CICS® Transaction Gateway Base API Programming Reference v8.1.0.2
Interface Session

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Session

An object that implements the Session interface can be passed to the Terminal send method. The Session handleReply method will be called by the Terminal when an EPI event occurs - for example, when screen data is returned by the server. The Session also determines the type of synchronization used for when Terminal.send is called:

Field Summary
static int async
          Asynchronous EPI calls.
static int sync
          Synchronous EPI calls (the default).
Method Summary
 int getSyncType()
          Gets the type of synchronization to be used for this session.
 void handleReply(TerminalInterface terminal)
          Implement this method to handle EPI Events.

Field Detail


static final int sync
Synchronous EPI calls (the default).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int async
Asynchronous EPI calls.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


int getSyncType()
Gets the type of synchronization to be used for this session. Return either sync or async.

the synchronization type


void handleReply(TerminalInterface terminal)
Implement this method to handle EPI Events.

terminal - the terminal that generated the event

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