Class BinaryConverter

  extended by

public class BinaryConverter
extends Object

A binary types converter between Java byte arrays and Java simple types.

Method Summary
Modifier and Type Method and Description
static double byteArrayToDouble(byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified IBM i data type to a double.
static float byteArrayToFloat(byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified IBM i data type to a float.
static int byteArrayToInt(byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified IBM i data type to an int.
static long byteArrayToLong(byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified IBM i data type to a long.
static short byteArrayToShort(byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified IBM i data type to a short.
static long byteArrayToUnsignedInt(byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified IBM i data type to a long.
static int byteArrayToUnsignedShort(byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified IBM i data type to an int.
static String bytesToString(byte[] b)
          Convert the specified byte array to its hexadecimal String representation.
static String bytesToString(byte[] b, int offset, int length)
          Convert the specified byte array to its hexadecimal String representation.
static byte[] doubleToByteArray(double doubleValue)
          Convert the specified double into IBM i format in a byte array.
static void doubleToByteArray(double doubleValue, byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified double into IBM i format in the specified byte array.
static byte[] floatToByteArray(float floatValue)
          Convert the specified float into IBM i format in a byte array.
static void floatToByteArray(float floatValue, byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified float into IBM i format in the specified byte array.
static byte[] floatToByteArray(int floatValue)
          Deprecated. Use floatToByteArray(float) instead.
static byte[] intToByteArray(int intValue)
          Convert the specified int into IBM i format in a byte array.
static void intToByteArray(int intValue, byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified int into IBM i format in the specified byte array.
static byte[] longToByteArray(long longValue)
          Convert the specified long into IBM i format in a byte array.
static void longToByteArray(long longValue, byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified long into IBM i format in the specified byte array.
static byte[] shortToByteArray(short shortValue)
          Convert the specified short into IBM i format in a byte array.
static void shortToByteArray(short shortValue, byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified short into IBM i format in the specified byte array.
static byte[] stringToBytes(String s)
          Convert the specified hexadecimal String into a byte array containing the byte values for the hexadecimal characters in the String.
static byte[] unsignedIntToByteArray(long longValue)
          Convert the specified long into IBM i format in a byte array.
static void unsignedIntToByteArray(long longValue, byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified long into IBM i format in the specified byte array.
static byte[] unsignedShortToByteArray(int intValue)
          Convert the specified int into IBM i format in a byte array.
static void unsignedShortToByteArray(int intValue, byte[] serverValue, int offset)
          Convert the specified int into IBM i format in the specified byte array.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void shortToByteArray(short shortValue,
                                    byte[] serverValue,
                                    int offset)
Convert the specified short into IBM i format in the specified byte array. The converted value will occupy 2 bytes.

shortValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format.
serverValue - The array to receive the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.


public static byte[] shortToByteArray(short shortValue)
Convert the specified short into IBM i format in a byte array.

shortValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format.
An array (of length 2) with the data type in IBM i format.


public static short byteArrayToShort(byte[] serverValue,
                                     int offset)
Convert the specified IBM i data type to a short.

serverValue - The array containing the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.
a short corresponding to the data type.


public static void intToByteArray(int intValue,
                                  byte[] serverValue,
                                  int offset)
Convert the specified int into IBM i format in the specified byte array. The converted value will occupy 4 bytes.

intValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format.
serverValue - The array to receive the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.


public static byte[] intToByteArray(int intValue)
Convert the specified int into IBM i format in a byte array.

intValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format.
An array (of length 4) with the data type in IBM i format.


public static int byteArrayToInt(byte[] serverValue,
                                 int offset)
Convert the specified IBM i data type to an int.

serverValue - The array containing the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.
an int corresponding to the data type.


public static void floatToByteArray(float floatValue,
                                    byte[] serverValue,
                                    int offset)
Convert the specified float into IBM i format in the specified byte array. The converted value will occupy 4 bytes.

floatValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format.
serverValue - The array to receive the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.


public static byte[] floatToByteArray(int floatValue)
Deprecated. Use floatToByteArray(float) instead.

