

lssam - 定義されたリソース・グループとそのメンバーをツリー形式でリストします。


lssam [-h|-top] [-g Resource_group] [-s "selection_string"] [-nocolor] [-noequ] [-nomsg] [-V] [-T]


lssam コマンドは、すべてのリソース・グループとすべてのリソース・グループ・メンバーをツリー形式でリストします。 一部の情報は色分けされています。例えば、リソースの OpState は、実際の値に応じて色分けされます。 色分けにより、問題があるかどうかが示されます。 色分けは構成可能ではないため、黒色または白色の背景を使用してください。 別の背景色を使用する場合は、オプション -nocolor を使用して、 lssamによって報告されたすべての情報を表示します。
注: 以下の RSCT メッセージを受け取った場合、データは保留中です。 次のいずれかの照会によって、完全なデータが表示されます。
2610-444 Cannot obtain values for some dynamic attributes. 
0 attributes are not being monitored. 1 attributes have data pending.


助けて 標準出力にコマンドの使用法ステートメントを書き込みます。
-g リソース・グループ
-s "selection_string"
リソース・グループの選択文字列を指定します。 リソース・グループがトップレベル・リソース・グループでない場合は、選択文字列にトップレベル・リソース・グループが含まれている必要があります。 すべての選択文字列は、二重引用符または単一引用符で囲む必要があります。 選択文字列に二重引用符が含まれる場合は、選択文字列全体を単一引用符で囲みます。 以下に例を示します。
-s 'Name == "testing"'
-s 'Name ?= "test"'

リソース・グループがトップレベル・リソース・グループでない場合は、選択文字列に対応するトップレベル・リソース・グループが含まれている必要があります。 以下に例を示します。

-s 'Name like "test" || Name like "top-level-rg" '
標準エラー出力にコマンドのトレース・メッセージを書き込みます。 ソフトウェア・サービス会社におい てのみ使用します。


[ <OpState> "IBM.ResourceGroup:"<GroupName> ["Request="<RequestStateList>]
   [ "|-" <OpState> "IBM.ResourceGroup:"<GroupName> ["Request="<RequestStateList>]
   [ "|-" <OpState> <ResourceClass>":"<FixedResourceName>":"<NodeName>
   [ "|-" <OpState> <ResourceClass>":"<FloatingResourceName> ["Request="<RequestStateList>]
      [ "|-" <OpState> <ResourceClass>":"<ConstituentResourceName>":"<NodeName>
[ <OpState> "IBM.Equivalency:"<EquivalencyName> ["SelectFromPolicy="<SelectFromPolicyList>]
  [ "|-" <OpState> <ResourceClass>":"<FixedResourceName>":"<NodeName>
<OpState> - OpState of group/resource
  Color-coding scheme:
    "Unknown" - Blue
    "Offline" - Blue
    "Online"  - Green
    "Failed offline" - Red
    "Stuck online" - Red
    "Pending online" - Yellow 
    "Pending offline" - Yellow
    "Ineligible" - Yellow

<GroupName> - Name of the resource group
<ResourceClass> - Name of the resource class 
<FixedResourceName> - Name of a fixed resource
<FloatingResourceName> - Name of a floating resource
<ConstituentResourceName> - Name of a constituent resource
<NodeName> - Name of a node (short host name)

<RequestStateList> - If requests are present, one or more request states 
                     with source indicator are shown
[ "("<RequestState>":"<SourceIndicator>[","<RequestState>":"<SourceIndicator> ]+")" ]

<RequestState> - Request action
  Color-coding scheme:
    "Online" - Green if inactive, yellow if active
    "Offline" - Blue if inactive, yellow if active
    "Lock" - Red
    "Move" - Not color-coded if inactive, yellow if active

<SourceIndicator> - First letter of the request source:
    "O" - Operator (if operator request is  first in list, this indicator is not shown)
    "A" - Automation
    "E" - ExtSchedul
    "U" - Unknown

<AutomationState> - Automation attribute from lssamctrl (in red color)
    "Manual" - Automation disabled for this domain

<NodeState> - Some states of a node (in red color)
    "Offline" - Node is offline
    "Excluded" - Node is excluded (if a node is offline, "Excluded" is not shown)

<ControlState> - Some states of the AutomationDetails ControlState (in yellow color)
    "StartInhibited" - Start of dependent resource is not satisfactory
    (only displayed if OpState is Offline and DesiredState is Online)
    "StopInhibited" - Stop of dependent resource is not satisfactory
    (only displayed if OpState is Online and DesiredState is Offline)
    "SuspendedPropagated" - A lock request is propagated to this resource
    "StartInhibitedBecauseSuspended" - Start of dependent resource is not satisfactory
    and a lock request is propagated to this resource
    (only displayed if OpState is Offline and DesiredState is Online)
    "StopInhibitedBecauseSuspended" - Stop of dependent resource is not satisfactory
    and a lock request is propagated to this resource
    (only displayed if OpState is Online and DesiredState is Offline)
    "MemberInProblemState" - A constituent of the resource, a 
    resource, or a resource group is in a problem state        
    Problem state means that the resource is failed offline or not
    startable due to another reason. Identify and solve the
    problem of the resource and enter resetrsrc.

