Replacing software using the automatic installation method

The automatic installation process replaces Licensed Internal Code, the IBM® i operating system, and all of the licensed programs that are currently installed and refreshed.

To add new products, either use the Work with Licensed Programs menu (type GO LICPGM) option 5 (Prepare for Install) before you perform these automatic installation procedures or use LICPGM menu option 11 (Install Licensed Programs) after the automatic installation. You might need to delete some products that you do not want after the installation is complete.

As you perform these steps, reference codes (also known as system reference codes or SRCs) appear on the data display of the control panel or virtual control panel of the Hardware Management Console (HMC) or Integrated Virtualization Manager. When the system attention light is on and a reference code that starts with A6 appears, the system is waiting for you respond to a message or make a device ready. When this information lists a reference code with xx (such as A6xx 6001), it means that any combination of characters can occur where the xx appears. The console can also display reference codes during the installation of Licensed Internal Code. For more information about reference codes, see Reference codes for IBM i software installation.

Before you upgrade, it is required that you use the Prepare for Install options to accept online software agreements for those licensed programs (including Licensed Internal Code and the IBM i operating system) that you plan to install. Start of changeYou must also allocate additional space for Licensed Internal Code.End of change These tasks are described in Required: Accepting software agreements Start of changeand Required: Allocating additional space for Licensed Internal CodeEnd of change. If these steps are not completed, the upgrade will not complete.

If you are using image catalogs, then you must complete steps 1 through 5 in the topic Preparing an optical image catalog to install software. Then, return to this topic. Ignore the following steps that refer to loading volumes.

If you are using virtual optical storage that is accessing the Network File System, then you must complete the steps in the topic Preparing to upgrade or replace software with virtual optical storage using the Network File System. Then, return to this topic. In the following procedure, ignore the steps that refer to loading volumes.

  1. Start of changeIf an IPL to allocate additional storage for IBM i 7.2 Licensed Internal Code or to change the disk configuration (optional) has not been done, IPL the system now. IPL the system before you power down the system or logical partition in step 8.
    Note: If you are not sure that additional space for the Licensed Internal Code has been allocated, follow the steps in Required: Allocating additional space for Licensed Internal Code.
    End of change
  2. If you are using an image catalog (virtual media device) to upgrade, perform this step at least a day before you do the actual installation. If you are not using an image catalog, go to step 4.

    To verify that the image catalog entries are sorted in the correct sequence and to validate that all your images are in loaded status, enter the following command:

    WRKIMGCLGE IMGCLG(catalog-name)

    Ensure that your catalog is in ready status and that all image catalog entries are in loaded or mounted status. To sort and verify your image catalog for installation, press F7 to prompt for the VFYIMGCLG command. Enter *UPGRADE for the type and *YES for the sort field.

    Another method to sort and verify that your image catalog is to enter the following command to put the images in the correct order. By default, the volume with the lowest index is mounted. Then, all the other volumes are loaded.

    After you ensure that your images are in loaded status, continue with step 5.
  3. If you are changing the primary language and you are using IBM supplied optical media, then type the following to set the install language.
    CALL QINSTLNG ('29xx')

    For more information, see the Set Install National Language Version (NLV) (QINSTLNG) API.

    The value 29xx represents the language value. See Feature codes for language version for information about language values. If the install language is not set, then the current system language is used.

  4. If you are using physical media to upgrade, arrange the installation media that you plan to install in the following order (you might not have all of these). Verify that your media contains the correct primary language.
    1. Licensed Internal Code for IBM i.
    2. IBM i operating system, IBM-supplied libraries QGPL and QUSRSYS, and all IBM i no-charge options.
    3. No-charge licensed programs and keyed products.
    4. Single licensed programs.

    Keep the following installation media available for later use:

    1. Secondary Language Media
    2. Cumulative PTF Package (if ordered, Cydddvrm_01 )

    For descriptions of the optical media, refer to Latest version of media labels and their contents.

