Replacing the Licensed Internal Code

Follow these steps to replace the Licensed Internal Code by using the manual installation method.

As you perform these steps, reference codes appear on the data display of the control panel or the virtual control panel of the Hardware Management Console (HMC) or Integrated Virtualization Manager. When the system attention light is on and a reference code starting with A6 appears, the system is waiting for you to respond to a message or make a device ready. When this information lists a reference code with xx (such as A6xx 6001), it means that any combination of characters can occur where the xx appears. The console can also display reference codes during the installation of Licensed Internal Code. For more information about reference codes, see Reference codes for IBM i software installation.

If you are using image catalogs, then you must complete steps 1 through step 5 in the topic Preparing to upgrade or replace software using an image catalog. Then, return to this topic. In the following procedures, ignore the steps that refer to loading volumes.

If you are using virtual optical storage that is accessing the Network File System, then you must complete the steps in the topic Preparing to upgrade or replace software with virtual optical storage using the Network File System. Then, return to this topic. In the following procedure, ignore the steps that refer to loading volumes.

  1. Start of changeIf an IPL to allocate additional storage for IBM i 7.2 Licensed Internal Code or to change the disk configuration (optional) has not been done, IPL the system now. IPL the system before you power down the system or logical partition in step 8.
    Note: If you are not sure that additional space for the Licensed Internal Code has been allocated, follow the steps in Required: Allocating additional space for Licensed Internal Code.
    End of change
  2. If you are using an image catalog (virtual media device) to upgrade, perform this step at least a day before you do the actual installation. If you are not using an image catalog, go to step 3.

    To verify the image catalog entries are sorted in the correct sequence and to validate that all your images are in loaded status, enter the following command:

    WRKIMGCLGE IMGCLG(catalog-name)

    Ensure that your catalog is in ready status and that all image catalog entries are in loaded or mounted status. To sort and verify your image catalog for installation, press F7 to prompt for the VFYIMGCLG command. Enter *UPGRADE for the type and *YES for the sort field.

    Another method to sort and verify your image catalog is to enter the following command to put the images in the correct order. By default, the volume with the lowest index is mounted. Then all the other volumes are loaded.


    After you ensure that your images are in loaded status, continue with step 4.

  3. If you are using physical media to upgrade, arrange the installation media that you plan to install in the following order (you might not have all of these). Verify that your media contains the correct primary language.
    1. Licensed Internal Code for IBM i.
    2. IBM i operating system, IBM-supplied libraries QGPL and QUSRSYS, and all IBM i no-charge options.
    3. No-charge licensed programs and keyed products.
    4. Single licensed programs.

    Keep the following installation media available for later use:

    1. Secondary Language Media
    2. Cumulative PTF Package (if ordered, Cydddvrm_01 )

    For descriptions of the optical media, refer to Latest version of media labels and their contents.

  4. On your console, ensure that you have a connection to the system. If you are working on a logical partition, ensure that power is on for the console of that logical partition.
  5. If you are upgrading a logical partition, verify that this partition has an alternate initial program load (IPL) resource assigned. For most cases, this is the optical device that supports the optical media class.

    For more information about locating and selecting the alternate IPL resource, see the I/O devices topic.

  6. If you are using physical media, load the first volume of installation media that contains Licensed Internal Code into the installation device that is defined for the system. Throughout these procedures, load the next volume when prompted by the system. Wait for the In Use indicator to go out. Also ensure that you have removed other media from devices that are not involved in these procedures.
    1. If you are using a tape device instead of an optical device, verify that the tape unit is varied on and allocated to your system.
    2. If you are using a device that is enabled as an alternate installation device, you need to load the Licensed Internal Code media in your primary device and your installation media in your alternate installation device. Your installation will fail if both media do not contain the same release level of Licensed Internal Code. For more information, see Using an alternate installation device.
  7. Use the control panel to set the mode selection to Manual. If you are upgrading a logical partition, use the virtual control panel function of your HMC or Integrated Virtualization Manager. Also make sure that you have already selected the alternate IPL device before you perform the initial program load (IPL) in the next step.
  8. Power down the system or logical partition:
    • Start of changeBefore you power down the system for upgrade, ensure that you review the Updates and PTFs section found in the IBM i and Related Software Link outside information center developerWorks® website (

      After loading and applying the appropriate PTFs, continue to the preferred installation method.

      End of change
    • If you are using an image catalog to do the upgrade, ensure that you have loaded and applied the appropriate PTFs, then type the following command.
    • If you are using a virtual optical storage device that accesses the Network File System to do the upgrade, ensure that you have loaded and applied the appropriate PTFs, then type the following command.
      STRNETINS DEV(virtual-device-name) OPTION(*ALL) KEYLCKMOD(*MANUAL)
    • If you are performing any other upgrade, ensure that you have loaded and applied the appropriate PTFs, then type the following command.

