OBJTYPE parameter

The object type (OBJTYPE) parameter specifies the types of IBM® i objects that can be operated on by the command in which they are specified.

The object types that can be specified in the OBJTYPE parameter vary from command to command.

The object-related commands allow you to perform general functions on most objects without knowing the special commands related to the specific object type. For example, you could use the Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ) command to create a copy of a file or library instead of the specific commands Copy File (CPYF) or Copy Library (CPYLIB).

Object-related commands

This section lists commands containing the OBJTYPE parameter. See the information for the individual commands listed to find out which object types can be operated on using the commands.

The following commands contain the OBJTYPE parameter but operate on only a few object types.

  • CHKDLO operates on *DOC and *FLR.
  • CPROBJ and DCPOBJ operate on *FILE, *MENU, *MODULE, *PGM, *PNLGRP, and *SRVPGM.
  • CRTSQLPKG operates on *PGM and *SRVPGM.
  • DSPPGMADP operates on *PGM, *SQLPKG, and *SRVPGM.
  • DSPPGMREF operates on *PGM and *SQLPKG.
  • RSTCFG operates on *CFGL, *CNNL, *COSD, *CTLD, *DEVD, *LIND, *MODD, and *NWID.
  • SAVLICPGM operates on *LNG and *PGM.
  • SETOBJACC operates on *FILE and *PGM.

The DSPLNK and WRKLNK commands operate on all object types.

The ALCOBJ and DLCOBJ commands also require that an object type value is specified. However, for these commands, the object type value is specified as one of four values (in a list of values) on the required parameter OBJ.

The following object-related commands operate on many object types.