Convert the specified float into IBM i format in a byte array.

floatValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format.
An array (of length 4) with the data type in IBM i format.


public static byte[] floatToByteArray(float floatValue)
Convert the specified float into IBM i format in a byte array.

floatValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format.
An array (of length 4) with the data type in IBM i format.


public static float byteArrayToFloat(byte[] serverValue,
                                     int offset)
Convert the specified IBM i data type to a float.

serverValue - The array containing the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.
a float corresponding to the data type.


public static void doubleToByteArray(double doubleValue,
                                     byte[] serverValue,
                                     int offset)
Convert the specified double into IBM i format in the specified byte array. The converted value will occupy 8 bytes.

doubleValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format.
serverValue - The array to receive the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.


public static byte[] doubleToByteArray(double doubleValue)
Convert the specified double into IBM i format in a byte array.

doubleValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format.
An array (of length 8) with the data type in IBM i format.


public static double byteArrayToDouble(byte[] serverValue,
                                       int offset)
Convert the specified IBM i data type to a double.

serverValue - The array containing the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.
a double corresponding to the data type.


public static void unsignedShortToByteArray(int intValue,
                                            byte[] serverValue,
                                            int offset)
Convert the specified int into IBM i format in the specified byte array. The converted value will occupy 2 bytes.

intValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format. The integer should be greater than or equal to zero and representable in two bytes.
serverValue - The array to receive the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.


public static byte[] unsignedShortToByteArray(int intValue)
Convert the specified int into IBM i format in a byte array.

intValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format. The integer should be greater than or equal to zero and representable in two bytes.
An array (of length 2) with the data type in IBM i format.


public static int byteArrayToUnsignedShort(byte[] serverValue,
                                           int offset)
Convert the specified IBM i data type to an int.

serverValue - The array containing the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.
an int corresponding to the data type, derived from the 2 bytes of data starting at the specified offset.


public static void unsignedIntToByteArray(long longValue,
                                          byte[] serverValue,
                                          int offset)
Convert the specified long into IBM i format in the specified byte array. The converted value will occupy 4 bytes.

longValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format. The long should be greater than or equal to zero and representable in four bytes.
serverValue - The array to receive the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.


public static byte[] unsignedIntToByteArray(long longValue)
Convert the specified long into IBM i format in a byte array.

longValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format. The long should be greater than or equal to zero and representable in four bytes.
An array (of length 4) with the data type in IBM i format.


public static long byteArrayToUnsignedInt(byte[] serverValue,
                                          int offset)
Convert the specified IBM i data type to a long.

serverValue - The array containing the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.
a long corresponding to the data type.


public static void longToByteArray(long longValue,
                                   byte[] serverValue,
                                   int offset)
Convert the specified long into IBM i format in the specified byte array. The converted value will occupy 8 bytes.

longValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format.
serverValue - The array to receive the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.


public static byte[] longToByteArray(long longValue)
Convert the specified long into IBM i format in a byte array.

longValue - The value to be converted to IBM i format.
An array (of length 8) with the data type in IBM i format.


public static long byteArrayToLong(byte[] serverValue,
                                   int offset)
Convert the specified IBM i data type to a long.

serverValue - The array containing the data type in IBM i format.
offset - The offset into the byte array for the start of the IBM i value.
a long corresponding to the data type.


public static final String bytesToString(byte[] b)
Convert the specified byte array to its hexadecimal String representation. Example generated string: "010203047E7F".

b - The array containing the data.
A String containing the hex characters that represent the byte data.


public static final String bytesToString(byte[] b,
                                         int offset,
                                         int length)
Convert the specified byte array to its hexadecimal String representation. Example generated string: "010203047E7F".

b - The array containing the data.
offset - The offset into the array at which to begin reading bytes.
length - The number of bytes to read out of the array.
A String containing the hex characters that represent the byte data.


public static final byte[] stringToBytes(String s)
Convert the specified hexadecimal String into a byte array containing the byte values for the hexadecimal characters in the String. If the String contains characters other than those allowed for a hexadecimal String (0-9 and A-F), an exception will be thrown.

s - The String containing the hexadecimal representation of the data.
A byte array containing the byte values of the hex characters.