    Powering down could take approximately 15 minutes or more for this step. The data display area of the control panel continues to display reference codes.

  9. If the system attention light appears and a reference code listed in the topic Reference codes for IBM i software installation appears in the data display on the control panel, complete the instructions for that reference code.

    If you are upgrading a logical partition, the system attention light will not appear. You must monitor the logical partition reference codes from the HMC or Integrated Virtualization Manager. When the State changes to Failed, that is the equivalent of having the attention light on for the logical partition.

  10. If you are using an image catalog (virtual media device) to upgrade, go to step 17.
  11. The Select a Language Group display shows the service tools language that is currently installed on the system.
    Note: The installation media for Licensed Internal Code is language-independent. It is important that you complete this step carefully.
                   Select a Language Group
       The language feature shown is the service tools
       language feature installed on the system.
       Attention: To keep the same language, ensure that the
       media you use for installing the operating system
       matches the language feature shown.  If the operating
       system media does not match what is shown, the
       installation process will attempt to install the
       operating system in a different language feature than
       Licensed Internal Code.
       Type choice, press Enter.
         Language feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2924
    To keep the same service tools language, verify that the displayed language feature matches the service tools language that you want.
    Note: The language you select and the language of the operating system typically should match. If they do not match, your service tools language will be different than your primary language.

    To change the service tools language to match the primary language, type the language feature of your primary language. Press Enter.

    Refer to Feature codes for language version for a list of the language feature codes.

  12. After you enter the language feature, the Confirm Language Group display appears.
                   Confirm Language Group
       Language feature  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   2924
       Press Enter to confirm your choice for language feature.
       Press F12 to change your choice for language feature.

    Press Enter.

  13. The Install Licensed Internal Code display appears.
                            Install Licensed Internal Code
                                                             System: XXXX
     Select one of the following:
          1. Install Licensed Internal Code
          2. Work with Dedicated Service Tools (DST)
          3. Define alternate installation device
    Either select the option to install Licensed Internal Code or the option to define an alternate installation device:
    • If you are not using an alternate installation device, type 1 (Install Licensed Internal Code). (The alternate installation device function supports installation from optical or tape media that you have created. The topic Using an alternate installation device describes when you can use an alternate installation device.) If you are not using an alternate installation device, continue with step 16.
    • If you have an alternate installation device attached to the system, type 3 to verify its address and determine whether it is enabled or disabled. Continue with the Verifying Alternate Installation Device Subtask in step 14. If you have an alternate installation device configured and do not want to use it, type 3 to clear the alternate installation device configuration information.

    Press Enter.

  14. Verifying and selecting alternate installation device subtask: The Select Alternate Installation Device Bus display appears.
                        Select Alternate Installation Device Bus                      
                                                                   System: XXXX  
    Type Option, press Enter.                                                     
    Option      Bus Number          Selected                                      
      _             1                                                             
      _             2                                                             
      1             3                  *                                          
      _             4                                                             
      _             10                                                            
      _             11                                                            
      _             12                                                            
      _             13                                                            
    F2=Deselect Device  F3=Exit       F12=Cancel                                  
    1. Verify that the selected device is on the correct system bus. Type 1 in the Options field next to the selected bus, and press Enter to view information about the device that is attached to the bus. This might take several minutes. If you see the message No alternate installation device configured, wait one minute and refresh the display.
    2. When the Select Media Type display appears, select 1 for tape or 2 for optical media. Press Enter.
    3. The Select Alternate Installation Device display appears. Use this display to verify the resource name, type, model, and serial number for the device. The following display shows an example of a tape device.
                            Select Alternate Installation Device
                                                                 System:   SYSTEMA
      Additional devices may be available for use.  Press F5 to see
      if any additional devices have been detected.
      Type option, press Enter.
        1=Select   5=Display details
               Bus      Resource                    Serial
       Option  Number   Name         Type   Model   Number           Selected
         _        1     TAP08        6386   001     00-11111
         _        3     TAP19        3570   B11     13-22222             *
      F2=Deselect device    F3=Exit    F5=Refresh    F12=Cancel
    4. Type 1 and press Enter to select the device to use or press F2 to deselect the currently selected device.
    5. The message Alternate installation device selected appears. Press F3 to return to the Install Licensed Internal Code display.
    6. Type 1 and press Enter to install the Licensed Internal Code.
    This completes the subtask for verifying and selecting alternate installation device.
  15. If there is an alternate installation device defined and enabled, the Confirm Alternate Installation Device display appears. Perform one of these tasks.
    • To install from the alternate installation device, press Enter.
    • If you do not want to install from the alternate installation device and want to continue using the primary media, press F12 to Cancel. You see the Licensed Internal Code display. Perform step 13 and select option 3 (Define alternate installation device). Perform step 14 and deselect the alternate installation device.
  16. The Install Licensed Internal Code (LIC) display appears on your console.
                          Install Licensed Internal Code (LIC)
     Disk selected to write the Licensed Internal Code to:
         Serial Number     Type     Model     I/O Bus      Controller     Device
          xx-xxxxxxx       xxxx      xxx          x              x            x
     Select one of the following:
          1. Restore Licensed Internal Code
          2. Install Licensed Internal Code and Initialize system
          3. Install Licensed Internal Code and Recover Configuration
          4. Install Licensed Internal Code and Restore Disk Unit Data
          5. Install Licensed Internal Code and Upgrade Load Source
    Attention: Be sure to select option 1. Some options on this display remove all data from your system.

