Class SpooledFile

    • Constructor Detail

      • SpooledFile

        public SpooledFile(AS400 system,
                   java.lang.String name,
                   int number,
                   java.lang.String jobName,
                   java.lang.String jobUser,
                   java.lang.String jobNumber)
        Constructs a SpooledFile object. It uses the specified system and spooled file attributes that identify it on that system.
        system - The system on which this spooled file exists.
        name - The name of the spooled file.
        number - The number of the spooled file.
        jobName - The name of the job that created the spooled file.
        jobUser - The user who created the spooled file.
        jobNumber - The number of the job that created the spooled file.
      • SpooledFile

        public SpooledFile(AS400 system,
                   java.lang.String name,
                   int number,
                   java.lang.String jobName,
                   java.lang.String jobUser,
                   java.lang.String jobNumber,
                   java.lang.String jobSysName,
                   java.lang.String createDate,
                   java.lang.String createTime)
        Constructs a SpooledFile object. It uses the specified system and spooled file attributes that identify it on that system.
        system - The system on which this spooled file exists.
        name - The name of the spooled file.
        number - The number of the spooled file.
        jobName - The name of the job that created the spooled file.
        jobUser - The user who created the spooled file.
        jobNumber - The number of the job that created the spooled file.
        jobSysName - The name of the system where the spooled file was created.
        createDate - The date the spooled file was created on the system.
        The date is encoded in a character string with the following format, CYYMMDD where:
        • C is the Century, where 0 indicates years 19xx and 1 indicates years 20xx
        • YY is the Year
        • MM is the Month
        • DD is the Day
        createTime - The time the spooled file was created on the system.
        The time is encoded in a character string with the following format, HHMMSS where:
        • HH - Hour
        • MM - Minutes
        • SS - Seconds
    • Method Detail

      • answerMessage

        public void answerMessage(java.lang.String reply)
                           throws AS400Exception,
        Replies to the message that caused the spooled file to wait.
        reply - The string that contains the reply for the message. The default reply can be obtained by calling the getMessage() method, and then calling the getDefaultReply() method on the message object that is returned. Other possible replies are given in the message help, which can also be retrieved from the message object returned on the getMessage() method.
        AS400Exception - If the system returns an error message.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted.
        RequestNotSupportedException - If the requested function is not supported because the system is not at the correct level.
      • copy

        public SpooledFile copy(OutputQueue outputQueue)
                         throws AS400Exception,
        Creates a copy of the spooled file this object represents. The new spooled file is created on the specified output queue. A reference to the new spooled file is returned.
        outputQueue - The output queue location to create the new version of the original spooled file. The spooled file will be created to the first position on this output queue. The output queue and this spooled file must reside on the same system.
        AS400Exception - If the system returns an error message.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted.
        RequestNotSupportedException - If the requested function is not supported because the system is not at the correct level.
      • getJobName

        public java.lang.String getJobName()
        Returns the name of the job that created the spooled file.
        The job name.
      • getJobNumber

        public java.lang.String getJobNumber()
        Returns the number of the job that created the spooled file.
        The job number.
      • getJobUser

        public java.lang.String getJobUser()
        Returns the ID of the user that created the spooled file.
        The user ID.
      • getJobSysName

        public java.lang.String getJobSysName()
        Returns the name of the system where the spooled file was created.
        The name of the system where the spooled file was created.
      • getCreateDate

        public java.lang.String getCreateDate()
        Returns the date of the spooled file creation. The date is encoded in the CYYMMDD format.
        The date (CYYMMDD) of the spooled file creation.
      • getCreateTime

        public java.lang.String getCreateTime()
        Returns the time of spooled file creation. The time is encoded in the HHMMSS format.
        The time (HHMMSS) of the spooled file creation.
      • getMessage

        public AS400Message getMessage()
                                throws AS400Exception,
        Returns the message that is associated with this spooled file. A spooled file has a message associated with it if its ATTR_SPLFSTATUS attribute returns *MESSAGE.
        The AS400Message object that contains the message text, type, severity, id, date, time, and default reply.
        AS400Exception - If the system returns an error message.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of the spooled file.
        The name of the spooled file.
      • getNumber

        public int getNumber()
        Returns the number of the spooled file.
        The number of the spooled file.
      • getPageInputStream

        public PrintObjectPageInputStream getPageInputStream(PrintParameterList pageStreamOptions)
                                                      throws AS400Exception,
        Returns a page input stream that can be used to read the contents of the spooled file, one page at a time.
        See Example using PrintObjectPageInputStream
        pageStreamOptions - A print parameter list that contains parameters for generating the page input stream.
        The following attributes are optional:
        • ATTR_MFGTYPE - Specifies the manufacturer type and model.
        • ATTR_WORKSTATION_CUST_OBJECT - Specifies the integrated file system name of the workstation customization object to be used. The workstation customizing object associated with the manufacturer, type, and model is the default.
        • ATTR_PAPER_SOURCE_1 - Specifies the paper size of drawer 1.
        • ATTR_PAPER_SOURCE_2 - Specifies the paper size of drawer 2.
        • ATTR_VIEWING_FIDELITY - Specifies the fidelity used to process pages.
        A page input stream object that can be used to read the contents of this spooled file, one page at a time.
        AS400Exception - If the system returns an error message.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed, or the spooled file format is not supported. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted.
        RequestNotSupportedException - If the requested function is not supported because the system operating system is not at the correct level.
      • getTransformedInputStream

