Class CatalogSearch.Entry

  • java.lang.Object
  • Enclosing class:

    public static class CatalogSearch.Entry
    extends java.lang.Object
    A static nested class of CatalogSearch which holds a catalog search entry. Entry types are either Catalog or Dataset. Catalog entries only contain a Catalog name, while Dataset entries contain the dataset name and the requested field data.
    See Also:
    isCatalogEntry(), isDatasetEntry()
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      java.lang.String getCatalogName()
      Return the name of the current Catalog (the entry name of the last Catalog entry read).
      int getEntryLength()
      Return the total length, in bytes, that this entry comprises in the work area.
      CatalogSearchField getField(java.lang.String fieldName)
      Return the field data associated with a fieldName.
      byte getFlag()
      Return the entry flag byte.
      java.lang.String getModuleId()
      Return the entry reason area module id.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Return a String containing the 1-44 character name (blanks trimmed)
      int getRc()
      Return the entry reason area return code.
      int getReason()
      Return the entry reason area reason code.
      char getType()
      Return the entry type.
      boolean hasError()
      Return true if the entry has an error.
      boolean hasReasonArea()
      Return true if the entry has a valid reason area.
      boolean isCatalogEntry()
      Return true if this entry is a Catalog entry.
      boolean isDatasetEntry()
      Return true if this entry is a Dataset entry.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • isCatalogEntry

        public boolean isCatalogEntry()
        Return true if this entry is a Catalog entry.
      • isDatasetEntry

        public boolean isDatasetEntry()
        Return true if this entry is a Dataset entry.
      • hasError

        public boolean hasError()
        Return true if the entry has an error. If so, the methods getRc() and getReason() can be used to determine what the error is.
      • getRc

        public int getRc()
        Return the entry reason area return code. Will be zero if hasError() is false.
      • getReason

        public int getReason()
        Return the entry reason area reason code. Will be zero if hasError() is false.
      • getModuleId

        public java.lang.String getModuleId()
        Return the entry reason area module id. Will be a zero length string if hasError() is false.
      • hasReasonArea

        public boolean hasReasonArea()
        Return true if the entry has a valid reason area. All catalog entries have a reason area; dataset entries have a reason area if in error (FLAG_CSIENTER != 0).
        true if the entry has a valid reason area.
      • getEntryLength

        public int getEntryLength()
        Return the total length, in bytes, that this entry comprises in the work area.

        Each entry has the following common information:

        • CSIFLAG[1]
        • CSITYPE[1]
        • CSIxNAME[44]
        If the entry is a Catalog entry or Dataset Entry that has an error, the following additional information will be present:
        • CSIxRETM[2]
        • CSIxRETR[1]
        • CSIxRETC[1]
        If the entry is a valid Dataset Entry, the above information will not be present, but a variable length field area (CSIEDATA) will be present.
        the length of the entry
      • getCatalogName

        public java.lang.String getCatalogName()
        Return the name of the current Catalog (the entry name of the last Catalog entry read).
      • getFlag

        public byte getFlag()
        Return the entry flag byte.

        See See FLAG_* constants for possible values and consult the Catalog Search Interface documentation for details.

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Return a String containing the 1-44 character name (blanks trimmed)
      • getField

        public CatalogSearchField getField(java.lang.String fieldName)
        Return the field data associated with a fieldName.
        fieldName - one of the names added via CatalogSearch.addFieldName(String).
        the field data
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if this method is called on a Catalog Entry
        java.util.NoSuchElementException - if the entry has no such field
        See Also:
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