    Type 1 (Restore Licensed Internal Code) and press Enter.

    Start of changeIf you did not previously accept the software agreement for the Licensed Internal Code or did not allocate additional space for the Licensed Internal Code, error messages are shown. Follow the instructions in the error messages. More information is in the topicRequired: Accepting software agreements and Required: Allocating additional space for Licensed Internal Code.End of change

  17. The Install Licensed Internal Code - Status display appears on your console. You do not need to respond to this display. It remains on your console for up to 30 minutes.
                       Install Licensed Internal Code - Status
     Install of the Licensed Internal Code in progress.
     Percent     |                           XX %                        | 
     complete    +-------------------------------------------------------+ 
     Elapsed time in minutes  . . . . . . . . :     x.x
    Please wait.
    If you are using an image catalog (virtual media device) for the upgrade, you will see status messages that indicate the progress of the Licensed Internal Code installation:
    1. C6xx41DC is a status reference code that indicates the progress of the Licensed Internal Code decompression. The xx indicates the percent that is decompressed. No action is required.
    2. C6xx41CC is a status reference code that indicates the progress of the Licensed Internal Code installation. The xx indicates the percent of the Licensed Internal Code that is installed. No action is required.
  18. If you are using optical media or tape for the upgrade and an error occurs, you might see a display that requires a response. Perform the action necessary as prompted by the display. If you are using an image catalog for the upgrade and an error occurs, see Image catalog recovery for the recovery actions.
  19. The Disk Configuration Attention Report display might appear. If it does, display the detailed report for each problem shown on the display. Press the Help key from the Disk Configuration Attention Report display for more information about your choices. You can also refer to the topic Disk configuration warning and error messages.
                          Disk Configuration Attention Report
     Type option, press Enter.
        5=Display Detailed Report
     Press F10 to accept all the problems and continue the IPL.
     The system will attempt to correct them.
     OPT  Warning
      _   xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxx xxxxxxxx
      _   xxxxx_xx_xxxxx xxxxxx_ xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx________
      _   __________________________________________________________
      _   __________________________________________________________
      _   __________________________________________________________
      _   __________________________________________________________
      _   __________________________________________________________
      _   __________________________________________________________
      _   __________________________________________________________
      _   __________________________________________________________
     F3=Exit    F10=Accept the problems and continue    F12=Cancel
    If the problem Disk unit not formatted for optimal performance appears on this display, do the following:
    • Type 5, and press Enter to display the detailed report.
    • Write down the information displayed. After the upgrade is completed, you will need this information to format these disk units to gain optimal performance.
    • Press F12 to cancel and return to the Disk Unit Attention Report.
    • Press F10 to accept the problems and continue the IPL.
  20. If the console mode value is zero, the Accept Console display appears. If this display appears, follow these steps:
    1. Press F10 to accept the current console type. The Accept and Set New Console Type on this IPL display appears. The old value (zero) and the new value to be set (your current console type) are shown.
    2. Press Enter to set the new value and continue with these instructions.
  21. If your system processor configuration has changed, you could see other displays at this point. After you supply the requested information, the installation continues and the IPL or Install the System display appears. Refer to System password for more information.
  22. After approximately 10 minutes, the IPL or Install the System display appears. The Licensed Internal Code is now installed. Do not remove the distribution media at this time.
  23. If the partition is not HMC managed and you want to change the console type, or you want to enable Console takeover and recovery follow these steps. For more information about console takeover and recovery, see the topic Console takeover and recovery.
    1. At the IPL or Install the system display, select option 3 to access Dedicated Service Tools (DST).
    2. Sign on as security officer (QSECOFR user profile / QSECOFR password). When prompted, change the password to what you want to use for this partition.
    3. Select option 5 (Work with DST environment).
    4. Select option 2 (System devices).
    5. Select option 6 (Console mode).
    6. Select the valid console that you have for this partition.
      Note: If you are using Operations Console (LAN) as your console type, press Enter on the verify window. You can also press F11 to review your network configuration.
    7. Select 1 (Yes) or 2 (No) for the option to allow the console to be taken over by another console in the event of a 5250 console failure (does not include twinaxial console). When this option is turned on, the system does not stop with a failure but continues to run uninterrupted.

      Press Enter and then press F3 to return to the DST main menu.

    8. Press F3 to exit DST and return to the IPL or Install the System display.