How can I create a landing page that has more than one web form?

Follow the steps to create a landing page with multiple web forms.

  1. Create the Web form.
  2. Publish the Landing Page Site.
  3. Return to the forms within Acoustic Campaign and get the External Form Post code from each form.
  4. Create a regular Landing Page (not a Web form), switch to the Source View, and paste the External Form Post code for each Web form.
  5. Publish the site.
  6. Send visitors to the URL for the regular landing page that is created in step 4.

When changes are made to individual Web forms, the site needs to be republished and the Landing Page with the multiple forms needs to be edited so that it has the latest External Form Post code.

Use of the <iframe> code for the forms can be done. However, going this route, there's fewer publication steps that are needed, but you are not able to customize the look of the forms as easily.