External object types

Many types of external objects are stored in libraries. Some types of external objects can only be stored in the integrated file system in directories.

Some types of objects can only be stored in a specific library. For those object types, the library where the objects are created is shown in the Default user library column in Table 1.

Other types of objects allow a library name to be specified when the object is created. The default value for the library name qualifier on the CL commands that create those types of objects is the special value *CURLIB. The *CURLIB value causes the name of the current library to be used. The current library for a job or thread can be set as a user profile attribute or job attribute or by running the Change Current Library (CHGCURLIB) command. If there is no current library in effect when the object is created, library QGPL is used.

The other types of objects, identified by N/A (not applicable) in the Default user library column, cannot be stored in libraries or directories.

With the exception of the Dump System Object (DMPSYSOBJ) command, you cannot specify the object type in the format shown in the hexadecimal format column with commands.

Table 1. Predefined values and default library or directory locations for external IBM i object types
Value Object type Hexadecimal format Default user library or directory
*ALRTBL Alert table 0E09 *CURLIB
*AUTL Authorization list 1B01 QSYS
*BLKSF Block special file 1E05 Current directory
*BNDDIR Binding directory 1937 *CURLIB
*CFGL Configuration list 1918 QSYS
*CHRSF Character special file 1E06 Current directory
*CHTFMT Chart format 190D *CURLIB
*CLD C/400 locale description 190B *CURLIB
*CLS Class 1904 *CURLIB
*CMD Command 1905 *CURLIB
*CNNL Connection list 1701 QSYS
*COSD Class-of-service description 1401 QSYS
*CRG Cluster resource group 192C QUSRSYS
*CRQD Change request description 0E0F *CURLIB
*CSI Communications side information 1935 *CURLIB
*CSPMAP Cross-system product map 1922 *CURLIB
*CSPTBL Cross-system product table 1923 *CURLIB
*CTLD Controller description 1201 QSYS
*DDIR Distributed file directory 1F02 N/A
*DEVD Device description 1001 QSYS
*DIR Directory 0C01 Current directory
*DOC Document 190E QDOC
*DSTMF Distributed stream file 1F01 N/A
*DTAARA Data area 190A *CURLIB
*DTADCT Data dictionary 1920 library with same name as data dictionary
*DTAQ Data queue 0A01 *CURLIB
*EDTD Edit description 1908 QSYS
*EXITRG Exit registration 1913 QUSRSYS
*FCT Forms control table 0E04 *CURLIB
*FIFO First-in-first-out special file 1E07 Current directory
*FILE File 1901 *CURLIB
*FLR Folder 1912 QDOC
*FNTRSC Font resources 1926 *CURLIB
*FNTTBL Font mapping table 192B *CURLIB
*FORMDF Form definition 1928 *CURLIB
*FTR Filter 0E0B *CURLIB
*GSS Graphics symbol set 190C *CURLIB
*IGCDCT Double-byte character set (DBCS) conversion dictionary 0E06 *CURLIB
*IGCSRT Double-byte character set (DBCS) sort table 191A *CURLIB
*IGCTBL Double-byte character set (DBCS) font table 1910 QSYS
*IMGCLG Image Catalog 192E QUSRSYS
*IPXD Internetwork packet exchange description 191E QSYS
*JOBD Job description 1903 *CURLIB
*JOBQ Job queue 0E01 *CURLIB
*JOBSCD Job schedule 0E0C *CURLIB
*JRN Journal 0901 *CURLIB
*JRNRCV Journal receiver 0701 *CURLIB
*LIB Library 0401 QSYS
*LIND Line description 1101 QSYS
*LOCALE Locale 1921 *CURLIB
*MEDDFN Media definition 191C *CURLIB
*MENU Menu description 1916 *CURLIB
*MGTCOL Management collection 192D NA, or QPFRDATA if library specified using QYPSCSCA API
*MODD Mode description 1501 QSYS
*MODULE Compiler unit 0301 *CURLIB
*MSGF Message file 0E03 *CURLIB
*MSGQ Message queue 1902 *CURLIB
*M36 AS/400 Advanced 36 machine 1E04 *CURLIB
*M36CFG AS/400 Advanced 36 machine configuration 1924 *CURLIB
*NODGRP Node group 192A *CURLIB
*NODL Node list 0E0E *CURLIB
*NTBD NetBIOS description 1914 QSYS
*NWID Network interface description 1601 QSYS
*NWSCFG Network server configuration 1939 QUSRSYS
*NWSD Network server description 1D01 QSYS
*OUTQ Output queue 0E02 *CURLIB
*OVL Overlay 1929 *CURLIB
*PAGDFN Page definition 1936 *CURLIB
*PAGSEG Page segment 1927 *CURLIB
*PDFMAP Portable Document Format map 0E11 *CURLIB
*PDG Print Descriptor Group 1930 *CURLIB
*PGM Program 0201 *CURLIB
*PNLGRP Panel group definition 1915 *CURLIB
*PRDAVL Product availability 1933 QSYS
*PRDDFN Product definition 191B QSYS
*PRDLOD Product load 191D QSYS
*PSFCFG Print Services Facility configuration 1925 *CURLIB
*QMFORM Query management form 1932 *CURLIB
*QMQRY Query management query 1931 *CURLIB
*QRYDFN Query definition 1911 QGPL
*RCT Reference code translate table 0E08 QGPL
*SBSD Subsystem description 1909 *CURLIB
*SCHIDX Search index 0E07 QGPL
*SOCKET Local socket 1E03 N/A
*SPADCT Spelling aid dictionary 1C01 QGPL
*SQLPKG Structured Query Language package 0202 *CURLIB
*SQLUDT User-defined SQL type 191F *CURLIB
*SQLXSR SQL XML schema repository 1949 *CURLIB
*SRVPGM Service program 0203 *CURLIB
*SSND Session description 0E05 QGPL
*STMF Bytestream file 1E01 Current directory
*SVRSTG Server storage space 1917 QUSRSYS
*SYMLNK Symbolic link 1E02 Current directory
*S36 System/36 machine description 1919 QGPL
*TBL Table 1906 *CURLIB
*TIMZON Time zone description 192F QSYS
*USRIDX User index 0E0A *CURLIB
*USRPRF User profile 0801 QSYS
*USRQ User queue 0A02 *CURLIB
*USRSPC User space 1934 *CURLIB
*VLDL Validation list 0E10 *CURLIB
*WSCST Workstation user customization object 1938 *CURLIB