Searching an Array Without an Index

When searching an array without an index, use the status (on or off) of the resulting indicators to determine whether a particular element is present in the array. Searching an array without an index can be used for validity checking of input data to determine if a field is in a list of array elements. Generally, an equal LOOKUP is requested.

In factor 1 in the calculation specifications, specify the search argument (data for which you want to find a match in the array named) and place the array name factor 2.

In factor 2 specify the name of the array to be searched. At least one resulting indicator must be specified. Entries must not be made in both high and low for the same LOOKUP operation. The resulting indicators must not be specified in high or low if the array is not in sequence (ASCEND or DESCEND keywords). Control level and conditioning indicators (specified in positions 7 through 11) can also be used. The result field cannot be used.

The search starts at the beginning of the array and ends at the end of the array or when the conditions of the lookup are satisfied. Whenever an array element is found that satisfies the type of search being made (equal, high, low), the resulting indicator is set on.

Figure 78 shows an example of a LOOKUP on an array without an index.

Figure 78. LOOKUP Operation for an Array without an Index
FARRFILE   IT   F    5        DISK
DDPTNOS           S              5S 0 DIM(50) FROMFILE(ARRFILE)
C* The LOOKUP operation is processed and, if an element of DPTNOS equal
C* to the search argument (DPTNUM) is found, indicator 20 is set on.
C     DPTNUM        LOOKUP    DPTNOS                                 20

ARRFILE, which contains department numbers, is defined in the file description specifications as an input file (I in position 17) with an array file designation (T in position 18). The file is program described (F in position 22), and each record is 5 positions in length (5 in position 27).

In the definition specifications, ARRFILE is defined as containing the array DPTNOS. The array contains 50 entries (DIM(50)). Each entry is 5 positions in length (positions 33-39) with zero decimal positions (positions 41-42). One department number can be contained in each record (PERRCD defaults to 1).

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