Language support

The HATS user interface and context-sensitive help are provided in these languages:

All the languages are installed in a single product image. National language support is operating-system dependent, therefore the appropriate font and keyboard support for the language you want to use must be installed in the operating system. For example, if you want to use French as the host-session language but do not have the French font and keyboard support installed, you may not be able to display the correct characters.

  1. The HATS Toolkit start menu item is located in the IBM® Rational® HATS HATS V9.5 group under the Rational SDP package group in which you have installed HATS.
  2. When you use the HATS Toolkit start menu item, the HATS Toolkit starts in the language installed for Rational SDP, assuming the HATS Toolkit is translated in the same language.
  3. For more information about starting HATS using Arabic, see HATS Toolkit screen orientation.

Language codes

Language codes are used in different parts of the product to determine which language to present to the user. Refer to Table 11 for the language and language code.

Table 11. HATS language codes
Language Language Code
Arabic ar
Czech cs
German de
English en
Spanish es
French fr
Hungarian hu
Italian it
Japanese ja
Korean ko
Polish pl
Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR
Russian ru
Turkish tr
Chinese (Simplified) zh
Chinese (Traditional) zh_TW

Code pages

HATS supports the following code pages. You can select the code page for each HATS project when you create the project, and you can modify it later in the project editor.

Table 12. Code pages
Code page Location or usage
United States
Belgium (Old)
Brazil (Old)
Latin-America (Spanish)
United Kingdom
Arabic Speaking
Hebrew (New Code)
Hebrew (Old Code)
Czech Republic
Multilingual ISO Euro
Japanese (Katakana)
Japan (Katakana Extended)
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese)
Note: To support accented characters see
Using accented characters for code page 937.

Japanese (Latin Extended)
FYR Macedonia
Serbia/Montenegro (Cyrillic)
Open Edition
Belgium Euro
Brazil Euro
Canada Euro
Netherlands Euro
Portugal Euro
United States Euro
Austria Euro
Germany Euro
Denmark Euro
Norway Euro
Finland Euro
Sweden Euro
Italy Euro
Latin-America Euro (Spanish)
Spain Euro
United Kingdom Euro
France Euro
Multilingual Euro
Iceland Euro
Bosnia/Herzegovina Euro
Croatia Euro
Czech Republic Euro
Hungary Euro
Poland Euro
Romania Euro
Slovakia Euro
Slovenia Euro
Belarus Euro
Bulgaria Euro
FYR Macedonia Euro
Russia Euro
Serbia/Montenegro (Cyrillic) Euro
Turkey Euro
Latvia Euro
Lithuania Euro
Estonia Euro
Ukraine Euro
Thai Euro
Kazakhstan Euro
Korea Euro
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) Euro
PRC (Simplified Chinese Extended; GB18030)
Japanese (Katakana Unicode Extended)
Japanese (Latin Unicode Extended)

Encoding settings

The character set used in HATS JSPs, such as HATS transformations and templates, must match the encoding configured in the user's browser, as well as the encoding specified in the application server. HATS applications create JSPs in all locales using the UTF-8 character set.

WebSphere® Application Server has different default encoding settings for different locales. Some double-byte characters and bidirectional language data input might be decoded incorrectly if the encoding setting for that locale is not UTF-8. You must configure the application server on which your HATS application runs to use the same encoding used by the JSP in your HATS application. To configure UTF-8, follow these steps:

  1. Open the WebSphere Application Server administrative console. If using the local test environment in Rational SDP, in the Servers view, right-click on the server and select Administration > Run administrative console.
  2. Log into the administrative console, open the Servers tree in the left navigation panel, and select Application servers.
  3. Select the server name to modify.
  4. In the right panel, open the Java™ and Process Management tree, select Process Definition, and on the panel that opens next, select Java Virtual Machine .
  5. In the Generic JVM arguments section, enter -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8.
  6. Click the OK button.
  7. Select the Save links in the Messages blocks.
  8. Log off, and restart WebSphere Application Server.

5250 Unicode support

The Enable Unicode Data Stream parameter, allows you to configure a connection parameter for 5250 hosts. The unicodeDataStreamEnabled parameter is a parameter on the Advanced tab of the Connection Editor. To add the parameter, go to the Configure optional, advanced connections settings and click the Add button. Select the unicodeDataStreamEnabled parameter from the pull down Name menu and enter the Value. Click OK.

