18 License RPM SRPM Common Unix Printing System - libraries
cups-ipptool-2.2.3 Apr 26 18 License RPM SRPM Common Unix Printing System - tool for performing IPP requests
cups-devel-2.2.3 Apr 26 18 License RPM SRPM Common Unix Printing System - development environment
cups-client-2.2.3 Apr 26 18 License RPM SRPM CUPS printing system - client programs
cups-2.2.3 Apr 26 18 License RPM SRPM Common Unix Printing System
libXcursor-devel-1.1.14 Apr 18 18 License RPM SRPM X Cursor library headers
libXcursor-1.1.14 Apr 18 18 License RPM SRPM X Cursor library
perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04 Apr 18 18 License RPM SRPM SSL support for Net
test-dummy-libs-1.1 Apr 05 18 License RPM SRPM libs dummpy package
test-dummy-devel-1.1 Apr 05 18 License RPM SRPM Development Test packages for yum testing
test-dummy-1.1 Apr 05 18 License RPM SRPM Test packages for yum testing
pth-devel-2.0.7 Apr 05 18 License RPM SRPM Development headers and libraries for GNU Pth
pth-2.0.7 Apr 05 18 License RPM SRPM The GNU Portable Threads library
pinentry-1.0.0 Apr 05 18 License RPM SRPM Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
bbcp- Mar 18 18 License RPM SRPM Securely and quickly copy data from source to target
dejavu-serif-fonts-2.37 Mar 18 18 License RPM SRPM Variable-width serif font faces
dejavu-sans-mono-fonts-2.37 Mar 18 18 License RPM SRPM Monospace sans-serif font faces
dejavu-sans-fonts-2.37 Mar 18 18 License RPM SRPM Variable-width sans-serif font faces
dejavu-lgc-serif-fonts-2.37 Mar 18 18 License RPM SRPM Variable-width serif font faces, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic subset
dejavu-lgc-sans-mono-fonts-2.37 Mar 18 18 License RPM SRPM Monospace sans-serif font faces, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic subset
dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts-2.37 Mar 18 18 License RPM SRPM Variable-width sans-serif font faces, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic subset
shared-mime-info-1.6 Feb 22 18 License RPM SRPM Shared MIME information database
atk-devel-2.20.0 Feb 22 18 License RPM SRPM Files necessary to develop applications using ATK
atk-2.20.0 Feb 22 18 License RPM SRPM Interfaces for accessibility support
libusb-1.0.19 Nov 30 17 License RPM SRPM libusb for AIX
xproto-devel-7.0.28 Nov 08 17 License RPM SRPM The xproto header
tkinter-2.7.13 Oct 30 17 License RPM - A graphical user interface for the Python scripting language.
python-tornado-doc-4.5.1 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Examples for python-tornado
python-tornado-4.5.1 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Scalable, non-blocking web server and tools
python-msgpack-0.4.8 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM A Python MessagePack (de)serializer
python-unittest2-1.1.0 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM The new features in unittest for Python 2.7 backported to Python 2.3+.
python-sphinx-1.1.3 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Python documentation generator
python-singledispatch- Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM This library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 to Python 2.6-3.3
python-pytest-3.1.3 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Simple powerful testing with Python
python-pytest-timeout-1.2.0 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Better living through Python with decorators
python-pygments-2.2.0 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Syntax highlighting engine written in Python
python-py-1.4.26 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
python-pluggy-0.4.0 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Better living through Python with decorators
python-libcloud-2.1.0 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM A Python library to address multiple cloud provider APIs
python-hypothesis-3.4.0 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM A library for property based testing
python-enum34-1.1.6 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Backport of Python 3.4 Enum
python-docutils-0.13.1 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities
python-decorator-4.1.2 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Better living through Python with decorators
python-cherrypy-10.2.0 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Pythonic, object-oriented web development framework
python-backports_abc-0.5 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM A backport of recent additions to the module
python-argcomplete-1.8.2 Oct 30 17 License RPM SRPM Better living through Python with decorators
python-dateutil-2.6.0 Sep 23 17 License RPM SRPM Extensions to the standard Python datetime module
createrepo-0.10.3 Sep 23 17 License RPM SRPM Creates a common metadata repository
unzip-6.0 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM Unpacks ZIP files such as those made by pkzip under DOS
python-pycrypto-2.6.1 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM Cryptographic modules for Python
python-paramiko-1.7.6 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM A SSH2 protocol library for python
python-markupsafe-1.0 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
python-coverage-3.7 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM Code coverage measurement for Python
python-boto3-1.2.3 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM Code coverage measurement for Python
python-s3transfer-0.1.10 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM S3transfer is a Python library for managing Amazon S3 transfers
python-pyasn1-0.2.3 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM ASN.1 types and codecs
python-passlib-1.7.1 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes
python-nose-1.3.0 Jun 30 17 License RPM - nose extends unittest to make testing easier
python-mock-1.0.1 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing
python-keyczar-0.716 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography
python-jmespath-0.9.2 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM A low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services
python-httplib2-0.9.2 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM A comprehensive HTTP client library.
python-cryptography-1.8.1 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.
