case (default lower)

The case option specifies the way that XML-INTO and DATA-INTO should interpret the element and attribute names in the document when searching for names that match the the RPG field names and the names in the path option. If the items in the document are not interpreted correctly, they will not be successfully matched to the subfield names and the names in the path, and the operation will fail with status 00353 (for XML-INTO) or 00356 (for DATA-INTO).

  • lower indicates that the names of the items in the document matching the RPG variable names are in lower case.
  • upper indicates that the names of the items in the document matching the RPG variable names are in upper case.
  • any indicates that the names of the items in the document matching the RPG variable names are in unknown or mixed case. The names of the items in the document will be converted to upper case before comparison to the upper-case RPG variable names.
  • convert indicates that the names of the items in document are converted to valid RPG names before matching to RPG names. The name is converted by the following steps:
    1. The alphabetic characters in the name are converted to the uppercase A-Z characters using the *LANGIDSHR conversion table for the job. For example, the name "èñ-Àúb" would be converted to "EN-AUB" in this step.
    2. Any characters in the name that are not A-Z and 0-9 after this step, including any double-byte character sequences in the name, are converted to the underscore character. For example, the name "EN-AUB#" will be converted to "EN_AUB_" during this step.
    3. Any remaining underscores are merged into a single underscore. This includes both underscores that appear in the original name, and underscores that have been added in the previous steps. For example, the name "EN-$_AUB" would have been converted to "EN___AUB" in the previous step, and it would be converted to "EN_AUB" in this step.
    4. If the first character in the resulting name is the underscore character, it is removed from the name. For example, the name "_EN_AUB" will be converted to "EN_AUB" during this step.
    5. Warning: Some alphabetic characters may not be converted to A-Z characters. For example the character 'Ä' is a separate character from A in the Swedish character set, so it does not map to character 'A' using the *LANGIDSHR conversion table. In a Swedish job, the name 'ABÄC' would not be changed during the first step of the conversion, so the 'Ä' character would still remain in the name after the first step. The 'Ä' character would be changed to _ during the second step, so the resulting name would be 'AB_C' rather than the 'ABAC' name which might be expected.