CCSID(*GRAPH : parameter | *UCS2 : number | *CHAR : *JOBRUN)

CCSID(*GRAPH) and CCSID(*UCS2) set the default graphic (*GRAPH) and UCS-2 (*UCS2) CCSIDs for the module. These defaults are used for literals, compile-time data, program-described input and output fields, and data definitions that do not have the CCSID keyword coded.

CCSID(*CHAR) sets the CCSID used for the module's character data at runtime.

CCSID(*GRAPH : *IGNORE | *SRC | number)
Sets the default graphic CCSID for the module. The possible values are:
This is the default. No conversions are allowed between graphic and UCS-2 fields in the module. The %GRAPH built-in function cannot be used.
The graphic CCSID associated with the CCSID of the source file will be used.
A graphic CCSID. A valid graphic CCSID is 65535 or a CCSID with the EBCDIC double-byte encoding scheme (X'1200').
CCSID(*UCS2 : number)
Sets the default UCS-2 CCSID for the module. If this keyword is not specified, the default UCS-2 CCSID is 13488.

number must be a UCS-2 CCSID. A valid UCS-2 CCSID has the UCS-2 encoding scheme (x'7200'). For example, the UTF-16 CCSID 1200 has encoding scheme x'7200'.

If CCSID(*GRAPH : *SRC) or CCSID(*GRAPH : number) is specified:

When CCSID(*CHAR:*JOBRUN) is specified, character data will be assumed to be in the job CCSID at runtime. The character X'0E' will be assumed to be a shift-out character only if the runtime job CCSID is a mixed-byte CCSID.

When CCSID(*CHAR : *JOBRUN) is not specified, character data will be assumed to be in the mixed-byte CCSID related to the job CCSID. If the character X'0E' appears in character data, it will be interpreted as a shift-out character. This may cause incorrect results when character data is converted to UCS-2 data.

Specifying CCSID(*CHAR:*JOBRUN) does not change the behaviour of the compiler with respect to character literals containing X'0E'. When a character literal contains X'0E', the compiler will always treat it as a shift-out character, independent of the CCSID(*CHAR) keyword.

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