        public PrintObjectTransformedInputStream getTransformedInputStream(PrintParameterList transformOptions)
                                                                    throws AS400Exception,
        Returns a transformed input stream that can be used to read the contents of the spooled file.
        See Example using PrintObjectTransformedInputStream
        transformOptions - A print parameter list that contains parameters for generating the transformed input stream.
        The following attribute MUST be set:
        • ATTR_MFGTYPE - Specifies the manufacturer, type, and model.
        The following attributes are optional:
        • ATTR_WORKSTATION_CUST_OBJECT - Specifies the integrated file system name of the workstation customization object to be used. The workstation customizing object associated with the manufacturer, type, and model is the default.
        • ATTR_PAPER_SOURCE_1 - Specifies the paper size of drawer 1.
        • ATTR_PAPER_SOURCE_2 - Specifies the paper size of drawer 2.
        The transformed input stream object that can be used to read the contents of the transformed spooled file.
        AS400Exception - If the system returns an error message.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed, or the spooled file format is not supported. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted.
        RequestNotSupportedException - If the requested function is not supported because the system operating system is not at the correct level.
      • hold

        public void hold(java.lang.String holdType)
                  throws AS400Exception,
        Holds the spooled file.
        holdType - When to hold the spooled file. May be any of the following values:
        • *IMMED - The spooled file is held immediately.
        • *PAGEEND - The spooled file is held at the end of the current page.
        holdType may be null. If holdType is not specified, the default is *IMMED.
        AS400Exception - If the system returns an error message.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted.
        RequestNotSupportedException - If the requested function is not supported because the system operating system is not at the correct level.
      • sendNet

        public void sendNet(PrintParameterList sendOptions)
                     throws AS400Exception,
        Sends the spooled file to another user on the same system or to a remote system on the network. The equivalent of the system Send Network Spooled File (SNDNETSPLF) command will be issued against the spooled file.
        sendOptions - A print parameter list that contains the parameters for the send. The following attributes MUST be set:
        • ATTR_TOUSERID - Specifies the user ID to send the spooled file to.
        • ATTR_TOADDRESS - Specifies the remote system to send the spooled file to.
        The following attributes are optional:
        • ATTR_DATAFORMAT - Specifies the data format in which to transmit the spooled file. May be either of *RCDDATA or *ALLDATA. *RCDDATA is the default.
        • ATTR_VMMVSCLASS - Specifies the VM/MVS SYSOUT class for distributions sent to a VM host system or to an MVS host system. May be A to Z or 0 to 9. A is the default.
        • ATTR_SENDPTY - Specifies the queueing priority used for this spooled file when it is being routed through a SNADS network. May be *NORMAL or *HIGH. *NORMAL is the default.
        AS400Exception - If the system returns an error message.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted.
      • sendTCP

        public void sendTCP(PrintParameterList sendOptions)
                     throws AS400Exception,
        Sends a spooled file to be printed on a remote system. The equivalent of the Send TCP/IP Spooled File (SNDTCPSPLF) command will be issued against the spooled file. This is the system's version of the TCP/IP LPR command.
        sendOptions - A print parameter list that contains the parameters for the send. The following attributes MUST be set:
        • ATTR_RMTSYSTEM - Specifies the remote system to which the print request will be sent. May be a remote system name or the special value *INTNETADR.
        • ATTR_RMTPRTQ - Specifies the name of the destination print queue.
        The following attributes are optional:
        • ATTR_DELETESPLF - Specifies whether or not to delete the spooled file after it has been successfully sent. May be *NO or *YES. *NO is the default.
        • ATTR_DESTOPTION - Specifies a destination-dependant option. These options will be sent to the remote system with the spooled file.
        • ATTR_DESTINATION - Specifies the type of system to which the spooled file is being sent. When sending to other IBM i systems, this value should be *AS/400. May also be *OTHER or *PSF/2. *OTHER is the default.
        • ATTR_INTERNETADDR - Specifies the Internet address of the receiving system.
        • ATTR_MFGTYPE - Specifies the manufacturer, type, and model when transforming print data from SCS or AFP to ASCII.
        • ATTR_SCS2ASCII - Specifies whether the print data is to be transformed to ASCII. May be *NO or *YES. *NO is the default.
        • ATTR_SEPPAGE - Specifies whether to print the separator page. May be *NO or *YES. *YES is the default.
        AS400Exception - If the system returns an error message.
        AS400SecurityException - If a security or authority error occurs.
        ErrorCompletingRequestException - If an error occurs before the request is completed. - If an error occurs while communicating with the system.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If this thread is interrupted.