python-botocore-1.5.38 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3
python-babel-0.9.6 Jun 30 17 License RPM SRPM Internationalization utilities
jbigkit-libs-2.1 Jun 28 17 License RPM SRPM JBIG1 lossless image compression library
jbigkit-devel-2.1 Jun 28 17 License RPM SRPM JBIG1 lossless image compression library -- development files
jbigkit-2.1 Jun 28 17 License RPM SRPM JBIG1 lossless image compression tools
yum-metadata-parser-1.1.4 Feb 25 17 License RPM SRPM A fast metadata parser for yum
inputproto-devel-2.2 Dec 09 16 License RPM SRPM X11 prototype headers for input devices
tla-1.3.4 Dec 01 16 License RPM SRPM GNU arch revision control system
perl-Authen-SASL-2.16 Dec 01 16 License RPM SRPM SASL Authentication framework for Perl
cvsps-2.2b1 Dec 01 16 License RPM SRPM Patchset tool for CVS
python-swiftclient-3.0.0 Nov 19 16 License RPM SRPM Python Swift client API and command-line script.
python-six-1.10.0 Sep 14 16 License RPM SRPM Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
python-pbr-1.10.0 Sep 14 16 License RPM SRPM PBR is a library that injects some useful behaviors into setuptools
python-futures-3.0.5 Sep 14 16 License RPM SRPM Backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python 3.2
libXdmcp-devel-1.1.2 Sep 01 16 License RPM SRPM X.Org Xdmcp library
libXdmcp-1.1.2 Sep 01 16 License RPM SRPM X.Org Xdmcp library
renderproto-0.11.1 Aug 31 16 License RPM SRPM X.Org X11 Protocol renderproto
libpthread-stubs-devel-0.3 Aug 31 16 License RPM SRPM Devel package for libpthread-stubs
libpthread-stubs-0.3 Aug 31 16 License RPM SRPM This library provides weak aliases for pthread functions not provided in libc
libXau-devel-1.0.8 Aug 31 16 License RPM SRPM X.Org Xau library
libXau-1.0.8 Aug 31 16 License RPM SRPM X.Org Xau library
python-deltarpm-3.6 Aug 28 16 License RPM SRPM Python bindings for deltarpm
drpmsync-3.6 Aug 28 16 License RPM SRPM Sync a file tree with deltarpms
deltarpm-3.6 Aug 28 16 License RPM SRPM Create deltas between rpms
deltaiso-3.6 Aug 28 16 License RPM SRPM Create deltas between isos containing rpms
python-xml-0.8.4 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM XML libraries for python
python-pyserial-2.7 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM Python serial port access library
python-cheetah-2.4.4 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM Template engine and code generator
python-PyYAML-3.11 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM YAML parser and emitter for Python
python-setuptools-devel-0.9.8 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM Download, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
python-setuptools-0.9.8 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
python-requests-2.4.3 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
python-prettytable-0.7.2 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM A simple Python library for easily displaying tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format
python-oauth-1.0.1 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM Library for OAuth version 1.0a
python-jsonpointer-1.0 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (RFC 6901)
python-jsonpatch-1.8 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM Applying JSON Patches in Python
python-configobj-5.0.5 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM Config file reading, writing and validation.
python-boto-2.34.0 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM A simple, lightweight interface to Amazon Web Services
python-argparse-1.2.1 Aug 22 16 License RPM SRPM HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
gnuit-4.3.20 Aug 11 16 License RPM SRPM A set of GNU Interactive Tools.
urw-fonts-2.0 Aug 05 16 License RPM SRPM Free versions of the 35 standard PostScript fonts.
smake-1.3.2 Aug 05 16 License RPM SRPM SMake -- Makefile generator.
python-urlgrabber-3.10.1 Aug 05 16 License RPM SRPM A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
python-iniparse-0.4 Aug 05 16 License RPM SRPM Python Module for Accessing and Modifying Configuration Data in INI files
openCIMOM-0.8 Aug 05 16 License RPM SRPM The SNIA CIMOM (Common Information Model Object Manager)
docbookx-4.1.2 Aug 05 16 License RPM SRPM XML document type definition for DocBook 4.1.2
autoconf213-2.13 Aug 05 16 License RPM SRPM A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code.
ptpd-2.3.1 May 13 16 License RPM SRPM The Precision Time Protocol Daemon (ptpd)
libpaper-devel-1.1.24 Apr 17 16 License RPM SRPM Headers/Libraries for developing programs that use libpaper
libpaper-1.1.24 Apr 17 16 License RPM SRPM Library and tools for handling papersize
xft-2.1.6 Aug 25 13 License RPM SRPM X Font Rendering library
bc-1.06 Aug 25 13 License RPM SRPM GNU's bc (a numeric processing language) and dc (a calculator).
Xaw3d-devel-1.5 Jun 20 11 License RPM - Header files and static libraries for development using Xaw3d.
Xaw3d-1.5 Jun 20 11 License RPM - A version of the MIT Athena widget set for X.
cdrecord-devel-1.9 May 10 11 License RPM SRPM The libschily SCSI user level transport library.
cdrecord-1.9 May 10 11 License RPM SRPM A command line CD/DVD recording program.
prngd-0.9.29 Jul 06 05 License RPM SRPM Pseudo Random Number Generator Daemon
tcsh-6.11 Feb 02 05 License RPM SRPM An enhanced version of csh, the C shell.
libungif-progs-4.1.2 Nov 18 04 License RPM SRPM Programs for manipulating GIF format image files.
libungif-devel-4.1.2 Nov 18 04 License RPM SRPM Development tools for programs which will use the libungif library.
libungif-4.1.2 Nov 18 04 License RPM SRPM A library for manipulating GIF format image files.
splint- Jun 10 04 License RPM SRPM An implementation of the lint program
which-2.14 Mar 01 04 License RPM SRPM Displays where a particular program in your path is located.
zoo-2.10 Feb 25 04 License RPM SRPM file archiving utility with compression
rcs-5.7 Feb 25 04 License RPM SRPM Revision Control System (RCS) file version management tools.