
Figure 97. Defining based structures and fields
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
 *  Define a based data structure, array and field.
 *  If PTR1 is not defined, it will be implicitly defined
 *  by the compiler.
 *  Note that before these based fields or structures can be used,
 *  the basing pointer must be set to point to the correct storage
 *  location.
D DSbased         DS                  BASED(PTR1)
D    Field1                  1  16A
D     Field2                     2
D ARRAY           S             20A   DIM(12) BASED(PRT2)
D Temp_fld        S               *   BASED(PRT3)
D PTR2            S               *   INZ
D PTR3            S               *   INZ(*NULL)

The following shows how you can add and subtract offsets from pointers and also determine the difference in offsets between two pointers.

Figure 98. Pointer Arithmetic
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+...8
D P1              s               *
D P2              s               *
CL0N01++++++++++++++Opcode(E)+Extended Factor 2++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 * Allocate 20 bytes of storage for pointer P1.
C                   ALLOC     20            P1
 * Initialize the storage to 'abcdefghij'
C                   EVAL      %STR(P1:20) = 'abcdefghij'
 * Set P2 to point to the 9th byte of this storage.
C                   EVAL      P2 = P1 + 8
 * Show that P2 is pointing at 'i'.  %STR returns the data that
 * the pointer is pointing to up to but not incuding the first
 * null-terminator x'00' that it finds, but it only searches for
 * the given length, which is 1 in this case.
C                   EVAL      Result = %STR(P2:1)
C                   DSPLY                   Result            1
 * Set P2 to point to the previous byte
C                   EVAL      P2 = P2 - 1
 * Show that P2 is pointing at 'h'
C                   EVAL      Result = %STR(P2:1)
C                   DSPLY                   Result
 * Find out how far P1 and P2 are apart.  (7 bytes)
C                   EVAL      Diff = P2 - P1
C                   DSPLY                   Diff              5 0
 * Free P1's storage
C                   DEALLOC                 P1
C                   RETURN

Figure 99 shows how to obtain the number of days in Julian format, if the Julian date is required.

Figure 99. Obtaining a Julian Date
D JulDate         S               D   INZ(D'95/177')
D                                     DATFMT(*JUL)
D JulDS           DS                  BASED(JulPTR)
D  Jul_yy                        2  0
D  Jul_sep                       1
D  Jul_ddd                       3  0
D JulDay          S              3  0
CL0N01++++++++++++++Opcode(E)+Extended Factor 2++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 * Set the basing pointer for the structure overlaying the
 * Julian date.
C                   EVAL      JulPTR = %ADDR(JulDate)
 * Extract the day portion of the Julian date
C                   EVAL      JulDay = Jul_ddd

Figure 100 illustrates the use of pointers, based structures and system APIs. This program does the following:

  1. Receives the Library and File name you wish to process
  2. Creates a User space using the QUSCRTUS API
  3. Calls an API (QUSLMBR) to list the members in the requested file
  4. Gets a pointer to the User space using the QUSPTRUS API
  5. Displays a message with the number of members and the name of the first and last member in the file
Figure 100. Example of using pointers and based structures with an API
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
D                               10    INZ('LISTSPACE')
D                               10    INZ('QTEMP')
D ATTRIBUTE       S             10    INZ('LSTMBR')
D INIT_SIZE       S              9B 0 INZ(9999999)
D AUTHORITY       S             10    INZ('*CHANGE')
D TEXT            S             50    INZ('File member space')
D SPACE           DS                  BASED(PTR)
D SP1                        32767
 * ARR is used with OFFSET to access the beginning of the
 * member information in SP1
D ARR                            1    OVERLAY(SP1) DIM(32767)
 * OFFSET is pointing to start of the member information in SP1
D OFFSET                         9B 0 OVERLAY(SP1:125)
 * Size has number of member names retrieved
D SIZE                           9B 0 OVERLAY(SP1:133)
D MBRPTR          S               *
D MBRARR          S             10    BASED(MBRPTR) DIM(32767)
D PTR             S               *
D FILE_LIB        S             20
D  FILE           S             10
D  LIB            S             10
D WHICHMBR        S             10    INZ('*ALL      ')
D OVERRIDE        S              1    INZ('1')
D FIRST_LAST      S             50    INZ('    MEMBERS, +
D                                     FIRST =           , +
D                                     LAST =           ')
D IGNERR          DS
D                                9B 0 INZ(15)
D                                9B 0
D                                7A
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
CL0N01++++++++++++++Opcode(E)+Extended Factor 2++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 * Receive file and library you want to process
C     *ENTRY        PLIST
C     FILE          PARM                    FILEPARM         10
C     LIB           PARM                    LIBPARM          10
 * Delete the user space if it exists
C                   CALL      'QUSDLTUS'                           10
C                   PARM                    SPACENAME
C                   PARM                    IGNERR
 * Create the user space
C                   CALL      'QUSCRTUS'
C                   PARM                    SPACENAME
C                   PARM                    ATTRIBUTE
C                   PARM                    INIT_SIZE
C                   PARM      ' '           INIT_VALUE        1
C                   PARM                    AUTHORITY
C                   PARM                    TEXT
 * Call the API to list the members in the requested file
C                   CALL      'QUSLMBR'
C                   PARM                    SPACENAME
C                   PARM      'MBRL0100'    MBR_LIST          8
C                   PARM                    FILE_LIB
C                   PARM                    WHICHMBR
C                   PARM                    OVERRIDE
 * Get a pointer to the user-space
C                   CALL      'QUSPTRUS'
C                   PARM                    SPACENAME
C                   PARM                    PTR
 * Set the basing pointer for the member array
 * MBRARR now overlays ARR starting at the beginning of
 * the member information.
C                   EVAL      MBRPTR = %ADDR(ARR(OFFSET))
C                   MOVE      SIZE          CHARSIZE          3
C                   EVAL      %SUBST(FIRST_LAST:1:3)  = CHARSIZE
C                   EVAL      %SUBST(FIRST_LAST:23:10) = MBRARR(1)
C                   EVAL      %SUBST(FIRST_LAST:41:10) = MBRARR(SIZE)
C                   EVAL      *INLR = '1'

When coding basing pointers, make sure that the pointer is set to storage that is large enough and of the correct type for the based field. Figure 101 shows some examples of how not to code basing pointers.

Figure 101. How Not to Code Basing Pointers
*.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+...
D chr10           S             10a   based(ptr1)
D char100         S            100a   based(ptr1)
D p1              S              5p 0 based(ptr1)
CL0N01++++++++++++++Opcode(E)+Extended Factor 2++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  * Set ptr1 to the address of p1, a numeric field
  * Set chr10 (which is based on ptr1) to 'abc'
  * The data written to p1 will be unreliable because of the data
  * type incompatibility.
C                   EVAL      ptr1 = %addr(p1)
C                   EVAL      chr10 = 'abc'
  * Set ptr1 to the address of chr10, a 10-byte field.
  * Set chr100, a 100-byte field, all to 'x'
  * 10 bytes are written to chr10, and 90 bytes are written in other
  * storage, the location being unknown.
C                   EVAL      ptr1 = %addr(chr10)
C                   EVAL      chr100 = *all'x'

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