  5. On your console, ensure that you have a connection to the system. If you are working on a logical partition, ensure that power is on for the console of that logical partition.
  6. If you are using physical media, load the first volume of installation media that contains Licensed Internal Code into the installation device that is defined for the system. Throughout these procedures, load the next volume when prompted by the system. Wait for the In Use indicator to go out. Also ensure that you remove other media from devices that are not involved in these procedures.
    1. If you are using a tape device instead of an optical device, verify that the tape unit is varied on and allocated to your system.
    2. If you are using a device that is enabled as an alternate installation device, load the Licensed Internal Code media in your primary device and your installation media in your alternate installation device. Your installation fails if both media do not contain the same release level of Licensed Internal Code. For more information, see Using an alternate installation device.
  7. Use the control panel to set the mode to Normal.
    For logical partitions only
    Use the virtual control panel (partition status on systems with HMC or Integrated Virtualization Manager) to set the mode to Normal. Also, make sure that you select the alternate IPL device before the initial program load (IPL) in step 8.
    1. If you have not already set up an alternate IPL device for a logical partition, refer to online help information in IBM System i® Navigator.
    2. If you are using another method to select an alternate IPL device in a logical partition, refer to the topic Alternate installation device: Overview.
  8. Power down the system or logical partition to perform the upgrade.
    • Start of changeBefore you power down the system for upgrade, ensure that you review the Updates and PTFs section found in the IBM i and Related Software Link outside information center developerWorks® website (

      After loading and applying the appropriate PTFs, continue to the preferred installation method.

      End of change
    • If you are using an image catalog to do the upgrade, ensure that you have loaded and applied the appropriate PTFs, then type the following command.
    • If you are using a virtual optical storage device that accesses the Network File System to do the upgrade, ensure that you have loaded and applied the appropriate PTFs, then type the following command.
      STRNETINS DEV(virtual-device-name) OPTION(*ALL) KEYLCKMOD(*NORMAL)
    • If you are performing any other upgrade, ensure that you have loaded and applied the appropriate PTFs, then type the following command.
    Note: If you have nonconfigured disk units present, performing this step configures disk units automatically by default.

    Press Enter. Powering down could take approximately 15 minutes or more for this step. The data display area of the control panel continues to display reference codes.

  9. If you did not do the required preparation tasks for accepting software agreements or allocating additional space for Licensed Internal Code, error messages are received. You must follow the instructions on the display and then begin the installation again.
  10. If the system attention light appears and one of the reference codes listed in Reference codes for IBM i software installation appears in the data display on the control panel, complete the instructions for that reference code. If you have logical partitions, the reference codes appear in the HMC or Integrated Virtualization Manager.
  11. If the Alternate Installation Device Failed display appears, there is an alternate installation device on the system that is enabled. Either it was not disabled before starting the installation, or the device is otherwise not ready. Do one of the following:
    • To continue the installation with optical media, press Enter.
    • To use the alternate installation device, make a note of the message at the bottom of the display.

      Press F12 (Cancel). Reference code B608 1105 appears on the control panel. Use the Common reference codes for IBM i software installation to determine how to continue.

  12. If you are using optical media or tape for the upgrade, the Licensed Internal Code - Status display appears on your console. After 100% complete is reached, the console can appear blank for approximately 5 minutes and the IPL in Progress display might appear. You do not need to respond to these displays.
                       Install Licensed Internal Code - Status
     Install of the Licensed Internal Code in progress.
     Percent     |                           XX %                        | 
     complete    +-------------------------------------------------------+ 
     Elapsed time in minutes  . . . . . . . . :     x.x
    Please wait.

    If you are using an image catalog (virtual media device) for the upgrade, you will see status messages that indicate the progress of the Licensed Internal Code installation:

    1. C6xx41DC is a status reference code that indicates the progress of the Licensed Internal Code decompression. The xx indicates the percent that is decompressed. No action is required.
    2. C6xx41CC is a status reference code that indicates the progress of the Licensed Internal Code installation. The xx indicates the percent of the Licensed Internal Code that is installed. No action is required.
  13. If you are using optical media or tape for the upgrade and an error occurs, you might see a display that requires a response. Perform the action necessary as prompted by the display.

