Additional Rules

Remember the following rules when you are working with the array *IN, the array element *IN(xx) or the field *INxx:

See Figure 29 for some examples of indicators referred to as data.

Figure 29. Examples of Indicators Referred to as Data
 *  When this program is called, a single parameter is passed to
 *  control some logic in the program.  The parameter sets the value
 *  of indicator 50.  The parameter must be passed with a character
 *  value of 1 or 0.
C     *ENTRY        PLIST
C     *IN50         PARM                    SWITCH            1
 *  Subroutine SUB1 uses indicators 61 through 68.  Before the
 *  subroutine is processed, the status of these indicators used in
 *  the mainline program is saved.  (Assume that the indicators are
 *  set off in the beginning of the subroutine.)  After the subroutine
 *  is processed, the indicators are returned to their original state.
C                   MOVEA     *IN(61)        SAV8             8
C                   EXSR      SUB1
C                   MOVEA     SAV8          *IN(61)
 *  A code field (CODE) contains a numeric value of 1 to 5 and is
 *  used to set indicators 71 through 75.  The five indicators are set
 *  off.  Field X is calculated as 70 plus the CODE field.  Field X is
 *  then used as the index into the array *IN.  Different subroutines
 *  are then used based on the status of indicators 71 through 75.
C                   MOVEA     '00000'       *IN(71)
C   70              ADD       CODE          X                 3 0
C                   MOVE      *ON           *IN(X)
C   71              EXSR      CODE1
C   72              EXSR      CODE2
C   73              EXSR      CODE3
C   74              EXSR      CODE4
C   75              EXSR      CODE5

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