

Displays part of the profiling information written to PDF and PDF map files. To use this command, you must first compile your program with the -qpdf1 option.


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            '-pdfdir-'  '- -f--pdfname-'  '- -m--pdfmapdir-'  '- -xml-'   


Is the directory that contains the profile-directed feedback (PDF) file. If the PDFDIR environment variable is not changed after the PDF1 step, the PDF map file is also contained in this directory. If this parameter is not specified, the compiler uses the value of the PDFDIR environment variable as the name of the directory.
Is the name of the PDF file. If this parameter is not specified, the compiler uses .<output_name>_pdf as the name of the PDF file by default, where <output_name> is the name of the output file that is generated when you compile your program with -qpdf1.
Is the directory that contains the PDF map file. If this parameter is not specified, the compiler uses the value of the PDFDIR environment variable as the name of the directory.
Determines the display format of the PDF information. If this parameter is specified, the PDF information is displayed in XML format; otherwise, it is displayed in text format. Because value profiling and cache-miss profiling information can be displayed only in XML format, the PDF report in XML format contains more information than the report in text format.


A PDF map file that contains static information is generated during the PDF1 step and a PDF file is generated during the execution of the resulting application. With the showpdf command, you can view the following types of profiling information that is gathered from your application:
  • Block-counter profiling
  • Call-counter profiling
  • Value profiling
  • Cache-miss profiling, if you specified the -qpdf1=level=2 option during the PDF1 step.
The showpdf command accepts only PDF files that are in binary format and needs both the PDF and PDF map files to display PDF information. You can view the first two types of profiling information in either text or XML format. However, you can view value profiling and cache-miss profiling information only in XML format.

If the PDFDIR environment variable is changed between the PDF1 step and the execution of the resulting application, the PDF and PDF map files are generated in separate directories. In this case, you must specify the directories for both of these files to the showpdf command.

You can find showpdf in /opt/ibm/xlC/13.1.6/bin/.


The following example shows how to use the showpdf command to view the profiling information for a Hello World application.

The source for the program file hello.c is as follows:
#include <stdio.h>  
void HelloWorld()
   printf("Hello World");
   return 0;
  1. Compile the source file.
    xlc -qpdf1 -O hello.c
  2. Run the resulting executable program a.out with a typical data set or several typical data sets.
  3. If you want to view the profiling information for the executable file in text format, run the showpdf command without any parameters.
    The result is as follows:
    HelloWorld(67):  1 (hello.c)
    Call Counters:
    4 | 1  printf(69)
    Call coverage = 100% ( 1/1 )
    Block Counters:
    2-4 | 1
    5 |
    5 | 1
    Block coverage = 100% ( 2/2 )
    main(68):  1 (hello.c)
    Call Counters:
    8 | 1  HelloWorld(67)
    Call coverage = 100% ( 1/1 )
    Block Counters:
    6-9 | 1
    10 |
    Block coverage = 100% ( 1/1 )
    Total Call coverage = 100% ( 2/2 )
    Total Block coverage = 100% ( 3/3 )
    If you want to view the profiling information in XML format, run the showpdf command with the -xml parameter.
    showpdf -xml
    The result is as follows:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
    - <XLTransformationReport xmlns="" version="1.0">
      - <CompilationStep name="showpdf">
        - <ProgramHierarchy>
          - <FileList>
            - <File id="1" name="hello.c">
              - <RegionList>
                  <Region id="67" name="HelloWorld" startLineNumber="2" /> 
                  <Region id="68" name="main" startLineNumber="6" /> 
          <TransformationHierarchy /> 
        - <ProfilingReports>
          - <BlockCounterList>
            - <BlockCounter regionId="67" execCount="1" coveredBlock="2" totalBlock="2">
              - <BlockList>
                  <Block index="3" execCount="1" startLineNumber="2" endLineNumber="4" /> 
                  <Block index="2" execCount="0" startLineNumber="5" endLineNumber="5" /> 
                  <Block index="4" execCount="1" startLineNumber="5" endLineNumber="5" /> 
            - <BlockCounter regionId="68" execCount="1" coveredBlock="1" totalBlock="1">
              - <BlockList>
                  <Block index="3" execCount="1" startLineNumber="6" endLineNumber="9" /> 
                  <Block index="2" execCount="0" startLineNumber="10" endLineNumber="10" /> 
          - <CallCounterList>
            - <CallCounter regionId="67" execCount="1" coveredCall="0" totalCall="0">
              - <CallList>
                  <Call name="printf" execCount="1" lineNumber="4" /> 
            - <CallCounter regionId="68" execCount="1" coveredCall="0" totalCall="0">
              - <CallList>
                  <Call name="HelloWorld" execCount="1" lineNumber="8" /> 
            <ValueProfileList /> 
            <CacheMissList /> 

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