    If you are using an image catalog for the upgrade and an error occurs, see Image catalog recovery for the recovery actions.

    After a period of time (when the installation process starts to install the operating system), some displays appear on the console. One of the displays is called Licensed Internal Code IPL in Progress. Some of the IPL steps could take a long time (up to two hours or longer), depending on how much data recovery is required for your system. The last message shown on the IPL in Progress display should be Start the Operating System.

  14. Load the next volume in sequence when the system prompts you for another volume.
    Note: If the system does not prompt you or if you receive a Media command failed message, remove the Licensed Machine Code volume and insert the first volume of the operating system. Select option 1 (Attempt to install the operating system again) to continue with the installation.

    You might be prompted for the next volume several times during the installation process.

    If you receive a message that refers to device QINDEV, first make the device ready. Then press Enter to continue.

  15. Status displays appear during the installation process. The installation status display shown here indicates how much of the installation is complete and how many stages remain. You do not need to respond to this status screen. The display is blank for a time between stage 4 and stage 5 and also during stage 6.
    Message ID . . : CPI2070                      IBM i Installation Status
       Stage  6  |                        58%                         |             
     Installation                                                       Objects     
     Stage                                               Completed      Restored    
        2 Restoring programs to library QSYS  . . . . . :   X             13637     
        3 Restoring language objects to library QSYS  . :   X             01540     
        4 Updating program table  . . . . . . . . . . . :   X                       
        5 Installing database files . . . . . . . . . . :   X                       
     >> 6 Installing base directory objects . . . . . . :                           
        7 Completing installation . . . . . . . . . . . :                           
  16. Status displays might appear. These displays show the status of the licensed programs and language objects as they install on the system. You do not need to respond to these status displays.
                             Installing Licensed Programs                         
                                                                 System: XXXX     
       Licensed programs processed . . . . . . . . . . :      0 of XXX            
                       Licensed program install in progress                       

    The following display is an example of the display that appears during the installation process.

                          Installing Licensed Programs                            
                                                                 System: XXXX     
      Licensed programs processed  . . . . . . . . . . :      X of XXX            
      Program   Option   Description                                    Type      
      5770SS1     2      Online Information                             2924      

    This display shows which licensed programs and optional parts of licensed programs are being processed. After the *PGM objects and *LNG objects are processed, the display shows the total number of licensed programs processed.

  17. The following message might appear when the system is ready for the next media volume that contains licensed programs. When you are installing from optical media, wait for the In Use indicator to go out before you respond to the message.
                                     Display Messages
                                                           System:   XXXX
     Queue  . . . . . :   QSYSOPR                Program . . . . :   *DSPMSG
       Library  . . . :     QSYS                   Library . . . :
     Severity . . . . :   95                     Delivery  . . . :   *BREAK
     Type reply (if required), press Enter.
       Load a valid volume containing licensed programs in optical device OPT01 (X G).
         Reply . . . . G

    Load the next media volume that contains licensed programs and continue the installation. Occasionally, you will be prompted to load the next volume after a short time has passed. This event typically happens when the licensed programs on the media are at the same level as the licensed programs already installed on your machine.

    Type G and press Enter. After you load each volume, type G and press Enter. If there are no more volumes to load that contain licensed programs, or if you want to end the loading process, type X and press Enter.

  18. The media has been read, and now the licensed programs are going through the installation process. Even though it might take a long time, wait for the Sign On display to appear. When the installation is successfully completed, the Sign On display appears. (There is no message that indicates automatic installation completed successfully. The Sign On display acts as the confirmation.)

    If you receive the message Automatic installation not complete, sign on using QSECOFR for your user ID and go to Troubleshooting software installation problems to determine the problem.