<BindingState> - Some states of the AutomationDetails BindingState (in red color)
    "Unbindable" - Configuration is incorrect
    "Sacrificed" - No system available to comply with configuration
    "Sacrificial" - No system available to comply with configuration

<NominalState> - Nominal State
  Color-coding scheme:
    Online - Green
    Offline - Blue

<EquivalencyName> - Name of the equivalency
The following information is only displayed if the option -V is specified:

<IPAddress>   - IP Address displayed only for class IBM.ServiceIP when option -V is used.
<MountPoint>  - Mount point displayed only for class IBM.AgFileSystem when option -V is used.
<TimeToStart> - Time to start displayed only for class IBM.Test when option -V is used and 
                TimeToStart or TimeToStop value does not equal to default 0 seconds.
<TimeToStop>  - Time to stop displayed only for class IBM.Test when option -V is used and 
                TimeToStart or TimeToStop value does not equal to default 0 seconds.

<SelectFromPolicyList> - Specifies the policy to be used when making a selection from the 
Equivalency element.
Only displayed when option -V is used.
( "ANY" | "ORDERED" ) [ ",Failback" ] [ ",NoFailure" ] [ ",NoControl" ]
"ANY"       - The member selection has no specific order. This is the default which is not displayed if 
              its the only option.
"ORDERED"   - The member selection starts at the beginning.
"Failback"  - The resources are always started on and will failback to the first member available in the 
              ordered list. Only in combination with ORDERED.
"NoFailure" - The OpState of resources that have a dependency against the equivalency will not be forced 
              to Failed Offline, if they could not be started within the specified timeout interval.
"NoControl" - System Automation will neither start nor stop the members of the equivalency but only react 
              to changes of the OpState of these resources.

<RecoveryPolicy> - Specifies the policy which determines how a member failure is recovered. 
(“LockOnResFailure” | “LockOnAnyFailure”)
“LockOnResFailure”    -	Submits a Lock request on the resource group if the member fails.
			                  Automatically recover the member if the node hosting the member fails.
“LockOnAnyFailure”    - 	Submits a Lock request on the resource group if the member or the hosting 
 			                 node fails.
Note, that the attribute is not displayed if the default value “AutomaticRecovery” is set. 
In this case a failure is automatically recovered.

Online IBM.Equivalency:equ1 SelectFromPolicy=ORDERED,Failback
Equivalency equ1 is online and has the select from policy ORDERED and Failback.

Managed relationships between resources are displayed with arrows when option -V is used. 
The arrow is displayed on the right side behind the resource tree and starts on the source 
resource and points to the target resource.
The relationship type is displayed with two a character shortcut on the arrow. The following list explains 
the two character shortcut for the relationship types.

"DO" - DependsOn - Specifies a combination of source StartAfter target, target StopAfter source, source 
       ForcedDownBy target, source Collocated to target and target Collocated to source.
"DA" - DependsOnAny - Specifies a combination of source StartAfter target, target StopAfter source and 
       source ForcedDownBy target.
"SA" - StartAfter - Specifies that the source resource is to be started after the target resource.
"SO" - StopAfter - Specifies that the source resource may not be stopped until after the target resource 
       has been brought offline.
"FD" - ForcedDownBy - Specifies that the source resource must be forced offline in the event that either 
       the target resource goes offline unexpectedly or the target resource itself is forced offline.
"CO" - Collocated - Specifies that the source resource is always located on the same node as the target 
"AC" - AntiCollocated - Specifies that the source resource is always located on a different node as the 
       target resource.
"AF" - Affinity - Specifies that the source resource are to be located on the same node as its specified 
       affinity resource if possible.
"AA" - AntiAffinity - Specifies that the source resource are to be located on a different node as its 
       specified affinity resource if possible.
"IS" - IsStartable - Specifies that the source resource and its target resources are startable.

Online IBM.ResourceGroup:samadapter-rg Nominal=Online
        |- Online IBM.Application:samadapter                     -.
                |- Offline IBM.Application:samadapter:p550sa05    |
                '- Online IBM.Application:samadapter:p550sa06    DO
        '- Online IBM.ServiceIP:samadapter-ip IP=   <' -.
                |- Offline IBM.ServiceIP:samadapter-ip:p550sa05      |
                '- Online IBM.ServiceIP:samadapter-ip:p550sa06      DO
Online IBM.Equivalency:samadapter-nieq                              <'
        |- Online IBM.NetworkInterface:eth0:p550sa06
        '- Online IBM.NetworkInterface:eth0:p550sa05
Relationship: Source resource IBM.Application:samadapter 
              DependsOn target resource IBM.ServiceIP:samadapter-ip
Relationship: Source resource IBM.ServiceIP:samadapter-ip 
              DependsOn target resource IBM.Equivalency:samadapter-nieq
Floating resource: IBM.ServiceIP:samadapter-ip has the IP Address




このコマンドを実行するには、root 権限、または適切なアクセス権を持つユーザー ID が必要です。 詳しくは、 コマンド・ライン・インターフェースの非 root ユーザー ID のセットアップを参照してください。

Online IBM.ResourceGroup:grp1 Nominal=Online
     '- Offline IBM.Application:res1:node1
Offline IBM.ResourceGroup:grp2 Nominal=Offline
     '- Offline IBM.Application:res2:node2
Online IBM.ResourceGroup:grp3 Request=Online Nominal=Offline
     '- Online IBM.Application:res3 
           |- Online IBM.Application:res3:node1
           '- Failed offline IBM.Application:res3:node2


lssam コマンドの場所。