Interface SocketConfigService

public interface SocketConfigService

The Web Container registers an object implementing this service with the framework, under the name of this interface. Bundles can use this service to dynamically configure the Web Container transports (i.e ports) at runtime. A Web Container transport is a thread listening on a specified port.

Bundles should use a ServiceTracker to track the SocketConfigService object.

The following example shows how to :

  • Use a ServiceTracker to track the SocketConfigService
  • Invoke the startTransport method of SocketConfigService from the ServiceTracker
  • Invoke the stopTransport method of SocketConfigService from the ServiceTracker
            public class MyActivator implements BundleActivator
                    private ServiceTracker myServiceTracker;
                    private BundleContext context;
                    public void start(BundleContext bc) throws Exception
                            context = bc;
                            myServiceTracker = new ServiceTracker(bc, SocketConfigService.class.getName(), new MyServiceTracker(context));
                    public void stop(BundleContext bc) throws Exception
            public class MyServiceTracker implements ServiceTrackerCustomizer {
                    private BundleContext context = null;
                    private ServerSocket socket = null;
                    private SocketConfigService service = null;
                    public MyServiceTracker(BundleContext bc)
                            context = bc;
                    public Object addingService(ServiceReference reference)
                            service = (SocketConfigService) context.getService(reference);
                            if(service != null) {
                                    try {
                                            // create a ServerSocket
                                            socket = new ServerSocket(9999);
                                            // configure Web Container to listen on port 9999
                                    } catch (SocketConfigException sce) {
                                            // handle exception
                                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
                                            // handle exception
                                    } catch (SecurityException se) {
                                            // handle exception
                    public void removedService(ServiceReference reference, Object service)
                            if(service != null) {
                                    // shutdown transport

    Lotus Expeditor V6.1

    Method Summary
     void startTransport( socket)
              Start a Web Container transport with the specified server socket
     void stopTransport( socket)
              Stop the Web Container transport that was started using startTransport

    Method Detail


    public void startTransport( socket)
                        throws SocketConfigException
    Start a Web Container transport with the specified server socket

    socket - a ServerSocket (NOTE: use a SSLServerSocket for secure communication)
    SocketConfigException - - if problem occurs during configuration


    public void stopTransport( socket)
    Stop the Web Container transport that was started using startTransport

    socket - a ServerSocket (NOTE: use the same socket used for startTransport)

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