Sterling B2B Integrator business processes for B2B Advanced Communications

You can use business processes in Sterling B2B Integrator for B2B Advanced Communications to send and receive messages with Sterling B2B Integrator.

You can use the sample business process as they are or use them as a basis for creating your own business processes. In addition, you can send customized events from any Sterling B2B Integrator business process to B2B Advanced Communications.

The business processes use the adapters that you configure for the integration module connection between B2B Advanced Communications and Sterling B2B Integrator.

B2B Advanced Communications integration module business processes

The sample business processes are:
This business process writes the document to the file share and sends a visibility event. There is no reply or response.
This business process writes the document to the file share and sends a visibility event. The business process uses the Business Document Sender adapter to send a reply or response.
This business process writes the document to the file share, sends a visibility event, and uses the Business Document Receiver adapter to send a reply.
This business process sets the sender and receiver lookup data and sends a visibility event. The business process calls the Business Document Sender adapter with the payload sent to the business process.
This business process writes the document to the file share and sends a visibility event. There is no reply or response.
This business process sets the sender and receiver lookup data and sends a visibility event. The business process calls the Business Document Sender adapter with the payload sent to the business process.

"Send to" and "Reply to" queues must be different

In a business process, do not set the Send to queue to the Reply to queue that messages specify for sending responses to Sterling B2B Integrator. The Send to queue is the queue that Sterling B2B Integrator writes messages to. The Reply to queue is the queue that is specified in the message that Sterling B2B Integrator listens on to receive replies from B2B Advanced Communications. For exchanges that have replies, you create the reply queue on WebSphere MQ as part of configuring the Sterling B2B Integrator bridge adapters. The AS4 outbound two-way push-pull exchange is an example or an exchange that sends a reply, Scenario: Configuring the bridge adapters for AS4 outbound two-way push-pull exchanges

Customized events in a business process

You can define customized events in a Sterling B2B Integrator business process and send the events to B2B Advanced Communications. To have customized events sent to B2B Advanced Communications> you:
  1. Configure the Visibility Event Sender adapter to use the MEIG Messaging Config adapter
  2. Have the business process call the Visibility Event Sender adapter that you configured
  3. Define your event in the business process. You can define more than one event in a business process
This example calls the Visibility Event Sender adapter named "VisEventSenderAdapterTest" and sends the customText, eventAction, and eventStatus for a single event.
<process name = "TestVisEventAdapter">

<!-- send vis event to MEG -->
	<operation name="VisEventAdapterType">
		<participant name="VisEventSenderAdapterTest"/>
		<output message="VisEventAdapterTypeInputMessage">
			<assign to="." from="*"></assign>
			<assign to="customText">customText</assign>
			<assign to="eventAction">CUSTOM</assign>
			<assign to="eventStatus">IN_PROGRESS</assign>
		<input message="inmsg">
			<assign to="." from="*"></assign>


Specifying SAML tokens to send to B2B Advanced Communications

You can pass SAML tokens from a business process that you edited with the Graphical Process Modeler to B2B Advanced Communications. The SAML token is sent through the Business Document Sender adapter and must be in a specific format. You must specify the SAML token in xml format within single quotation marks using the SendingPartnerSAML parameter.