Class ISeriesNetServerFileShare

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ISeriesNetServerFileShare
    extends ISeriesNetServerShare
    The ISeriesNetServerFileShare class represents a NetServer file share.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static int ENABLED
      Value of the "text conversion enablement" attribute, indicating "text conversion is enabled".
      static int ENABLED_AND_MIXED
      Value of the "text conversion enablement" attribute, indicating "text conversion is enabled, and mixed data is allowed".
      static int NO_MAX
      Value of the "maximum number of users" attribute, indicating "no maximum".
      static int NOT_ENABLED
      Value of the "text conversion enablement" attribute, indicating "text conversion not enabled".
      static int READ_ONLY
      Value of the "permission" attribute, indicating read-only permission.
      static int READ_WRITE
      Value of the "permission" attribute, indicating read-write permission.
      static int UNKNOWN
      Value of the "current number of users" attribute, indicating that the system was unable to retrieve the actual value.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      int getCcsidForTextConversion()
      Gets the client CCSID that is used for text file data conversion.
      int getCurrentNumberOfUsers()
      Gets the number of connections that are currently made to the share.
      java.lang.String[] getFileExtensions()
      Gets the list of file extensions for the share.
      int getMaximumNumberOfUsers()
      Gets the maximum number of concurrent connections that the share can accommodate.
      java.lang.String getPath()
      Gets the path in the integrated file system to be shared with the network.
      int getPermissions()
      Gets the access available from the network for this share.
      int getTextConversionEnablement()
      Gets the value of the "enable text conversion" attribute.
      void setCcsidForTextConversion(int ccsid)
      Sets the client CCSID that is used for text file data conversion.
      void setFileExtensions(java.lang.String[] extensions)
      Sets the list of file extensions for the share.
      void setMaximumNumberOfUsers(int maximumUsers)
      Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections that the share can accommodate.
      void setPath(java.lang.String path)
      Sets the path in the integrated file system to be shared with the network.
      void setPermissions(int permissions)
      Sets the access available from the network for this share.
      void setTextConversionEnablement(int enablement)
      Sets the value of the "enable text conversion" attribute.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • NO_MAX

        public static final int NO_MAX
        Value of the "maximum number of users" attribute, indicating "no maximum".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • UNKNOWN

        public static final int UNKNOWN
        Value of the "current number of users" attribute, indicating that the system was unable to retrieve the actual value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • READ_ONLY

        public static final int READ_ONLY
        Value of the "permission" attribute, indicating read-only permission.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • READ_WRITE

        public static final int READ_WRITE
        Value of the "permission" attribute, indicating read-write permission.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int NOT_ENABLED
        Value of the "text conversion enablement" attribute, indicating "text conversion not enabled".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ENABLED

        public static final int ENABLED
        Value of the "text conversion enablement" attribute, indicating "text conversion is enabled".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ENABLED_AND_MIXED
        Value of the "text conversion enablement" attribute, indicating "text conversion is enabled, and mixed data is allowed".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getPath

        public java.lang.String getPath()
        Gets the path in the integrated file system to be shared with the network.
        The path.
      • setPath

        public void setPath(java.lang.String path)
        Sets the path in the integrated file system to be shared with the network. A forward slash, '/', is required as the first character.
        path - The path.
      • getPermissions

        public int getPermissions()
        Gets the access available from the network for this share. Possible values are READ_ONLY and READ_WRITE.
        The permission for the share.
      • setPermissions

        public void setPermissions(int permissions)
        Sets the access available from the network for this share. Valid values are READ_ONLY and READ_WRITE.
      • getMaximumNumberOfUsers

        public int getMaximumNumberOfUsers()
        Gets the maximum number of concurrent connections that the share can accommodate. A value of NO_MAX indicates that there is no limit. A value of 0 indicates that the share is unavailable for use.
        The maximum number of users.
      • setMaximumNumberOfUsers

        public void setMaximumNumberOfUsers(int maximumUsers)
        Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections that the share can accommodate. A value of NO_MAX indicates that there is no limit. A value of 0 indicates that the share is unavailable for use.
        maximumUsers - The maximum number of users.
      • getCurrentNumberOfUsers

        public int getCurrentNumberOfUsers()
        Gets the number of connections that are currently made to the share. A value of UNKNOWN means that the system was unable to retrieve the value.
        The current number of users.
      • getTextConversionEnablement

        public int getTextConversionEnablement()
        Gets the value of the "enable text conversion" attribute. Possible values are ENABLED, NOT_ENABLED, and ENABLED_AND_MIXED.
        The text conversion enablement.
      • setTextConversionEnablement

        public void setTextConversionEnablement(int enablement)
        Sets the value of the "enable text conversion" attribute. Valid values are ENABLED, NOT_ENABLED, and ENABLED_AND_MIXED.
        enablement - The text conversion enablement.
      • getCcsidForTextConversion

        public int getCcsidForTextConversion()
        Gets the client CCSID that is used for text file data conversion. Text file data conversion is performed using this CCSID and the current CCSID of the system file.
        The CCSID that is used for text file data conversion.
      • setCcsidForTextConversion

        public void setCcsidForTextConversion(int ccsid)
        Sets the client CCSID that is used for text file data conversion. Text file data conversion is performed using this CCSID and the current CCSID of the system file. A value of 0 indicates that the user would like to use the currently configured CCSID for the system.
        ccsid - The CCSID that is used for text file data conversion.
      • getFileExtensions

        public java.lang.String[] getFileExtensions()
        Gets the list of file extensions for the share. The file extensions list determines which files are converted by the system.
        The file extensions list.
      • setFileExtensions

        public void setFileExtensions(java.lang.String[] extensions)
        Sets the list of file extensions for the share. The file extensions list determines which files are converted by the system.
        extensions - The file extensions list.