Using accented characters for code page 937

If you use the Traditional Chinese code page 937 for a 5250 connection and want to support the use of accented characters, you must add the advanced connection settings parameter, useAccentedCharacters, and set its value to true on the Advanced tab of the Connection editor. See Advanced for how to add Host On-Demand session parameters. In addition, because the CCSID 937 does not support accented characters, to use this support you must ensure that the CCSID is 65535 on the host. This feature is only supported for 5250 connections.

Using code page 1388 (GB18030)

Following is a list of considerations when using the PRC (Simplified Chinese Extended; GB18030) code page 1388:

Host code mapping for code pages 1390 and 1399

There have been host-to-PC code mapping inconsistencies between IBM Personal Communications and Host On-Demand products on a number of DBCS code points when Japanese host code page 1390 or 1399 is used. In Host On-Demand, the UseHodCDRA1399 parameter controls the Unicode remap to correct the inconsistencies. The following table summarizes the mapping for both true and false settings of the UseHodCDRA1399 parameter:

Table 13. Summary of Unicode mapping
Unicode code point
Unicode code point
0x4260 U+FF0D (Fullwidth hyphen-minus) U+2212 (Minus sign)
0xE9F3 U+2212 (Minus sign) U+FF0D (Fullwidth hyphen-minus)
0x43A1 U+FF5E (Fullwidth Tilde) U+301C (Wave Dash)
0xE9F4 U+301C (Wave Dash) U+FF5E (Fullwidth Tilde)
0x447C U+2225 (Parallel To) U+2016 (Double Vertical Line)
0xDFE5 U+2016 (Double Vertical Line) U+2225 (Parallel To)
0x444A U+2015 (Horizontal Bar) U+2014 (EM Dash)
0xDDB7 U+2014 (EM Dash) U+2015 (Horizontal Bar)
0x426A U+FFE4 (Fullwidth Broken Bar) U+00A6 (Broken Bar)
0xE9F5 U+00A6 (Broken Bar) U+FFE4 (Fullwidth Broken Bar)

HATS uses the Host On-Demand UseHodCDRA1399 parameter for the same purpose. The HATS default for the UseHodCDRA1399 parameter is false. To set the parameter to true, edit the connection in your HATS project and perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Advanced tab.
  2. Click Add.
  3. From the drop-down list of parameter names, select UseHodCDRA1399.
  4. Set the parameter value to true.
  5. Click OK.

JIS2004 support

JIS2004, which is a new Japanese national standard coded character set, adds three types of new characters:

  1. Normal new characters that were not available before JIS2004 support.
  2. Surrogate characters, which are two linked Unicode code points that represent a single character. The two Unicode code points are meaningless if they are separated.
  3. Combining characters, which are two Unicode code points combined as one character. The two individual Unicode code points that combine to form a combining character can be displayed separately also.

JIS2004 support considerations and limitations

When using JIS2004 in your applications, consider the following items:

  1. JIS2004 is the default Japanese font support with Windows Vista SP1. If you want to continue using JIS90 on the Vista operating system, you can install Microsoft service pack KB927490, which can be downloaded and applied through Windows Update as additional software.
  2. To display JIS2004 characters in Windows XP, you must install Microsoft patch KB927489. Even when the patch is installed, you will not be able to insert some JIS2004 characters, such as the surrogate characters, since IME is not supported.
  3. The default font setting in HATS does not display JIS2004 characters correctly without some changes to the font settings.

    For HATS Web applications, enable the style setting in each HATS widget, such as the Field Widget, to add the following fonts:

    For HATS rich client applications, set the font setting in each HATS widget to the MS Mincho font.

  4. When using Internet Explorer V7 and higher, new JIS2004 characters can be supported correctly by setting the fonts as described in the previous item.
  5. When using Internet Explorer V6, or when using the preview function in the HATS Toolkit running on Windows XP, some new JIS2004 characters are not displayed correctly at all.
  6. Surrogate character support:
    1. In the HATS terminal, when entering JIS2004 characters using IME, the candidate window displays surrogate characters as black squares. However, when the characters are sent to HATS, the HATS terminal displays the surrogate characters correctly.
    2. JIS2004 surrogate characters are not supported for Host On-Demand custom tables.
  7. Combining character support:
    1. Windows applications, such as Notepad, and Firefox Version 3 correctly handle JIS2004 combining characters as one character. However, when running HATS rich client applications at runtime, or running HATS Web applications in Internet Explorer, the combining character is handled as two separate characters instead of one character in input fields. The cursor can be placed between the two combining characters.
    2. When running HATS Web applications at runtime in Internet Explorer, if you enter combining characters in the input field, and the Show unprotected Shift Out/Shift In characters as spaces setting in the DBCS section of the Rendering tab is enabled, combining characters become white squares. You can correct the white squares by disabling the setting, or using the Firefox browser.
    3. The HATS PDF print function cannot display combining characters correctly.

