Interface ReturnCodeException

All Known Implementing Classes:
AS400AuthenticationException, AS400Exception, AS400SecurityException, ConnectionDroppedException, DestroyFailedException, ErrnoException, ErrorCompletingRequestException, ExtendedIllegalArgumentException, ExtendedIllegalStateException, ExtendedIOException, IllegalObjectTypeException, IllegalPathNameException, InternalErrorException, LicenseException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, ObjectDoesNotExistException, ProxyException, RefreshFailedException, RequestNotSupportedException, ResourceException, RetrieveFailedException, ServerStartupException, SwapFailedException

public interface ReturnCodeException

The ReturnCodeException interface defines the methods required for exceptions that contain a return code. A return code is used to further identify the cause of an error when an exception can be thrown for several reasons. The return code values are defined in the class that implements this interface.

Method Summary
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 int getReturnCode()
          Returns the return code associated with this exception.

Method Detail


int getReturnCode()
Returns the return code associated with this exception.

The return code associated with this exception.