IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, Version 7.1

Linux: Creating the server instance

Create a Tivoli® Storage Manager instance by issuing the db2icrt command.

About this task

You can have one or more server instances on one workstation.
Linux operating systems Important: Before you run the db2icrt command, verify the following items:
  • The home directory for the user (/home/tsminst1) exists. If there is no home directory, you must create it.
    The instance directory stores the following core files that are generated by the Tivoli Storage Manager server:
    • The server options file, dsmserv.opt
    • The server key database file, cert.kdb, and the .arm files (used by clients and other servers to import the Secure Sockets Layer certificates of the server)
    • Device configuration file, if the DEVCONFIG server option does not specify a fully qualified name
    • Volume history file, if the VOLUMEHISTORY server option does not specify a fully qualified name
    • Volumes for DEVTYPE=FILE storage pools, if the directory for the device class is not fully specified, or not fully qualified
    • User exits
    • Trace output (if not fully qualified)
  • A shell configuration file (for example, .profile) exists in the home directory. The root user and instance-user ID must have write permission to this file. For more information, see the section on Linux and UNIX environment variable settings in the DB2® Information Center at
Linux operating systems
  1. Log in using the root user ID and create a Tivoli Storage Manager instance. The name of the instance must be the same name as the user that owns the instance. Use the db2icrt command and enter the command on one line:

    Linux operating systems
    /opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/instance/db2icrt -a server -s ese -u 
    instance_name instance_name
    For example, if your user ID for this instance is tsminst1, use the following command to create the instance. Enter the command on one line.

    Linux operating systems
    /opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/instance/db2icrt -a server -s ese -u 
    tsminst1 tsminst1
    Remember: From this point on, use this new user ID when you configure your Tivoli Storage Manager server. Log out of the root user ID and log in under the new instance-user ID.
  2. Change the default directory for the database to be the same as the instance directory for the server. If you have multiple servers, log in under the instance ID for each server. Issue this command:
    db2 update dbm cfg using dftdbpath instance_directory
    For example:
    db2 update dbm cfg using dftdbpath /tsminst1
  3. Modify the library path to use the version of the IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) that is installed with the Tivoli Storage Manager server. In the following examples, server_bin_directory is a subdirectory of the server installation directory. For example, /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin.
    • You must update the following files to set the library path when DB2 or the Tivoli Storage Manager server are started:
    • The following entry is added to the instance_directory/sqllib/usercshrc file, on one line:

      Linux operating systems
      setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH server_bin_directory/dbbkapi:
    • The following entries are added to the instance_directory/sqllib/userprofile file. Each entry is on one line.

      Linux operating systems
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • Verify the library path settings and that the GSKit is version or later. Issue the following commands:

      Linux operating systems
      echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      gsk8capicmd_64 -version

      If your GSKit version is not or later, you must reinstall the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The reinstallation ensures that the correct GSKit version is available.

  4. Create a new server options file. See Linux: Configuring server and client communications.
