Examples of the case option with values upper, lower and any

The following definitions are used in the examples
D info            DS                   QUALIFIED
D   name                        10A
D   id_no                        5A
D xmlDoc          S           1000A    VARYING
  1. The XML document uses lowercase for element names and attributes. The case option defaults to lowercase so it is not needed.
      xmlDoc = '<info><name>Jim</name><id_no>103</id_no></info>';
      xml-into info %XML(xmlDoc);
      // info.name = 'Jim       '
      // info.id_no = '103'
  2. The XML document uses uppercase for element names and attributes. Option case=upper must be specified.
      xmlDoc = '<INFO><NAME>Bill</NAME><ID_NO>104</ID_NO></INFO>';
      xml-into info %XML(xmlDoc : 'case=upper');
      // info.name = 'Bill      '
      // info.id_no = '104'
  3. The XML document uses mixed case for element names and attributes. Option case=any must be specified.
      xmlDoc = '<INFO><name>Tom</name>'
                  + '<ID_NO>105</ID_NO></INFO>';
      xml-into info %XML(xmlDoc : 'case=any');
      // info.name = 'Tom       '
      // info.id_no = '104'
  4. The XML document uses mixed case for element names and attributes but the case option is not specified. The XML-INTO operation fails with status 00353 because it assumes that the XML elements will have lowercase names.
      xmlDoc = '<INFO><name>Tom</name>'
                  + '<ID_NO>105</ID_NO></INFO>';
      xml-into(e) info %XML(xmlDoc);
      // %error = *on
      // %status = 353