CCSID(number | *DFT)

This keyword sets the CCSID for graphic and UCS-2 definitions.

number must be an integer between 0 and 65535. It must be a valid graphic or UCS-2 CCSID value. A valid graphic CCSID is 65535 or a CCSID with the EBCDIC double-byte encoding scheme (X'1200'). A valid UCS-2 CCSID has the UCS-2 encoding scheme (x'7200').

For program-described fields, CCSID(number) overrides the defaults set on the control specification with the CCSID(*GRAPH: *SRC), CCSID(*GRAPH: number), or CCSID(*UCS2: number) keyword.

CCSID(*DFT) indicates that the default CCSID for the module is to be used. This is useful when the LIKE keyword is used since the new field would otherwise inherit the CCSID of the source field.

If the keyword is not specified, the default graphic or UCS-2 CCSID of the module is assumed. (This keyword is not allowed for graphic fields when CCSID(*GRAPH : *IGNORE) is specified or assumed).

If this keyword is not specified and the LIKE keyword is specified, the new field will have the same CCSID as the LIKE field.

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