CICS® Transaction Gateway Base API Programming Reference v8.1.0.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Callbackable Provides base classes for developing Java client applications. 

Uses of Callbackable in

Methods in with parameters of type Callbackable
 void EPIRequest.getEventWithCallback(int isize, Callbackable callBack)
          Sets the Call_Type of this object to EPI_GET_EVENT and also sets the size and Callbackable object associated with this object.
 void EPIRequest.getEventWithCallback(int itermIndex, int isize, Callbackable callBack)
          Sets the Call_Type of this object to EPI_GET_EVENT and also sets the termIndex, size and Callbackable object associated with this object.
 ECIRequest ECIRequest.getStatus(java.lang.String strServer, int iMessageQualifier, Callbackable calBack)
          This method creates an ECIRequest object which can be used to find the current status of a CICS system.
 void ECIRequest.setCallback(Callbackable calBack)
          Sets the Callbackable object associated with this ECIRequest object.
 void EPIRequest.setCallback(Callbackable callBack)
          Sets the Callbackable object associated with this object.

Constructors in with parameters of type Callbackable
ECIRequest(int iCallType, java.lang.String strServer, java.lang.String strUserid, java.lang.String strPassword, java.lang.String strProgram, java.lang.String strTransid, byte[] abytCommarea, int iCommareaLength, int iExtendMode, int iLuwToken, int iMessageQualifier, Callbackable calBack)
          Extended constructor.
ECIRequest(int iCallType, java.lang.String strServer, java.lang.String strUserid, java.lang.String strPassword, java.lang.String strProgram, java.lang.String strTransid, Channel channel, int iExtendMode, int iLuwToken, int iMessageQualifier, Callbackable calBack)
          Extended constructor.

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