SIMRUN is available in the Statistics Base Edition.

The SIMRUN command runs a simulation based on a simulation plan created from the SIMPLAN command. All settings required to run the simulation are specified in the simulation plan file. The SIMRUN command only provides options for customizing the output.


                  {FALSE }
    [SEED = {629111597**}]
            {number     }

   [DISPLAY = [CDF] [PDF**] [NONE] ]


   [SCALE= [MEAN] [MEDIAN] [PCT[({5** 95**     })]] [SIGMAS(integer)] 
                                 {value [value]}

           [CUSTOM(value [value [...] ] )] [PDFVIEW([CURVE**] [HISTOGRAM])] 

                           {YES }

                            {value    }         {value    }
                            {LO       }         {HI       }


   [DISPLAY = {YES }]
            {integer  }

   [DISPLAY = {YES }]
                    {YES }[(GROUP=[TARGETS**] [ITERS])]

   [DISPLAY = {YES**}]
              {NO   }


   [DESCRIPTIVES = {YES**}[(CILEVEL={95** })] ]
                   {NO   }

   [PERCENTILES = {YES }([NTILES = integer] [PTILES = valueList]) ]


   [VIZSTYLESHEET="style sheet name"[LOCATION={LOCAL**                }] ]
                                              {"repository folderspec"}

   FILE={'filespec' | 'dataset'}

** Default if the subcommand or keyword is omitted.

This command does not read the active dataset or execute pending transformations.

Syntax for the SIMRUN command can be generated from the Simulation Builder or the Run Simulation dialog.

Release History

Release 21.0

  • Command introduced.

Release 22.0

  • Added support for saving the simulated data to the active dataset by specifying an asterisk (*) on the FILE keyword of the OUTFILE subcommand.
  • REFLINES keyword added to DISTRIBUTION subcommand.
  • ASSOCIATIONS keyword added to PRINT subcommand.
  • OPTIONS subcommand added.


/PLAN FILE='/simulations/myplan.splan'.