Class ProgramParameter

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
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public class ProgramParameter
extends Object
implements Serializable

Used with ProgramCall and ServiceProgramCall to pass parameter data, either to a program, from a program, or both. Input data is passed to a program as a byte array with setInputData(). Output data is requested from a program by specifying the amount of data to return with setOutputDataLength(). To get the output data once the program has run, use getOutputData(). These values may also be set on the constructor.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Modifier and Type Field and Description
          Constant indicating parameter data is passed by reference.
static int PASS_BY_VALUE
          Constant indicating parameter data is passed by value.
Constructor Summary
Constructor and Description
          Constructs a ProgramParameter object.
ProgramParameter(byte[] inputData)
          Constructs a ProgramParameter object.
ProgramParameter(byte[] inputData, int outputDataLength)
          Constructs ProgramParameter object.
ProgramParameter(int outputDataLength)
          Constructs a ProgramParameter object.
ProgramParameter(int parameterType, byte[] inputData)
          Constructs a ProgramParameter object.
ProgramParameter(int parameterType, byte[] inputData, int outputDataLength)
          Constructs ProgramParameter object.
ProgramParameter(int parameterType, int outputDataLength)
          Constructs a ProgramParameter object.
Method Summary
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Adds a PropertyChangeListener.
 void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
          Adds a VetoableChangeListener.
 byte[] getInputData()
          Returns the parameter data that will be sent to the program.
 byte[] getOutputData()
          Returns the parameter data that has been received from the program.
 int getOutputDataLength()
          Returns the output parameter data length.
 int getParameterType()
          Returns the program parameter type.
 boolean isNullParameter()
          Indicates if this object represents a null parameter.
 void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Removes this PropertyChangeListener.
 void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
          Removes this VetoableChangeListener.
 void setInputData(byte[] inputData)
          Sets the parameter data that will be sent to the program.
 void setNullParameter(boolean nullParameter)
          Sets the parameter to null.
 void setOutputDataLength(int outputDataLength)
          Sets the output parameter data length.
 void setParameterType(int parameterType)
          Sets the type of program parameter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int PASS_BY_VALUE
Constant indicating parameter data is passed by value. (This is the default.)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PASS_BY_REFERENCE
Constant indicating parameter data is passed by reference.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ProgramParameter()
Constructs a ProgramParameter object.


public ProgramParameter(byte[] inputData)
Constructs a ProgramParameter object. An input parameter is created since a byte array containing parameter data is passed on this constructor.

inputData - The parameter data to be used as input to the program.


public ProgramParameter(int outputDataLength)
Constructs a ProgramParameter object. An output parameter is created, since the size of the output data is passed on this constructor.

outputDataLength - The amount of data to be returned from the program (number of bytes).


public ProgramParameter(byte[] inputData,
                        int outputDataLength)
Constructs ProgramParameter object. A parameter that is both an input and an output parameter is created, since both data passed to the program and the amount of data returned from the program are passed on this constructor.

inputData - Parameter data passed to the program.
outputDataLength - The amount of data to be returned from the program (number of bytes).


public ProgramParameter(int parameterType,
                        byte[] inputData)
Constructs a ProgramParameter object. An input parameter is created, since a byte array containing parameter data is passed on this constructor. The type indicates if the data is pass by reference or pass by value. The type attribute is used by ServiceProgramCall.

parameterType - The type of parameter. Valid values are PASS_BY_VALUE and PASS_BY_REFERENCE. The default is PASS_BY_VALUE.
inputData - The parameter data to be used as input to the program.


public ProgramParameter(int parameterType,
                        int outputDataLength)
Constructs a ProgramParameter object. An output parameter is created, since the size of the output data is passed on this constructor. The type indicates if the data is pass by reference or pass by value. The type attribute is used by ServiceProgramCall.

parameterType - The type of parameter. Valid values are PASS_BY_VALUE and PASS_BY_REFERENCE. The default is PASS_BY_VALUE.
outputDataLength - The amount of data to be returned from the program (number of bytes).


public ProgramParameter(int parameterType,
                        byte[] inputData,
                        int outputDataLength)
Constructs ProgramParameter object. A parameter that is both an input and an output parameter is created, since both data passed to the program and the amount of data returned from the program are passed on this constructor. The type indicates if the data is pass by reference or pass by value. The type attribute is used by ServiceProgramCall.

parameterType - The type of parameter. Valid values are PASS_BY_VALUE and PASS_BY_REFERENCE. The default is PASS_BY_VALUE.
inputData - The parameter data to be used as input to the program.
outputDataLength - The amount of data to be returned from the program (number of bytes).
Method Detail


public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
Adds a PropertyChangeListener. The specified PropertyChangeListener's propertyChange method will be called each time the value of any bound property is changed. The PropertyListener object is added to a list of PropertyChangeListeners managed by this ProgramParameter. It can be removed with removePropertyChangeListener.

listener - The PropertyChangeListener.


public void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
Adds a VetoableChangeListener. The specified VetoableChangeListeners vetoableChange method will be called each time the value of any constrained property is changed.

listener - The VetoableChangeListener.


public byte[] getInputData()
Returns the parameter data that will be sent to the program. Null is returned if the input data has not been set.

The parameter data to be used as input to the program.


public byte[] getOutputData()
Returns the parameter data that has been received from the program. Null is returned if this parameter is an input parameter. Null is also returned before the program is called.

The output data returned from the program.


public int getOutputDataLength()
Returns the output parameter data length.

The amount of data to be returned from the program (number of bytes).


public int getParameterType()
Returns the program parameter type. The type indicates if data is passed by reference or passed by value. The type attribute is used by ServiceProgramCall.

The program parameter type. The type is one of the following:


public boolean isNullParameter()
Indicates if this object represents a null parameter.

true if the parameter is null; false otherwise.


public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
Removes this PropertyChangeListener. If the PropertyChangeListener is not on the list, nothing is done.

listener - The PropertyChangeListener.


public void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
Removes this VetoableChangeListener. If the VetoableChangeListener is not on the list, nothing is done.

listener - The VetoableChangeListener.


public void setInputData(byte[] inputData)
                  throws PropertyVetoException
Sets the parameter data that will be sent to the program.

inputData - The parameter data to be used as input to the program.
PropertyVetoException - If the change is vetoed.


public void setNullParameter(boolean nullParameter)
Sets the parameter to null. Calling this method will clear any set input data or output data length. Setting input data or an output data length will make the parameter not null.

nullParameter - The parameter data to be used as input to the program.


public void setOutputDataLength(int outputDataLength)
                         throws PropertyVetoException
Sets the output parameter data length.

outputDataLength - The amount of data to be returned from the program (number of bytes).
PropertyVetoException - If the change is vetoed.


public void setParameterType(int parameterType)
                      throws PropertyVetoException
Sets the type of program parameter. The type indicates if the data is pass by reference or pass by value. The type attribute is used by ServiceProgramCall.

parameterType - The type of the program parameter. The type must be one of the following: The default is PASS_BY_VALUE.
PropertyVetoException - If the change is vetoed.