Linux operating systems
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, Version 7.1

Linux: Configuring server and client communications

A default sample server options file, dsmserv.opt.smp, is created during Tivoli® Storage Manager installation in the /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin directory. You must set up communications between the server and clients by creating a new server options file. To do so, copy the sample file to the directory for the server instance.

About this task

Ensure that you have a server instance directory, for example /tsminst1, and copy the sample file to this directory. Name the new file dsmserv.opt and edit the options. Complete this set-up before you initialize the server database (see Formatting the database and log). Each sample or default entry in the sample options file is a comment, a line beginning with an asterisk (*). Options are not case-sensitive and one or more blank spaces are allowed between keywords and values.

When editing the options file, follow these guidelines:
  • Remove the asterisk at the beginning of the line to activate an option.
  • Begin entering the options in any column.
  • Enter only one option per line, and the option must be on only one line.
  • If you make multiple entries for a keyword, the Tivoli Storage Manager server uses the last entry.

If you change the server options file, you must restart the server for the changes to take effect.

You can specify one or more of the following communication methods:
  • TCP/IP Version 4 or Version 6
  • Shared memory
  • Simple network management protocol (SNMP) DPI
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
    Note: You can authenticate passwords with the LDAP directory server, or authenticate passwords with the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Passwords that are authenticated with the LDAP directory server can provide enhanced system security. For details, see Managing passwords and logon procedures.