JIS2004 support for PDT printing and Print-to-File for 3270E sessions

To print JIS2004 characters:

The following table shows the results of specifying different values for the KANJI_CODE session parameter with different pdfpdt files when printing data with JIS2004 characters to an output file (Print-to-File):

Table 14. KANJI_CODE session parameter summary
Session parameter in pdfpdt file ASCII text mode (basic_dbcs.pdf) Other supported printers (esc_*.pdf, ibm*.pdf, lips*.pdf, etc.)
KANJI_CODE=SHIFT_JIS Not applicable since surrogate pairs can not be stored in a native PC file. The output is saved to a native PC file and font images (binary data) for JIS2004 characters and UDA characters are stored in this file.
KANJI_CODE=UNICODE The output is saved to a Unicode file; surrogate pairs and UDA characters are stored in UCS-2. Not applicable since a PC printer does not accept Unicode data.

In addition, you should also configure the session parameters printerMimeType and printSaveAsExtension properly when printing to a file:

Table 15. Print-to-File session parameter summary
Setting Session parameter in pdfpdt file Session parameter printerMimeType in HATS Session parameter printSaveAsExtension in HATS Results
Setting for further printing KANJI_CODE=SHIFT_JIS application/octet-stream .bin A native PC file with binary data.
Setting for ASCII text mode KANJI_CODE=UNICODE text/plain .txt A UCS-2 file.

For more information see Defining print support for your project and Printing.

Disabling JIS2004 support for code pages 1390 and 1399

To disable JIS2004 support for a connection using code pages 1390 and 1399, perform the following steps:

  1. Expand your project in the HATS Projects view.
  2. Expand the Connections folder
  3. Double-click on the connection to open the connection editor.
  4. Click the Advanced tab.
  5. Under Configure optional, advanced connection settings, click Add.
  6. On the Add Parameter panel, enter the following settings.
    1. In the Name field enter enableJIS2004.
    2. In the Value field enter false.
    3. Click OK.
You must disable JIS2004 support to enable viewing certain PDFs files created by HATS print support. For more information, see For 3270E connections.

Remapping keyboard and display characters

HATS support for Host On-Demand custom tables allows you to remap the user's keyboard and display characters by customizing the host to PC code page conversion tables. A custom table file can contain any number of tables, in any combination of keyboard and display tables. Keyboard tables remap the user's keyboard characters as input customized for a host application. Display tables remap host display characters into screen output customized for the user.

This remapping has no relation to HATS keyboard mapping. This remapping deals with character remapping, for example, a, b, and c. Whereas HATS keyboard mapping deals with control key mapping, for example, Clear, Enter, and F1. For more information about HATS keyboard mapping see Enabling keyboard support.

A sample custom table file, CustomTableExample.txt, is located in the <RationalSDP_install_directory>\hats\customtables directory. The file format is similar to that of Java properties files. Lines that start with # are comments, and variables shown as n and N are hexadecimal values. The following example shows the format of the sample custom table file.

##### Start of file
# Map SBCS Local nn to SBCS EBCDIC NN in keyboard table
# Map DBCS Unicode nnnn to DBCS EBCDIC NNNN in keyboard table
# Map SBCS EBCDIC NN to SBCS local nn in display table
# Map DBCS EBCDIC NNNN to DBCS Unicode nnnn in display table
##### End of file

To enable the use of custom tables in your project:

  1. Create a custom table file using the sample as an example and copy it into a folder named, customtables, in the root of the .ear project of your HATS Web application or in the root of the HATS rich client Runtime Extension project for your HATS rich client project. If the customtables folder does not exist, create one.
  2. Open your HATS project.
  3. Edit the connection by double-clicking the name in the Connections directory.
  4. Click the Advanced tab.
  5. Click Add.
  6. In the Add Parameter dialog, select CustomTable from the drop-down list for Name and enter the name of your custom table file in the Value field.
  7. Click OK to exit the Add Parameter dialog.
  8. Save your changes to the connection settings.

Priority of character replacement

There are several ways to replace characters in HATS. Character replacement by these functions occurs in the following order:

  1. Custom table support
  2. UseHodCDRA1399 parameter for DBCS only
  3. User Defined Characters (UDCs) for DBCS only
  4. Text replacement

For example, if you use custom table support to change a display character, and text replacement is defined to change the same character, that character does not exist when text replacement occurs.