Mobile App color customization properties

You can use mobile system properties to configure the customization for the mobile app interface.

Note: Use the color code and values that you noted using the mobile app customization preview web page in the Customizing the Mobile App user interface.
Table 1. Mobile app customization properties
Property Description Default value
mobile.customization.brandicon This property is to customize the brand icon for the mobile app null
mobile.customization.brandtitle This property is to customize the text color for the brand title on the mobile app null
mobile.customization.headercolor This property is to customize the header background color for the mobile app null
mobile.customization.headertextcolor This property is to customize the header text color for the mobile app null
mobile.customization.headerimagebackgroundcolor This property is to customize the header image background color for the mobile app null
mobile.customization.pagebackgroundcolor This property is to customize the page background color for the mobile app null
mobile.customization.pagetextcolor This property is to customize the page text color for the mobile app null
mobile.customization.pageimagebackgroundcolor This property is to customize the page image background color for the mobile app null
mobile.customization.logintitlecolor This property is to customize the login page title color for the mobile app null
mobile.customization.buttonbackgroundcolor This property is to customize the button background color for the mobile app null
mobile.customization.buttontextcolor This property is to customize the button text color for the mobile app null
mobile.customization.maximoearpath This property is to give the path of Maximo EAR on the system opt/doclinks/mobile
Note: Above path is for Linux, for window, use below path:
