General MOVEA Operations

If you need to use a MOVEA operation in your application, but restrictions on numeric MOVEA operations prevent you, you might be able to use character MOVEA operations. If the numeric array is in zoned decimal format:

If a figurative constant is specified with MOVEA, the length of the constant generated is equal to the portion of the array specified. For figurative constants in numeric arrays, the element boundaries are ignored except for the sign that is put in each array element. Examples are:

For character, graphic, UCS-2, and numeric MOVEA operations, you can specify a P operation extender to pad the result from the right.

For further information on the MOVEA operation, see Move Operations.

Figure 346. MOVEA Operation
C                   MOVEA     ARRX          ARRY
 *  Array-to-array move.  No indexing; different length array,
 *  same element length.
C                   MOVEA     ARRX          ARRY(3)
 *  Array-to-array move with index result field.
C                   MOVEA     ARRX          ARRY
 *  Array-to-array move, no indexing and different length array
 *  elements.
C                   MOVEA     ARRX(4)       ARRY
 *  Array-to-array move, index factor 2 with different length array
 *  elements.
C                   MOVEA     FIELDA        ARRY
 *  Field-to-array move, no indexing on array.
 * In the following example, N=3.  Array-to-field move with variable
 * indexing.
C                   MOVEA     ARRX(N)       FIELD
C                   MOVEA     ARRB          ARRZ
 * An array-to-array move showing numeric elements.
C                   MOVEA(P)  ARRX          ARRY
 *  Array-to-array move with padding.  No indexing; different length
 *  array with same element length.
C                   MOVEA(P)  ARRB          ARRZ
 * An array-to-array move showing numeric elements with padding.
C                   MOVEA(P)  ARRX(3)       ARRY
 *  Array-to-array move with padding.  No indexing; different length
 *  array with different element length.

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